Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association met on June 16, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. for the monthly Board Meeting. John Weidert gave the prayer and Tucker Omohundro led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Order of Business – HSVPOA June 16, 2021 Board Meeting
ORDER-OF-BUSINESSSitting at the table:
Board Members: JoAnne (Joanie Corry), Chair; Tucker Omohundro, Vice-chair; Robert (Bob) McLeod; Chris Jones; Gary Belair; Pamela (Pam) Avila
The seventh board seat remains unfilled.
Staff: Stephanie Heffer, Corporate Secretary and Director of Programs and Operations; Coreena Fetterhoff, Corporate Treasurer and Controller; John Paul, Interim General Manager; and Katrina Heap, Administrative Assistant to the GM
Additional Meeting Attendees
Staff: Todd Noles, Common Property, Forestry, and Wildlife Manager
Committee Members: Bruce Caverly, Common Property, Forestry and Wildlife Chair; Alan Wellesley, Lakes Committee Chair; Philip Matone, Public Services Chair; and James Carpenter, Trails Committee Chair; Janet Rowe, ACC Chair
Property Owner guests attending were: Larry Wilson; Jimmy Betts; and Gregg Allen, President of the Pickleball Club.
Press: Lewis Delevan, Hot Springs Village Voice Reporter
Additional guest: Gary Troutman, President and CEO of the Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce
Hot Springs Village Arkansas Heritage Month Proclamation
August was proclaimed Arkansas Heritage Month in the Village. Chairman of Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI), Larry Wilson has been working diligently to facilitate the Arkansas Heritage Festival which is due to debut on August 27, 2021. Click here to view details of the festival.
Larry said, “I just want to thank the Board for proclaiming August, Arkansas Heritage Month.” Online registration for non-residents is available here. Registering for the event gives you a ticket to get into the gate.
Committee Appointments
- Reappointment of Committee Chair – Alan Wellesley, Lakes Committee
- Appointment of Karl Russ, Finance and Planning Committee
Public Services Report
6_MAY-2021_PUBLIC_SERVICES_REPORTClick here to read the Interim General Manager’s Report.
Click here to read the PPP update.
HSVPOA May Financial Report
You can listen to Coreena Fetterhoff’s report at 14:33 on the YouTube video. Here is a link to the HSVPOA Official YouTube channel.
Click here to read the Common Property, Forest and Wildlife Report by Committee Chair Bruce Caverly.
Click here to read the Lakes Committee Report by Alan Wellesley.
Click here to read the Public Services report by Chair, Philip Matone.
Click here to read the Trails Committee report by Chair, James Carpenter.
Current Business:
Common Property, Forest and Wildlife Policy Revision Passes
Director Omohundro made a motion to update the CPF&W Policy to include prohibiting the feeding of deer in Hot Springs Village except during sanctioned hunts or trapping for safety reasons. This motion was passed 3 to 2. In favor were Chris Jones, Gary Belair, and Bob McLeod. Voting against were Tucker Omohundro and Pam Avila. Chair Joanie Corry abstained.
9_Memo_Chp_Two_CP_Forest_Wildlife_Policy_UpdatedMotion Passes to allow Tubing on Lake Granada (Click here to read the report.)
Motion – Approve Purchase of Small Excavator
Director McLeod presented a motion to authorize the purchase of a Caterpillar 308CR Small Excavator from Riggs CAT in the amount of $125,945.66.
RFQ’s were sent to three equipment vendors and three bids were received. This new excavator will replace the rented excavator that is being used to replace culverts, road base construction and to clean out roadside ditches.
Bid Summary:

Staff recommended purchasing from Rigg CAT even though they were the highest bidder. This recommendation was made due to the superiority of the equipment. The equipment exceeded the other bids in safety, technology, horsepower, dig depth, reach ground clearance, and fuel tank capacity. This equipment is expected to hold a high resale value.
Due to a recent 11% metal surcharge, the bids came in higher than expected and exceeded the budgeted amount of $120,000.
Director McLeod said he investigated this and felt like it was a good deal.
This motion passed unanimously.
11_Memo__Fact_Sheet_-_Motion_for_Small_ExcavatorMotion – Pickleball Resurfacing Project Click here to read the article.
Reserve and Capital Obligations Motion
Director Belair presented a motion to approve the carryover for 2020 Utility Capital obligations of $99,388, approve the designation of $2,641,145 for General Capital funds, and to authorize the Controller to move a total of $155,925 into Non-Utility Reserves and $308,828 into Utility Reserves. Director Avila seconded the motion.
Belair stated, “Upon completion of the audit each year, this reconcilliation is used to analyze amounts needed to be:
- Carried over for capital projects started and not completed,
- Be made available for additional reserves, and
- Utilize for addressing deferred maintenance.
Director McLeod asked, “why are we carrying these things over in June when our year ended in December?”
Director Belair responded, “this work is done after the audit.”
This motion passed unanimously.
13_Memo_-_Reserve_and_Capital_ObligationsMotion – Approve Purchase of Residential Lots From Commissioner of State Lands – Click here to read the article.
New Business:
Revision to Finance and Planning Committee Charter – Staff Replaces Board Director in Interviewing Applicants
Director Belair proposed a revision to the F and P Committee Charter. Currently, the charter reads:
“Committee member interviews shall be conducted by the Committee Chair, the Director member and one other Board director selected by the Board.”
The proposed change is:
“Committee member interviews shall be conducted by the Committee Chair, The Director member, and the staff member serving on the committee.”
Director Avila seconded the motion. This motion passed unanimously.
15_Memo_-_FP_Committe_Charter_RevisionsBoard Member Comments
Director Avila thanked the Future Revenue Analysis Task Force.
Director Omohundro said he was glad to be there and the Chair said we are proud to have you here.
Audience Comments and Questions
Jim McPherson, Vice-President of the Pickleball Club spoke during the audience comment portion of the June 16, 2021 Board Meeting. about the upcoming pickleball Hot Springs Village Pickleball Tournament. Click here to read the article.
The meeting adjourned at 10:37 a.m.
* * *
By Cheryl Dowden, June 20, 2021
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