Authored by Phil Lemler, June 4, 2019

Of all of the questions I have about the management of Hot Springs Village, in the final analysis, there is only one question that stands out above all others. I would like the POA Board to answer this … without a word salad of hemming and hawing … just the basic facts!
“If you knew we needed Cooper’s (CCI) permission to build out the development areas of the CMP …

…why did you not secure his permission BEFORE you spent $500,000?
This question stands at the center of the POA’s competence for strategic planning.
Please answer the above question.
The CMP Advisory Committee, improving resident equity, the CMP is a living/breathing document and the other diversionary responses are all secondary to this basic question.
POA Board … POA Management … Crafton Tull … DPZ … CMP Steering Committee … manager of the charrettes … all who were involved …
What is your answer?
I believe the HSV property owners deserve a straight answer!
Authored by Phil Lemler, June 4, 2019
Edited and formatted by Cheryl Dowden
06/04/2019 — 9:39 am
Please share this article with all your Hot Springs Village neighbors and property owners. Thanks!
Sue List
06/04/2019 — 9:39 am
Excellent question, Phil! It’s not like we had an extra $500,000 laying around and we didn’t know what to do with it. Fix the damn roads, repair facilities that are nearly falling apart, and get the golf courses back into the shape that they were when we moved here. Then, and only then, should the POA even think about frivolous spending.
06/04/2019 — 10:13 am
Mr. Lemler, you ask such direct questions to a group especially the CEO that have NO way of answering the question because they (except NEW board members). Create rules that do Not recognize John Cooper as the Developer of this community. Apparently they do not check laws regulating such issues. This is one reason COOPER has a law suit this month in Saline county court to rectify some of these issues. Funds like $500,000, would have really helped the needed infrastructure but who on the board really thought of that? Please keep asking those great questions that all POA members need answers to. Really if now a board member can tell a POA member (shaking his finger at her in the process) to sit down & shut up, chair person of this board takes no action, can we really expect accountability from the Board? Respectfully, Minn
Tom Blakeman
06/04/2019 — 10:55 am
Because they already knew what his answer would be. So they went out and hired a bunch oh high paid lawyers who told them that if challenged or opposed they could take it to court and had some chance (no matter how small) of winning.
Plus, They were alreadygiddy with feelings of power from their legal tactics that got the two tier through and they felt bullet proof.
06/04/2019 — 10:59 am
And here we go again! Asking a question that we know well in advance that nobody on the board or in POA management is ever going to answer. So why did you ask the question? I’ll tell you why. Your insatiable need for more drama. You people, and we all know who you are, can’t let a minute go by without perpetrating some negative diatribe on a public forum. Thanks once again, for driving our property values into the dirt. You negative political malcontents are more a part of the problem than the board or the CEO has ever been. I so wish that you and your negative cronies would follow your lead and put a for sale sign in front of their house. All of your negative narratives in public forums have done nothing to help our situation in Hot Springs Village.
06/04/2019 — 11:06 am
Pray tell, Ms. Anonymous, why won’t they answer the question? It is quite a legitimate one. We are not the ones that created the problem and we do have a right to inform people. Saul Alinsky much, Ms. Anonymous?
You are not being truthful, are you? Property values are still fine and if they should go down, it would NOT be because of our actions but instead should be blamed on those who created this whole fiasco.
You are just upset because you are being exposed, Ms. Anonymous.
And there is the truth in a nutshell.
06/04/2019 — 2:43 pm
Woo hoo
06/04/2019 — 9:59 pm
Very intelligent answer. That is similar to the answers we have consistently gotten from, you know who.
Phil Lemler
06/04/2019 — 11:29 am
The nature of your first point is appropriate. “The POA Board and/or POA management is never going to answer my question”. This seems to be the problem and consistent with how the POA (Board/Management) handles most questions. They don’t answer them!
The actual issue is that they don’t have an answer to this question because they never thought it through. Your answer is to sit back and trust.
Allowing this process to move forward without a serious challenge will certainly “drive our property values into the dirt.”
I am sorry you are so angry and wish you would take a deep breath and think this through. The reality is that me and my “negative cronies” are trying to mitigate the damages from a very bad strategy that will only get worse the longer it is allowed to exist. My efforts only continue because the POA Board and POA management has refused to listen to the myriad of property owners who would like to stop the CMP and have some professionals evaluate what we should be doing.
After all, bad things happen when good people stand by and do nothing.
