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BOD urged to delay Balboa decision

by Robert Busse, September 2, 2019

Balboa project is largest expenditure in HSV history

Immediately after the August BOD meeting, I wrote the BOD a message. In short, I feel Ms. Nalley’s expectation of the Board to make decisions on spending approximately $7 million for the refurbishing of the Balboa course and remodeling/rebuilding of the Clubhouse in less than 30 days is wrong. This is thought to be the largest single expenditure in HSV history. Frank Leeming, soon after, also wrote of his concern with this project. 

The BOD must not only look at the refurbishing of the golf course and irrigation system, but they must also decide what is the best option with the Clubhouse; tear it down and build a much smaller facility or do a complicated renovation of the existing facility. This is a long-awaited decision, as leadership has avoided it for the past two to three years. Once the Clubhouse decision is made, then comes all the design decisions associated with what building plan is chosen. 

Board has been discussing Balboa for weeks

We have heard Directors claim no knowledge of Balboa renovations up until the presentation on August 21. Now after questioning the short time frame for making the decisions they face, it comes out that the BOD has been discussing the Balboa remodel information for several weeks. This is more false information and coverup of secret meetings from some of our Directors.  

How to pay for Balboa?

hsvpoa balboa golf renovation
How to pay for Balboa?

But the real mountain the Board has to climb is how is this project going to be paid for? Everyone knows we do not have the money to cover this project. So there is going to have to be some serious research, discussions, and dealings with outside financial gurus and institutions to come up with a plan to finance this refurbish/remodel. This debt decision is extremely important because it is going to have a huge impact on the finances and future of HSV.

Best decision is delay Balboa project

The best decision for members the BOD could make would be for this project to be delayed until September 2020, therefore, allowing the BOD plenty of time to study, research, and investigate all aspects involved in order to come up with well thought out decisions that are best for HSV.   

by Robert Busse, September 2, 2019   


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