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HSVPOA BOD Election 2020

By Former Board Director, Marcy G. Mermel, March 12, 2020

To expand on Lorri Street’s reporting of the Election Counting Committee Meeting for 2020, I too am on the Election Counting Committee and was present for the dialog she so accurately documented.

You may or may not recall, I also pushed for Election Integrity in 2019, to no avail.

After the 3/10/2020 Election Counting Committee Meeting broke up, I received many emails asking questions about the election process. I collected the questions and comments and attempted to get the answers as best I could from the resources available.

Who is handling the ballots?

1.  The Election Counting Committee Chairman, Jerry Yeric, (even after asking for the printer/distributor’s name while the Director of Real Estate and Land Services and the CEO were vacationing), still does not know who the vendor is. We were all told he will not be given this information until the day the election.

Undeliverable ballots held in POA “vault”

2.  The ballots returned to the POA Administration Building, due to undeliverable addresses are being held in the POA “vault.” It is unclear what is going to be done with them…PERHAPS THEY COULD BE USED TO GIVE PEOPLE THAT DID NOT RECEIVE BALLOTS A WAY TO VOTE?!?

Property Owners want information

3.  Last July, in an initial proposal regarding Election Integrity for 2020, Property Owners were looking for data and reconciliation of the following ballot categories:

  • A. Total number of ballots printed,
  • B.  Total number of ballots mailed,
  • C.  Total number of ballots kept for the sole purpose to correct the issue when someone did not receive their ballots – no changing your votes or correcting ballots, just in the case of absence of ballots,
  • D.  Total number of ballots used in “C” above and also the total number of unused ballots from the “C” category,
  • E.  Total number of ballots returned from the post office for bad address, etc., and
  • F.  Total number of ballots returned for counting. This number should also be broken down into two categories:
    • i. valid and counted ballots, and
    • ii. void or spoiled ballots.

4. Did Chairman Yeric know that the POA was printing only and exactly enough ballots for the number of property owners in good standing? No.  He was also unaware there was no mechanism in place for missing ballot issues. 

5. Are the returned ballots being held in a P.O. BOX or going to a Little Rock location? We don’t know.

Etc., etc., etc…..not sure how much data we will get.

However, at this point, time is of the essence for those who have not received ballots!

6. Regarding myself and the gentleman behind me (that Lorri mentioned not yet receiving ballots), yes, we are talking about only 2 people, but between us, that is 9 properties which equals 36 votes!

March 2020 HSVPOA BOD Election

Chairman Yeric needs to know the actual number of people that have not received their ballot(s). Is this enough to be a concern?

We need to hear from YOU!

If you have not received your ballot(s) yet:

Please add your name, address or Lot/Block/Subdivision number in the comment section below and how many ballots (one per property) you were expecting.  I will begin: 

Marcy Mermel-  6/6/126 5 ballots/lots as of 3/11

If you prefer anonymity, please send your information to mgmermel@msn.com.

So what’s the big deal?

You may be thinking, “A couple of votes, so what’s the big deal?”

Why am I so tenacious about voting for our governing body, and getting it right? 

VOTE! It is the only time they MUST count your voice!

Because our vote is the only time our voices are literally heard and documented. 

You can complain to each other on social media, send letters to the board, write articles and white papers and publish them here or disseminate to the large databases that exist in the Village.  You can write to the Voice, make comments at board meetings, carry signs, wear T-shirts and put commercials on KVRE, but none, NONE of those things count as much as your VOTE– because your vote is your only voice that MUST BE COUNTED!

Click here to read the update.

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