06/04/2019 — 12:00 pm
Mr. lemler, You are so correct with your answers, please keep asking the questions. Those that live here that do not think things can get worse if questions are not asked are living in a world of make believe. Law suits are expensive, attorneys that are in the business of law suits & nothing more love what our board & CEO are doing. Of course they are forgetting facts that the developer, & other POA members have access to attorneys to…Respectfully, Minn
06/04/2019 — 2:45 pm
Phil you are right on target !
Lewis Robinson
06/04/2019 — 4:13 pm
I think the questions that being ask are not dribble but need an honest answers from the Board and The Ceo
06/04/2019 — 4:48 pm
Better to have questions ask now instead of when it’s to late. Leaving your future and your money in some one else’s hands is dangerous. You may end up with nothing. Glad some one is asking.
David Legan
06/04/2019 — 5:05 pm
You are SO correct. And, I don’t blame you for choosing to remain anonymous. The keyboard thrashing that I took for suggesting that negative comments filling Next Door could hurt us all convinced me that there is no room here for positive thought. Stand your ground!
Gary Godfrey
07/17/2019 — 6:54 am
Watch what you aske for. After living being in the Village for 19 years we did just that. Sold the house and moved back to our home state. Reasons the direction that the Village was going in and is still going in. To bad because it was a great place. But with bad leadership we left
06/04/2019 — 12:05 pm
Phil – I know you mean well. Your negative cronies do not. They all have a malicious thread that runs through their spineless disingenuous personas.
There is “only one question” that every one should be addressing and that is, “who can we recruit” to join forces with the 3 newly elected BOD members. The next election will be as or more critical than the last.
When all you negative scribes quit your bitching and start looking for appropriate candidates – then and only then will we the people have a chance to make some positive changes.
Your negative public essays and nasty-grams do absolutely nothing to help HSV. It simply airs our dirty laundry and drives down our property values.
You want to rebel against the CEO and the legacy BOD members; push them out of office with new like-minded candidates. That’s our only play.
Why you all cannot, or more likely will not, see this obvious move just proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re all drama-queens, addicted to your self-proclaimed importance and self-righteous arrogance. It’s pathetic!
06/04/2019 — 12:42 pm
Anonymous … I do not have “negative cronies” … I only speak for myself. And, my posts are not intended to be malicious. I have, at times, increased the volume of my voice as no one seems to being listening.
In August 2018, I made a presentation to several hundred Villagers about the problems with the CMP. In preparation for this forum, I read the CMP numerous times and probably understand it as well as anyone. During my preparation, over several months, I simultaneously developed a business plan for HSV that no one has ever seen. My business plan solves the Village revenue problems, generates the required monies to get all past due maintenance up to date, provides enhanced cell coverage and internet access, develops an on-going capital account for expenditures like pools, Balboa, etc. and creates a viable solution for the unproductive lots here in the Village. The end game of the plan is to freeze POA fees roughly where they stand today, consistently enhance property values as the plan develops and keep the Village at about its current population.
Since March of 2018, I have been trying to get the POA to provide me with a one hour opportunity to discuss this plan. I have offered, at least eight (8) times to meet with the board, as a whole, or as individual members. In every case, I have been rejected. And, I am not the only one. I know of several others who have offered similar plans (business and marketing) to the Village and they have all been rejected or given the “thanks but no thanks”.
So, I don’t believe I am a “drama queen”. This rhetoric would have died down … long ago .. if the POA board and management would have simply decided to open their minds … look at other possible solutions .. and develop a collaborative attitude towards building the future of HSV.
Instead, they avoid the tough questions … and hold on to the belief “they know best”!
Lastly, what will drive down our property values is a refusal to see reality. Revenues continue to stall, maintenance costs will increase and the future holds nothing but higher POA fees, special assessments, and a deteriorating Village.
Once again, you need to calm down. Angry insults are what is hurting the Village. Ideas from concerned Villagers should be welcomed and supported!
Phil Lemler
06/04/2019 — 5:21 pm
I am not sure how this got assigned to “anonymous” (6/4 – 12:42 pm) but the above post was made by me …. Phil Lemler.
06/04/2019 — 12:59 pm
Anonymous – It would really be nice if people didn’t post with anonymous so others can know who they are dealing with. That being said, you are correct that the next election is critical to add two more like-minded candidates to the Board. I fully intend to run again and hopefully be there to support the efforts of the three new board members. However, I would suggest that you spreading the word that property values are being impacted does more damage than what is being said by those who want change. Property values are not currently being impacted, but certainly will be a self-fulling prophecy if we keep saying they are. I am a realtor and I track this information.
