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HSVPOA Staff Shortage Concerns

Current staff shortages in the Hot Springs Village POA lead to unsustainable working conditions; GM Paul says, “the expectation level of the community needs to be lowered until staff levels return to normal”

At the May 19, 2021 Board Meeting, GM Paul’s main message to the Board and community was, “this is not sustainable.” The expectation level of the community needs to be lowered until staff levels return to normal. Due to the COVID-19 situation, the POA is having a difficult time maintaining normal and needed staffing levels.

General Manager, John Paul, said, “in light of the Retreat last week my report is very light…I want to get ahead of the Financial Report in two areas…While it looks very good, I want to emphasize again that this is not sustainable.”

Staff Shortages in Every Department

“We are 16 full-time people short in Golf. Streets, sanitation, restaurant, member services, IT are all short. Virtually every department we have is short-staffed,” explained the GM.

GM Paul said, “the restaurants are having to close some days and we have wait times downstairs [This is referring to wait times in the POA Administration Office]. The phone calls are not to our liking, as far as being returned. Although they are getting returned the same day, sometimes they are a little slower.”

“The reality is, this is right now the current normal. We are seeing a little bit of a change in people wanting to come back to work now that the extra money has been taken away by the government.” [Federal Government Unemployment Benefits due to COVID-19]

Staffing Shortage is Not Permanent

This situation is not permanent. Normal service levels will soon return.

“We are looking at a couple to three months before things get back to somewhat normal. We don’t like this anymore than the people do, but right now the expectation level needs to be lowered just a little bit. When we get back to normal, it will be a lot better,” stated Paul.

The POA appreciates your patience while they work through this difficult staffing situation.

If you are interested in applying for a position with the POA, available positions are posted here on the Explore the Village website.

By Cheryl Dowden, May 19, 2021

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