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Jarrod Breshears Memorial Bench Project

By Anne Shears, October 9, 2021

The project to honor the memory of Jarrod Breshears and his service to the greater Garland County community has taken on a life of its own, with individuals coming forward lending their skills to make this memorial a reality.

Very special thanks to Jim Birmingham, owner of Cordoba Center (where Jarrod opened his walk-in clinic) for providing the space where the bench will be installed. Thanks to Lloyd Sherman for setting up the FundRazr account for digital donations. Thanks to Diana Podawiltz for being the treasurer for this endeavor. 

You will be pleased to know that members of Jarrod’s family have been truly touched by the efforts of the community to create this memorial, and they have approved the style of bench and the site located on the ridge at Cordoba Center. This location was very special to Jarrod. And Jarrod was very special to all who work at Cordoba Center.

Jarrod’s family has decided upon the words to be engraved on the plaque (which will be revealed at the dedication.) and all aspects of this project have been approved by his family, and particularly, his mother.

If you would like to take part in honoring Jarrod, digital donations can be made by clicking here.

Paper checks: 

Jarrod Breshears Memorial Project

 Diana Podawiltz – Treasurer

20 San Augustin Way

Hot Springs Village, AR  71909


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