Now, as for Phil’s question. It goes to the very core that is currently rocking the Village. Spending money simply to substantiate the vision of one person or even a small group of people, when they knew that many of the items within the CMP could not be accomplished without the approval and support of CCI can be classified as insanity. If they didn’t know, then it’s total incompetence.
While I am probably considered one of the ones you think are creating a negative environment, I simply say to you that I want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. We have as much right as anyone else to convey our dissatisfaction with the way our assessments dollars are being spent, while we are also working on changing the culture.
Elizabeth H Berry
06/07/2019 — 12:05 pm
You will have my vote should you run again. I believe you are on the right track to getting the answers that the people require.
06/04/2019 — 2:55 pm
U mr/ms anonymous r the thorn in everyone’s saddle. If u know so much why don’t you find the right replacement for the board next year ? Or maybe you want to be that one ??? Hmmmm come on now. Stand up, identify ur self & quite hiding behind the mask of Anonymous. At least Phil Lemler is a professional who suggested numerous times a marketing plan for the village. CEO/BOD does not want someone like Mr. Lemler involved because he’s smarter than them.
06/04/2019 — 2:57 pm
U mr/ms anonymous r the thorn in everyone’s saddle. If u know so much why don’t you find the right replacement for the board next year ? Or maybe you want to be that one ??? Hmmmm come on now. Stand up, identify ur self & quite hiding behind the mask of Anonymous. At least Phil Lemler is a professional who suggested numerous times a marketing plan for the village. CEO/BOD does not want someone like Mr. Lemler involved because he’s smarter than them. U don’t sound like a property owner in any of ur postings. Hope ur getting a good price for ur “A”.
Kirk Denger
06/04/2019 — 10:46 pm
Anonymous 12:05 pm, thank you for stating the obvious that we have all been working on for the last several years, and that is electing BODs to lead this Village with the Members as the beneficiaries of all decisions made. As for all of your negative words, look in a mirror and you will see the pathetic spineless persona you are describing.
Karen Lundberg
06/04/2019 — 10:57 pm
To the posts by the Anonymous poster(s), I believe that others have sufficiently answered Mr. Lemler’s questions. I, however, have to tell you or however many are negatively posting under Anonymous, calling us “spineless” and telling us to come out from our anonymity. Are you kidding me? I fully support someone that wants to post factual information but not want to have their name out in public. But I have no respect whatsoever for someone hiding under the name Anonymous, who is going to call people spineless, and call for us to come out from our anonymity when they are their very selves posting anonymously. You are the spineless ones and the ones hiding. You are nothing but cowards, and your hiding your name only loses respect for you and your comments. If you have to call people names, stand up and own it, or sit down and hide. I have no use for cowards.
Linda Anderson
06/04/2019 — 12:06 pm
Phil- GREAT QUESTION. The community deserves an answer . I would like to see L.N. come out with a public e-blast and answer this question. Maybe the Board members who voted on the CMP could also come forward to answer this question. Leadership decisions are important so let’s hope this will be addressed.
Vicki Husted
06/04/2019 — 12:58 pm
I agree, Mr. Lemler. Of all the questions that have come to my mind as I try to sort out all the details that led to the current situation (and there are MANY!), that question is first and foremost. Thank you for all your contributions. I am anxiously awaiting the hearing on June 19th, and have room in my car for anyone else who would like to attend.
Gene Garner
06/04/2019 — 1:22 pm
We all have an idea, or two, why management didn’t bother to ask CCI’s permission to implement the CMP and I’ll tell you mine.
First, I’ll go back to the “two-tier” assessment trial and relay testimony given by Harvey Shelton (BOD President at the time) on why he thought an unequal assessment was reasonable. “….there is no language in there that actually states that we can do a two-tier system. We went off the assumption that because it doesn’t say, it’s silent on the issue, that means we can do it.”
So if the Declaration/Covenants/Bylaws doesn’t expressly forbid it, the BOD can do it. That opens up a lot of untapped opportunities and new ways to waste our money.
Second, management refuses to acknowledge CCI has any rights or standing to influence anything they decide to do. The way they “negotiated” the easement purchase talks demonstrated their disdain and contempt for Cooper.
