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HSVPOA Board Meeting 5-19-21

The Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Board met on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.

Board Members attending were: JoAnne (Joanie) Corry, Chair; Tucker Omohundro, Vice-Chair; Pam Avila; Chris Jones; Robert (Bob) McLeod; Gary Belair.

The seventh board seat is still vacant.

Staff attending were John Paul, Interim General Manager; Stephanie Heffer, Director of Programs and Operations and Corporate Treasurer; Coreena Fetterhoff, Controller, and Corporate Treasurer; Katrina Heap, Administrative Assistant to the GM; and Jason Temple, Director of Public Services;

Committee members attending were: Janet Rowe, Chair of the Architectural Control Committee; Jamin Townsen, Chair of the Golf Committee; and Bruce Caverly, Chair of the Common Property, Forest and Wildlife Committee.

Property Owner guests attending were: Kathy Henderson, Ray Lehman; Melinda Alvord; Chuck Alvord; and Maxine Klein.

The chair called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Jason Temple gave the prayer and Tucker Omohundro led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Order of Business and Consent Agenda were approved. (For details, please see the meeting agenda at the bottom of this report.

Interim General Manager’s Report

GM Paul says, “this is not sustainable.”

GM Paul’s main message to the Board and Community is that “This is not sustainable.” The expectation level of the community needs to be lowered until staff levels return to normal. Click here to read a report on HSVPOA staffing shortages.

Temple Working with First Electric to Remove Debris

Jason’s[Temple] team is working with First Electric under the power easements where they have killed the growth. The POA is working with First Electric to take care of the remaining debris. One of Jason’s mowing patterns this year will be wider on the major thoroughfares, explained the GM.

Final Phase of Total E Integrated Update

“The Final phase of Total E integrated update should be completed in the next 30 days and we’ll be testing that very shortly and we’ll get the word out on that” when it goes live, said John.

COVID-19 Restrictions Back to Normal

With the restrictions back to normal, this has helped the golf department with two people in a cart. “We’ve not had to reduce tee times to make up for the lack of carts and so hopefully the revenue will continue to improve there,” state GM Paul.

Financial Reporting

Coreena Fetterhoff, Controller, and Corporate Secretary reported on the improved April financials. Please click here to read her full report.

Architectural Control Committee Quarterly Report

Click here to read Janet Rowe’s very detailed report.

Golf Committee Quarterly Report

Please click here to read Jamin Townsen’s interesting update on the Golf Committee. “

Current Business

Current Outdoor Pool Fees

Click here to read the article on the pool fee portion of the Board Meeting.

Marketing Committee Transition to Ad Hoc Committee

Click here to read the article about Pam Avila’s motion to transition the Marketing Committee to ad hoc status and also some of this history behind this committee.

Proposed Deprecation and Record Retention Policies

Director Gary Belair made this motion. Director Avila seconded this motion. This motion was passed unanimously. Please refer to the pdf below.

Depreciation and Record Retention Motion

Proposed Articles of Incorporation Change of Registered Agent

Board Vice-chair, Tucker Omohundro made this motion. This has to do with removing the ex-CEO as the registered agent from the Articles of Incorporation. Interim General Manager, John Paul will replace the ex-CEO as the registered agent.

Board Director Jones seconded the motion. This motion passed unanimously.

Motion for Change of Agent Amendment to Articles of Incorporation

New Business

Budgeted Item – Bulk Purchase of 2 HP Grinder Pumps

Tucker Omohundro made this motion. These pumps are being purchased from Jack Tyler Engineering for the total amount of $176,095.62 plus freight and tax.

Bulk pricing for pumps was received from two vendors.

  • Jack Tyler Engineering – $826.74 per pump plus freight and tax.
  • Instrument Supply – $1142.00 per pump plus freight and tax.

Please refer to the pdf below to read more details.

Jason Temple, Director of Public Services said, “the cost of a grinder pump for a new home is $5,500 times the projected 100 new homes for this year. We budgeted $550,000. There is plenty of money in that budget to buy pumps.”

Chair Corry pointed out that this was a budgeted item.

Temple said, “we have two budgeted line items. One is for the new homes. And one is for the existing homes where we do replacements.”

