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Blakeman says Time for certain 5 to resign

by Tom Blakeman

Hot Springs Village POA board and CEO, the Village people have had enough. It is time for a certain 5 of you to resign. You know who you are. We all know who you are.

We have had enough of the lawsuits, the mismanagement, the arrogance, the waste.

We do not trust any of you. You are a disgrace.

None of you have shown even a modicum of common sense in your actions. We are sick and tired of you driving us down a path to financial insolvency while blaming us for not giving you even more money to squander.

HSVPOA resign from the Board of Directors

You cannot make a simple budget. You do not understand basic marketing. Simple business principles escape you. All you want are more dollars to waste.

You have failed. So, resign now and save some small measure of your self-respect.

Tom Blakeman, Hot Springs Village

Note from Cheryl: This was originally published in the Hot Springs Village Voice and is republished with permission from Mr. Blakeman. Please comment below and share your thoughts with us. Thank you.

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