Third, management thought they had a lock on the Nov 30 Amendment vote and after they stripped CCI of their rights, there’d be nothing they could do.
But those are just some of my thoughts and I’m sure others have their own. Maybe we’ll never know all the reasons.—Gene
Jim Rosenow
06/04/2019 — 1:40 pm
Not to be contrary, but if the question is why didn’t we get CCI’s approval prior to spending $500,000, wouldn’t CCI want to know what the CMP entailed before giving any approval? The better question might be was CCI invited to participate in the initial proposal stage and project before committing the $500K to develop the CMP?
David Vuurman
06/04/2019 — 8:28 pm
CCI John3 told me prior to the Nov vote that the POA had made attempts to buy developer rights to HSV but couldn’t come to an agreement. Pray that CCI doesn’t sell.
Phil Lemler
06/05/2019 — 6:26 am
Mr. Rosenow – good questions and the answers probably are best to come from CCI itself. However, in my writing here, when I speak of approval I am referring to the fact that CCI owns all of the easements between every lot in HSV. This means that no two lots can be combined without a variance from CCI. So, for instance, you could not build a lodge … in the Village .. without CCI providing variances on any easements that were affected (crossed) by the combining of lots to build the lodge.
My guess is that CCI would not need to know/see the completed 500+ page CMP in its final form to be able to support it. They probably would have been only interested in the big picture and the general concept of the CMP. Early in the CMP’s development, they could have made judgements about the CMP’s viability (again I am NOT speaking for CCI) and helped us build something that made sense. They probably would have been a very valuable partner in directing the CMP’s creation (if they agreed with the general concept) as they know this Village better than anyone else and surely would have offered substantial advantages over outside developers.
However, to my understanding, they were only offered a seat at the table towards the end of the CMP’s development (again I encourage you to speak directly with CCI). And, to my understanding, they were not treated like a potential partner in the process (only what I have been told).
So … yes, we should have involved them early in the CMP … but we did not!
06/05/2019 — 9:02 am
Mr. Lemer, thank you so much for your attempt to share your knowledge to the board & CEO. Unfortunatly our CEO refused to meet with COOPER on these an other issues, because she wants to realign & sign as the developer or have the control of same. If they had involved COOPER the lawsuit now in process would have been mute, CMP will be a disaster for HSV, raising dues for this community to pay for all will be a total negative for owners as well as prospective owners. Please stay with this issue,
Respectfully, Minn
Phil Lemler
06/05/2019 — 9:17 am
Thanks, Minn
R. Busse
06/04/2019 — 1:42 pm
To the Anonymous that wants everyone to shut up and let our less than qualified, Twiggs indoctrinated , will listen to nobody, and I am always right CEO run roughshod over the membership of HSV, you’re living in a fantasy world. Throughout history, when people are belittled, their taxes (dues) used for things they oppose, there leadership acts behind closed doors, and their input is totally ignored, there has been push back, opposition, and even rebellion. So you need to get off your high horse and get back to reality.
Phil makes a very valid point. If Nalley and then the BOD (with their approval) had done their due diligence involving the easement situation, why then the CMP?
Another huge question to our BOD. With all the division, descention, lack of respect, distrust, and lack of confidence that our CEO, L. Nalley, has created within HSV since her promotion to our leader, will her contract be renewed? I do not think one can find any time in our Village’s history that there has been as much disapproval and animosity to all leadership, but primarily the CEO. I think the overwhelming majority will agree that what has been created during her leadership tenure is NOT in the “best interest” of or been “good” for HSV. Our governing documents are permeated with these words, yet our BOD continues to support and extend Nalley’s contract. We do not want or need the CMP, nor its founder, our CEO. The Village will shrug off many of its problems and divisions quickly when both are eliminated.
Kathy Henderson
06/04/2019 — 2:57 pm
I want to know the answer to that question and many more. Thank you, Phil, for always having the good of the Village at heart. Thank you, Lloyd, for saying you are going to run again! We need more level-headed people to run for the BOD. We NEED to get our Village back!
George T
06/04/2019 — 3:21 pm
Wasn’t the timing such that they (POA Admin) were trying to buy CCI out right around the start of the CMP sessions? Poor attempt that failed.
Wasn’t Nalley saying on Next Door that entities like churches and strip mall (Coronado area, for example) developers have been able to obtain lots to build across. Not sure how that was done. Coopers blessing back in the day? Would he do that again?
It is a showstopper if there is no valid answer.
