By Frank Leeming, January 15, 2020
Our most comprehensive look at What’s Happening in Hot Springs Village is ready. Click here to see it.
It includes a close look at POA finances, the real-estate market, new-home construction, the use of our amenities, the cost of gasoline and electricity, weather, crime rates, school performance and population in 2019.
Of particular interest is the table on page 3 showing POA revenue and spending compared to 2018 and the POA’s budget.
The POA missed its revenue budget by $2.4 million, or 6.6 percent, lending credence to on-going criticism of the job the POA does in planning for the coming year.
Some numbers are missing from this year-end wrap-up. We’ll tell you why in a couple of days.
Frank Shears aka Bubba
01/15/2020 — 4:21 pm
Thank you for sharing this with us. Very well done.
Denise Paull
01/15/2020 — 5:21 pm
Thank you, Frank! Lots of time and effort went into compiling this!
Tom Blakeman
01/15/2020 — 5:24 pm
Thank you Frank. Excellent work as always.
Lem Tate
01/15/2020 — 5:42 pm
Great Job Mr. Leeming; Thanks for sharing with us, letting understand whats under the surface
01/15/2020 — 5:59 pm
Great information!
Joseph Vlasek
01/15/2020 — 6:21 pm
There are an awful lot of 2015, 2016, 2017,2018 last years reporting’s! How do we know this is even accurate?
01/15/2020 — 6:38 pm
Joseph, Mr. Leeming keeps track of these numbers on a quarterly basis. This is just something he does. Is there something in particular that you feel is inaccurate?
01/15/2020 — 7:34 pm
Village homes in price groups show only 6,500 homes if all added up, we have over 9,000. Notice the $4 skyrocket rise in assessments between 2008 and 2010 with a corresponding spike in delinquent lots for the same time frame which continues on a downward spiral as assessments are continually raised through to the present time.
01/15/2020 — 7:45 pm
If you don’t think it is accurate don’t read it.
Minn. Daly
01/16/2020 — 11:42 am
Frank, thank you for your dedication to telling us TRUTH on HSV financial report! Your dedication to this community is appreciated. Minn Daly
01/16/2020 — 1:57 pm
So who’s going to do all this work when Frank can no longer provide this service?
01/16/2020 — 3:08 pm
Thank you for your comment. Who is going to manage the website when my husband and I can no longer do it? Who will manage the Facebook Group when my husband and I can no longer do it? Who is going to take care of your responsibilities when you can no longer manage them? These things have a way of working out and there is no need to needlessly worry.
01/17/2020 — 11:34 am
Frank Leeming provides a service – a positive flow of valuable information to the members of HSV.
This blog, although a safe outlet for Villagers’ frustrations is a conduit for airing our dirty laundry to the potential investing public.
I urge you to find a way to lock your site down so that only HSV members can access, view and respond.
I know of countless potential buyers, where once they have reviewed the content on this blog, decide to move on to other communities. It’s the public nature of this blog that is responsible for the loss of new investors.
It’s a problem. I hope you understand that it’s a problem. And further I hope you know that it can be resolved with technology.
Lastly, I hope that you’ll take this input seriously.
01/17/2020 — 1:32 pm
Easy solution. Get rid of all the dirty laundry.
Karen Daigle Lundberg
01/19/2020 — 6:45 am
Anonymous – So you ask us to take your input seriously, yet you don’t even have the nerve to sign your name to your request. I normally do not even address Anonymous, but in this case, I have a question. Are you stating in your post that you would rather the majority of the people who are probably getting ready to spend their life or retirement savings into a forever home and it be in a nice, peaceful place without the full knowledge of what is truly going on in the Village. I have a better idea than trying to silence this website. Why don’t you convince our CEO and old guard Board to start running HSV the proper way and LISTEN to the members’ wishes instead of wasting millions of dollars on their frivolities that will ultimately fail? Isn’t that the honest thing to do? Not that our CEO or old guard know anything about honesty, but it’s just a suggestion.
01/17/2020 — 5:06 pm
I, for one, want to hear all the information good and bad. Squelched numbers need some airing out for the members. And all real estate people are under an “right to know” disclosure for transactions. The days of secrecy are coming to an end here before long. Trying to “keep it real” we won’t have to cover our dirty secrets.
Thank you Frank Leeming. You sir are a true HSV asset. And the Dowdens too.
Johnny C
01/18/2020 — 3:41 am
In that case you will want to ask the Dowden’s to stop censoring their page and removing posts. Stay tuned for proof.
01/18/2020 — 1:48 pm
Johnny C, you are blocked because you are a troll. You have never added anything to the conversation. You attack posters. You divert from the topic of the thread being discussed. And you mock and attempt to shame posters. Thank you for leaving us alone. – Cheryl