Tucker said, “this is an annual thing that we do every year?”

Temple replied, “Yeah, it is. And one of the things that we will do a better job of this in the future is get this going right at the beginning of next year. This is kind of our second/third year that we’ve kind of got this kind of locked in where we are buying pumps in bulk. It is one of the good decisions we’ve made that has saved a tremendous amount of money and we’ll have this going on a routine basis, probably in November/December of this year. You’ll see a memo, just like this for next year.”

Omohundro said, “some of the Board Members may not realize this, because it is not a well-known thing, but these pumps that we buy for the houses that are not new homes; the POA maintains these pumps and tanks. It is basically a benefit for the community. Correct me, if I am wrong. I think there is a dollar a month that we pay on our sewer/sanitation bill that allows the POA to do this, financially. So it is kind of a run through. But it is a heck of a convenience. It is an amenity beyond what people might actually know, how great of an amenity this is. And this includes me, because I had a problem with it when I first came on the Board. I quickly changed my thought process. It is such a value. I didn’t realize how many of these things go down every year.”

Temple said, “there are over 5,000 of these pump systems and it just continues to grow. Like you said, it is a tremendous service for especially folks that are on fixed incomes, not to have an $800 to a $1,000 bill to replace their pump. It is a tremendous service. It is all factored into your utility rate. You don’t have to worry about it.”

Director Belair asked about the average life of a pump. “Eight years,” answered Temple. We can sometimes get a two to three year warranty, which also helps. The POA is certified by the vendor representative to do the installation. This is the reason for the extra warranty time period.

Director Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Purchase of 2 HP Grinder Pump Motion

Proposed Volunteer Luncheon

Pam Avila read the motion. The Board recommended a 2021 volunteer luncheon be planned in order to honor the community POA volunteers. The cost of this luncheon will not exceed $5,000.

The 2020 volunteer luncheon was canceled due to COVID-19. In the past, 300 to 400 volunteers were invited to the luncheons. This year’s number was not known at the time of the Board Meeting.

Omohundro seconded the motion. This motion passed unanimously.

Volunteer Luncheon Proposal Memo

Board Member Comments

Chris Jones said serving on the Board has been a very positive experience, so far and he “looks forward to continuing that trend as we go forward.” Pam Avila and Gary Belair agreed.

Chair Joanie Corry said, “i have a couple of comments.”

“In the past, I haven’t seen a lot of new business come on, especially with us voting on something. Grinder pumps are a big expense. The issue that I see that we have right now is our purchasing process. We can lose money [by] taking too long to approve a purchase. When I say we can lose money, it can be a significant amount of money. If there is any way possible, such as a budgeted item that goes over the amount that can be spent and it has to come to the Board then I want to put that on the New Current Business so that we can vote on it. Jason can now go purchase it. In the past, the way it has worked, it goes to the Discussion Session, then it goes to the Board. We could have a month-long lag in there and we just lose too much money that way. I am not in favor of putting these things on the Consent Agenda, unless it is necessary. We may have to. We may be in a current crunch and we have to vote on it now and we had that happen last year a couple of times and this Board may face the same issue. If at all possible, these types of things will be under the New Business. That is my single comment.”

Comments and Questions from the Audience

Avila asked if there was a time limit for audience comments. Corry said that comments from the audience are limited to three minutes. Pam Avila is the time keeper.

Ray Lehman thanked the Board Members who met privately with him this week. He also encourages Property Owners to reach out to this Board. What he has seen is the Board’s willingness to meet privately and discuss things.

Lehman recommended that the Board have a “Coffee Chat” with Property Owners for two hours a month.

Ray clarified that the people on the Marketing Sub-Committee Members(under the Comprehensive Master Plan Advisory Committee) were actually the ones that discovered the “needs” in the Marketing Department. The Marketing Committee Members did not discover those needs but helped point out what the previous Sub-Committee had already discovered. Ray said he was clarifying this as a historical point.

The meeting adjourned at 9:57 a.m.

Click here to go to the Hot Springs Village YouTube Channel.

Agenda for May 19, 2021 Hot Springs Village Regular Board Meeting


By Cheryl Dowden, May 19, 2021

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