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Authored by Phil Lemler, June 4, 2019
Only one question

Of all of the questions I have about the management of Hot Springs Village, in the final analysis, there is only one question that stands out above all others. I would like the POA Board to answer this … without a word salad of hemming and hawing … just the basic facts!

“If you knew we needed Cooper’s (CCI) permission to build out the development areas of the CMP …

Cart before the horse HSVPOA
HSVPOA Cart before the horse

…why did you not secure his permission BEFORE you spent $500,000?

This question stands at the center of the POA’s competence for strategic planning.

Please answer the above question.

The CMP Advisory Committee, improving resident equity, the CMP is a living/breathing document and the other diversionary responses are all secondary to this basic question.

POA Board … POA Management … Crafton Tull … DPZ … CMP Steering Committee … manager of the charrettes … all who were involved …

What is your answer?

I believe the HSV property owners deserve a straight answer!

Authored by Phil Lemler, June 4, 2019

Edited and formatted by Cheryl Dowden

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