The Hot Springs Village POA Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC) presented its quarterly report to the HSVPOA Board of Directors on April 20, 2022. Bob Pettey, Chair, discussed the recent GAC accomplishments, the present situation and plans for the future.
Pettey explained, There are three versions for this report. There is the one I prepared yesterday. There is the one I am going to give today. And then there is the really good one that I am going to think about tonight.” [laughter] Petty goes on to talk about the past, present, and anticipated future of the committee.
Two Recent GAC Projects
1. Economic Impact Report
This report has been in process for over a year with Dr. Wayne Miller of the University of Arkansas. Click here to view this report. This report details the positive economic impact the Village has on the region and is also chock full of many important facts and figures. “This document is phase one,” said Pettey. Phase two is making the document useful to the Village.
2. Candidate Primary Forums
In the past, GAC has sponsored candidate forums for the general elections, but this year it was decided to also hold primary forums. Click here to read the article about the HSV Democrat Primary Forum. Click here to read the article about the HSV Republican Primary Forum.
The GAC plans to hold a general election candidate forum in the Fall.

GAC Operating at about One-half Strength
While the committee is authorized to have eleven members, currently only six people are on the committee. “Our first order of business, therefore,” stated Pettey, “is to fill the ranks.”
The HSV email Digest advertised for applicants to the committee and the response has been good.
GAC Intends to Educate Community on What They Do
Pettey stated, “I think there are a lot of people in the Village that don’t have a clue what the Governmental Affairs Committee does.” Pettey feels it is the responsibility of the committee to let the community know what they do.
Working with Outside Entities
In the past, the committee wrote white papers to address topics of interest to the HSVPOA Board.
We stand ready to do that again, but we need you [the Board] to give us our marching orders.
Bob Pettey, Chairman of the HSV Governmental Affairs Committee
White paper topics could include consolidation of the Village 911 system, utility cooperative efforts, and future road improvements. The road improvement paper would be for the purpose of addressing roads outside the Village. Pettey explained that the GAC can be a small voice in the Tri Lakes Metropolitan Planning Organization [MPO]. Taking a long-range look, the MPO prioritizes federally-funded highway construction in the area.
Phase Two of the Economic Impact Report
Phase Two of the Economic Impact Report is making the report useful to the Village. As it is not economically feasible to print hundreds of copies of this report, the method of disseminating the information will be done in a way that addresses the many different audiences and their interests. Information pertaining to a certain segment will be printed in smaller segments in the form of small focused reports which can then be used to help HSV in obtaining outside help.
Village Votes Really Do Matter
The percentage of Villagers that vote in elections is higher than that of non-Village residents in the surrounding area. Judge Mahoney pointed out, “Votes from the Village carried the recent road tax election.”
Dr. Murphy, Superintendent of Fountain Lake School District, said Village votes nixed the millage election [school tax].
Villagers vote. As votes the Village, so goes the election. This is an interesting thing that candidates for office ought to know and understand.
Bob Pettey, Chairman of the HSV Governmental Affairs Committee
Village SCAT
Central Arkansas Development Corporation is the parent organization that provides the Village SCAT service. “Village SCAT (South Central AR Transit) provides affordable transportation for area residents to travel within the Village as well as shopping, commercial and medical facilities that are near the East and West gates.“
Pettey said that the GAC wants to explore other services that SCAT provides.
The GAC is also working with the Saline County Services Officer, Nathan Looper, to bring help bring assistance to Village veterans.
Some years ago, General Electric had an advertising campaign that said, ‘We bring good things to life.’ As I said earlier a lot of Villagers don’t know what the GAC does and it is our hope that in the future, those people will think that the GAC helps bring good things to the Village.
Bob Pettey, Chairman of the HSV Governmental Affairs Committee
Cheryl Dowden, HSV Gazette, April 22, 2022
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