This report is designed to basically cover the last five years.
However, the current year will still be compared to the previous year’s data through the current reporting period. Information provided comes directly from the MLS (Cooperative Arkansas Realtors MLS – CARMLS) and contains only information from within the Village boundaries.
Other sources may be providing their statistics based on zip code and most of them also contain lot and townhome information, which this report breaks out as their own categories.
It is also worthy to note these numbers are provided 2 days after the month has closed which may result in differences down the road due to data not having been updated by the Realtor community.
Thank you for reading. If you like, please comment below. We love to hear your opinion, but civil discourse is important. Comments must be made using your first and last real name, or they will not be accepted. Be sure to bookmark this website.
Walter Chance
10/07/2021 — 8:08 pm
Lloyd, I literally look forward to this report. As a builder this is 80% of how I look at starting new speculative homes. Thank you! The market is still solid with the only concern is the possibility of higher interest rates and the prices we must charge due to supply chain and rising builder cost. Supply interruptions are still unprecedented
Wally Johnson
10/07/2021 — 10:54 pm
When the Cooper Communities’ commercial real estate properties first were offered in 2020, I complained about the proximity of their signs along DeSoto, believing that they were place on public land and should be moved back to the property’s lot lines. The signs were moved back away from the road, but have been steadily moved towards DeSoto Road. They are an affront to our neighborhood, making it look like the village is up for sale. I have emailed Cooper, but do not expect a response. I am willing to dig further, and will appreciate your counsel
Lloyd Sherman
10/08/2021 — 7:00 am
The properties you speak of are listed by ReMax of Hot Springs Village and I might suggest you reach out to them. You also should file a complaint with the Compliance Department of the POA and contact the ACC. I am on the Board of Realtors but we wouldn’t have any enforcement capabilities over this issue. I am unsure which specific signs you are speaking of but CCI owns the easement rights so there may not be an enforcement action that can be taken as it sounds like the location signs are on CCI controlled property. I agree with you regarding the signs and have noticed a creeping enforcement issue in the Village that is being overlooked. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.
JoEllen Escher
10/09/2021 — 8:30 am
Lloyd, would you please define the difference between average price and median price. Thank you.
Lloyd Sherman
10/16/2021 — 10:06 am
Let me first apologize for this late response. I somehow missed your question.
The difference is that the Median represents the numeric number that separates the lower half of the total sales from the upper half. The average is the numeric value that indicates what the average is of all of the sales. Some people prefer to know where the middle is instead of knowing what the average of all sales is, so it was added for their benefit.
Hope that helps.
JoEllen Escher
10/16/2021 — 2:28 pm
Thank you!