Written by Lloyd Sherman, June 1, 2019
MONTHLY REAL ESTATE REPORT – I am attaching my monthly tracking report comparing year over year results. This month the sales reflect an increase of 25 single-family units sold over last years results for the same time frame. Average selling price and average per square foot metrics are virtually flat with last year’s results. Townhome sales are down and lot sales are about the same. Keep in mind that these are results from the MLS and do not include private sales or activity done by the POA outside the MLS. However, what is of note is that Village Homes & Land has only closed on two (2) deals this year which is exactly the same number they had done last year at this time. Also please note that the original justification for VHL was to focus on POA owned lots which as of last month’s financial report now sits at 3,469 and is growing larger every month. For some reason, we have been unable to make the point with the POA that this very category alone is a looming negative financial marker that needs to be effectively dealt with. Should you have any questions about any of this information, I am happy to assist.
Hot Springs Village – First Five Months Real Estate Comp
Written by Lloyd Sherman, Hot Springs Village Property Owner
Phil Lemler
06/02/2019 — 6:09 am
Thanks Lloyd …. good job!
Tom Blakeman
06/02/2019 — 6:43 am
Thanks. Good info. Keep it coming. Any info on pending sales?
Kirk Denger
06/02/2019 — 9:24 am
The CEO has again with BOD approval wasted another half million of our hard earned assessments this year alone, to generate less than $9,000 in commissions, and that’s only on the VH&L section of the CNU’s CMP. Add up the cost of The Congress of New Urbanism promoters, CEO, Placemaker, COO, Psychiatric and legal fees, undisclosed payments to the CNU, etc. and you begin to see where the other million of our hard earned assessment increase have gone this year alone.
06/02/2019 — 10:19 am
Tom Blakeman has asked for some detail on pending sales. Currently, there are 54 homes that are listed as under contract (UCT) or under contract before listed (UCTBL). These units have contracts that are making their way to the closing process. Additionally, there are 32 contracts that are listed as taking backup offers (TBU) or have an escape clause (ESC). Taking backups is the step before under contract and units that are not yet through the finance verification state or the inspection has not been completed and agreed upon. The escape clause is a contingency placed on the contract which could be contingent upon the sale of another home or they are out-of-town and have placed a contract on a property contingent on them getting here within a reasonable time frame to view the property.
Carole Gugel
06/03/2019 — 1:32 pm
Thank you for this valuable data.
06/03/2019 — 5:36 pm
Thanks to Mr. Sherman, HSV should get out of the realty business. CEO is not a developer or building contractor. we have very good realty businesses within the village & Cooper is the developer. Numbers show results! Let the professionals do their jobs. Respectfully, Minn