Kirk Denger
06/04/2019 — 9:49 pm
The valid answer is that Cooper developed all of the “strip malls” Coronado, DeSoto, Coronado, Ponce, East Gate, Cordoba and all churches were donated their property by CCI. Now you and Nalley know how that was done. Yes, the entire Village is CCI’s blessing and continues today.
06/04/2019 — 7:23 pm
Anonymous !!!!! After reading many of the replies to numerous posts on the ND site, why YOU throw stones at others is beyond me, especially at 74 years of age. (???)
You and your significant other have replied with the same dis concern as we all have throughout this ordeal within our boundaries.
So please do not demean others for being concerned ( as you both are from replies you have made) and help in finding an answer to regain possession of OUR Village. And yes, I know who you are, Have a good rest of your evening.
David Vuurman
06/04/2019 — 8:41 pm
Prior to the Nov vote, I had an opportunity to have a conversation with John3. He stated that the POA had attempted to buy developer rights to the village, but a agreeable solution could not be reached.
George Phillis
06/05/2019 — 10:34 am
Thank you Phil Lemler. As always very astute and concise questions and information. It is absolutely a fact which was brought up in this this thread and I have also stated it…..Never in the history of the Village has there been such discourse, dissension, mistrust, back door dealings and outright lies since Nalley has been allowed to take total control of HSV management. The only way to right this floundering ship is to terminate the current CEO and get the BOD back to the rightful position of directing the business of the Village. It is not negativity when the ship is sinking to make the point that the ship is sinking. That was done when the Titanic first struck an iceberg and the results were not good. Pointing out the pitiful financial situation the Village finds it self in, along with the extremely poor management decisions is not being negative….it’s being honest and realistic. As for the anonymous posts that refer to us “cronies” as being “negative and spineless”…….you are the scared little mouse afraid to stand for what you believe in or support. An attack with insults and derogatory name calling behind the cloak of “anonymous” is as spineless as you can get. Those of us who place our names on our posts at least have the backbone to do so with the belief and commitment as to our cause. Thank fully there are many here in the Village who realize the severity of the situation here in the Village and are willing to step forward to do something about it. And that starts with defining the problems….not ignoring them.
06/05/2019 — 1:14 pm
George, not one of you spineless negative drama queens have stepped forward to do anything positive for this village with the one exception of Phil, and he’s got a for sale sign on his house.
You and your dirt crawlers feed off of the endless negativity that you all perpetuate.
Go ahead now, stand on your high black horse and rip me apart like you always do.
Makes you feel important, doesn’t it.
06/05/2019 — 1:48 pm
The negative drama queens are the people who blindly follow poa leadership.
It would be more positive for retired property owners in the village if the CEO put a for sale sign on her house. Phil Lemler is a valuable asset to the community.
Your anger is unhinged, so I can only assume you are not one of the majority retired property owners who want the village to remain as is. We don’t want a Destination Vacation Resort.
What is your angle? Do you stand to profit off the backs of retired property owners through the implementation of the CMP?
06/05/2019 — 2:28 pm
I am FOR positive constructive civil change. I am FOR understanding that there is only ONE solution to our problems and that’s a BOD with a majority that will champion the voices of the property owners.
I am FOR quieting the drama queens who are addicted to their own words and negative diatribes placed in public forums. They are the real destructive forces in the Village.
Enough – you drama queens just don’t get it and never will. You’re too wrapped up in your own pathetic egos to understand the real solution.
06/05/2019 — 3:09 pm
In March 2020 we plan to elect a BOD that will champion the voice of the majority retired property owners and not the minority special interests.
We are exposing the poor management of Hot Springs Village.
We are exposing flawed budgeting processes.
We are exposing HSV Poa utilizing property owner assessments to prop up V H and L creating yet another division between the professional real estate industry and HSV Poa.
We are exposing that we have major amenities that need maintenance and the Poa is not getting the job done.
The list goes on.
The median age of Hot Springs Villagers is 67. We are the majority and we are not represented. We are not a Destination Places Village.
We represent the truth. Truth is always positive.
Kirk Denger
06/05/2019 — 10:21 pm
Truth is always positive. Thank You anonymous.
Janet H.
06/05/2019 — 11:47 pm
I don’t know why anyone is even responding to the rude “anonymous”. Please…let’s just ignore his/her comments and go on with the discussion without”him/her. Thanks, Phil, for all you have done for HSV. Your straighfirwardness is appreciated.