Replace HSV CEO!
After considerable analysis, it has become blatantly obvious the HSV CEO needs to be replaced. Many debacles The lawsuits, the…
After considerable analysis, it has become blatantly obvious the HSV CEO needs to be replaced. Many debacles The lawsuits, the…
Written by Lloyd Sherman Hot Spring Villagers’ Expectations – Now that a few days have passed since the unfortunate events…
POA Meeting 5-15-19 The Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association (HSVPOA) Meeting on May 15, 2019 was chaotic. Upon arriving,…
Written by Lloyd Sherman, Hot Springs Village Property Owner Letter to HSVPOA Board of Directors May 14, 2019 Good morning…
Closed Board Meetings Proposed by HSVPOA B.M.B.S. (Board Monthly Brain Storming) Meetings, besides being a horrible acronym, are a horrible…
The following email was sent to the Board of Directors re: HSV POA needs a non-board Parliamentarian. Dear HSV POA…
TO THE RESIDENTS AND “MEMBERS” OF HSVPOA Written by Karen Daigle Lundberg, HSV Property Owner As Hot Springs Village is…
Has our CEO informed the Board of Directors about a potential HSV lawsuit? Hot Springs Village People received a communication…
It is not clear who the Concerned HSV Residents are who put the Marketing HSV – White Paper together. But…
Note from Editor: This Marketing HSV White Paper was written by a group of anonymous Concerned Villagers to the HSV…
Actions Speak Louder Than Words Linda Anderson, a resident of Hot Springs Village, Arkansas for 11 years, has stood before…
Written by Michael Fleming No time to waste in implementing good marketing strategy in HSV, Arkansas After watching Mr. Lemler’s…
This is what is happening in Hot Springs Village in April 2019 While trying not to sound too dramatic,…
In support of HSV Board Directors Greetings Friends and Neighbors, We have just elected three accomplished and capable new Board…
April 11, 2019, Phil Lemler presented a HSV Marketing Seminar (Workshop). There were more than 50 Villagers in attendance including…
*We would like to thank Board Director, Cindi Erickson for meeting with Hot Springs Village People on April 11, 2019…
Dear Ms. Nalley and POA Board Members: I am issuing yet another invitation to the “marketing” workshop at the Coronado…
Phil Lemler offers marketing seminar to HSV BOD & Management Phil Lemler, a professional with 45 years plus of marketing…
HSV POA is a nonprofit corporation Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association held a HSV Nonprofit Corporation Board Candidate Orientation…
Forward Together Forum – Outdoor Swimming Pool On March 11, 2019, the Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association held a…
Bubba and Rambo had just finished watching the video of the questions and answers session for The Three for HSV…
POA Board of Directors Election Written by Ron Tetu First and foremost, I am not associated with the campaign of any of the ten candidates for the 2019…
2019 Operations Beginning in May “I would like to take this opportunity to explain the situation with our undeveloped Hot…
This HSV POA Board election is unlike any previous election in Village History. There are many challenges facing the HSV…
A Vote for Lloyd Sherman is a Vote for “Property Owners First” As your advocate on the HSV POA Board…