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HSV May Real Estate Report

Written by Lloyd Sherman, June 1, 2019

MONTHLY REAL ESTATE REPORT – I am attaching my monthly tracking report comparing year over year results. This month the sales reflect an increase of 25 single-family units sold over last years results for the same time frame. Average selling price and average per square foot metrics are virtually flat with last year’s results. Townhome sales are down and lot sales are about the same. Keep in mind that these are results from the MLS and do not include private sales or activity done by the POA outside the MLS. However, what is of note is that Village Homes & Land has only closed on two (2) deals this year which is exactly the same number they had done last year at this time. Also please note that the original justification for VHL was to focus on POA owned lots which as of last month’s financial report now sits at 3,469 and is growing larger every month. For some reason, we have been unable to make the point with the POA that this very category alone is a looming negative financial marker that needs to be effectively dealt with. Should you have any questions about any of this information, I am happy to assist.

Hot Springs Village – First Five Months Real Estate Comp

HSV Board Candiate Lloyd Sherman
Lloyd Sherman

Written by Lloyd Sherman, Hot Springs Village Property Owner

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