The Hot Springs Village POA Board met for the last meeting of its 2021/2022 term on April 20, 2022. The purpose of this report is to link the different parts of the meeting into one place. There are also other meeting details included in this report.

Sitting at the meeting table:

Board Members: JoAnne (Joanie) Corry, Chair; Tucker Omohundro, Vice-chair; Gary Belair; Pamela (Pam) Avila; Robert (Bob) McLeod; Chris Jones

Staff: Kelly Hale, General Manager, and Board Secretary; Karl Russ, Controller; Katrina Heap, Executive Assistant to the General Manager;

Other staff :

Paul Sage, Marketing Manager

Others Making Presentations: Walter (Bob) Pettey, Governmental Affairs Chair; Larry Siener, Chair of the Finance and Planning Committee; Deb Fuller, Chair of the Recreation Committee.

Agenda for April 20, 2022, HSVPOA Annual Membership Meeting


Board Meeting Minutes 3-16-22


Combined Committee Meeting Minutes


Public Services Report


Appointment to Committees

  • Appointment of Michael Beaver to Common Property, Forest, & Wildlife Committee
  • Appointment of Steven Rittenmeyer to the Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC)
  • Appointment of Kim Botkin to Trails Committee
  • Appointment of Adam Birkner to Trails Committee

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Click here to read General Manager, Kelly Hale’s April 20, 2022, Annual Report.

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The financial report is Scheduled for May 4, 2022

Committee Quarterly Reports

Click here to read the GAC Quarterly Report by Walter Pettey.

Click here to read the Finance and Planning Committee Quarterly Report by Larry Siener.

Click here to read the Parks and Recreation Committee Quarterly Report by Deb Fuller.

Change of Language in Policies

There were two motions made by Director Belair which had to do with a little cleanup of the policies listed below. The word “CFO” was replaced with “Controller”, as the CFO position no longer exists within the staffing structure of the organization.

  • Chapter 1, Article 11 Delinquent Accounts/Bad Debt Write-Off Policy
  • Chapter 1, Article 18 Insurance Claims and Litigation Policy

Budgeted Golf Department Capital Equipment Purchase Motion Presented by Robert McLeod

Click here to read the previous discussion of the budgeted golf department capital equipment purchase from the April 7, 2022 Board Discussion Session.

Omohundro asked why there was such a variance in the mower deck and the zero-turn rough mower. “We have a bid of $6,000. We have a bid of $27,000 (mower deck). We also have a bid of $26,000 and another bid of $61,000 (rough-turn mower).

Hale answered, “Instead of buying both units with the mower and the deck, we were able to repurpose an old mower and just get the deck and be in good shape.”

Hale explained that they have seen astronomical bids with terms of 12 to 24 months before we can even obtain the item. The high bid for the zero-turn rough mower was just way out of line.


This motion passed unanimously.

Mowing of Residential Road Rights-of-Way Motion Presented by Tucker Omohundro

Click here to read the previous discussion of the Mowing of Residential Road Rights-of-Way Proposal from the April 7, 2022 Board Discussion Session. There was no discussion of this topic on April 20, as the previous April 7 discussion had already covered everything.


This motion passed unanimously.

Resolution of Appreciation for Chris Jones

General Manager Hale recognized Board Member, Chris Jones for his service to the POA and presented him with a Resolution of Recognition and Appreciation for a Retiring Board Member.

Chairman’s Award

“JoAnne Corry, Board Chair, presented the Annual Chairman’s Award to Hot Springs Village POA staff.” Corry stated, ‘The recipient of this award worked long hours, thought outside of the box, and was there when we needed them to provide operational support and service to Hot Springs Village property owners.’ Staff representatives from across the organization were present to receive the award.”

Board Member Comments

Belair expressed his appreciation to the HSVPOA staff for “sticking with the Village during a very rough year. We were down a lot of employees. We had bad weather in the first part of the year and COVID was still going and coming…”

Belair continued, “Secondly, the owners of the POA association did a lot of work last year. The Board received a lot of input concerning our finances and we heard a lot of comments, a lot of positive comments, and a lot of recommendations. The owners voted to increase the dues to support our future plans. So, again, I want to thank the owners for supporting the future of the Village.”

Jones said, “Being as it is my last meeting, I would then like to thank all of you for listening to my frame of speech over the last year. I know sometimes that it can be a little interesting to hear a different perspective, but I appreciate all of you for always taking the time to listen and take my comments to heart.”

Continuing, Jones said, “I also appreciate the owners out there, whether residents or just property owners at large for giving me the opportunity to sit on this Board, even if it was cut short. I don’t take it lightly to shirk the responsibility that I agreed to for the three years, but it has been an eye-opening year for me, just from the community perspective and seeing what all goes on within the POA operations, itself. It is quite enlightening. There is a lot behind the curtain, but it’s very cool to see all of the wheels turning. I second what Gary said, staff has been awesome this year…”

Corry thanked the Board for all they have accomplished this year. “Everyone has pitched in this year. Not just the Board. Not just the staff, but all of the volunteers. It’s incredible. It was really hard to decide where that award should go because we have so many incredible volunteers, also. Everyone that did their part in volunteering this year, thank you.”

Special Board Meeting

Click here to read about the Special Board Meeting which occurred immediately after the Annual Membership Meeting. At this Special Meeting, two Board Members (Jama Wegeng Lopez, and Bruce Caverly) were sworn into office.

Cheryl Dowden, HSV Gazette, April 23, 2022

Friday, April 22, 2022, HSVPOA Digest


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