by Tom Blakeman
Hot Springs Village POA board and CEO, the Village people have had enough. It is time for a certain 5 of you to resign. You know who you are. We all know who you are.
We have had enough of the lawsuits, the mismanagement, the arrogance, the waste.
We do not trust any of you. You are a disgrace.
None of you have shown even a modicum of common sense in your actions. We are sick and tired of you driving us down a path to financial insolvency while blaming us for not giving you even more money to squander.
You cannot make a simple budget. You do not understand basic marketing. Simple business principles escape you. All you want are more dollars to waste.
You have failed. So, resign now and save some small measure of your self-respect.
Tom Blakeman, Hot Springs Village
Note from Cheryl: This was originally published in the Hot Springs Village Voice and is republished with permission from Mr. Blakeman. Please comment below and share your thoughts with us. Thank you.
Peggy Willis
09/02/2019 — 7:06 am
I support this statemeny
John Dethardt
09/02/2019 — 7:12 am
Need we said more, right on.
Kirk Denger
09/02/2019 — 7:50 am
Remove five and replace at a special member’s meeting called by the members this year.
Mary Szczepaniak
09/02/2019 — 6:04 pm
It is my understanding that Lesley gets to pick replacements. Be careful for what you wish.
Kirk Denger
09/02/2019 — 9:06 pm
Mary is right, the ceo will pick Dick and Diane’s replacements after she has them removed. However, a member’s meeting is not a wish but a reality where a quorum of the members may remove all the Board if need be and replace them at the same special meeting.
Sue List
09/02/2019 — 7:58 am
Thank you, Mr. Blakeman, for saying what we are all thinking
Minn Daly
09/02/2019 — 7:59 am
I totally support the above statements! Minn Daly
Dolores Rickert
09/02/2019 — 8:26 am
Totally support this movement.
Fred Hale
09/02/2019 — 8:31 am
I wholeheartedly agree.
Elizabeth Berry
09/02/2019 — 8:38 am
I am for something to be done soon. If nothing is done by December, her contract will continue for another year (According to a board member). A request from all of us for their resignations is a great start.
09/02/2019 — 9:06 am
I agree. They all need to go NOW!
09/02/2019 — 9:09 am
TOM, THANK YOU. Your words are true and correct. It is time that HSV take action and replace these Board Members .
Jan Miles
09/02/2019 — 9:44 am
It’s a shame it has come to this. It would be so much easier if the board and CEO would listen, acknowledge, and act on the property owners’ concerns and desires. Why does it have to be this way?
Mel King
09/02/2019 — 9:45 am
Linda Van Scotter
09/02/2019 — 10:29 am
Share with your friends! Bravo, Mr Blakemon.
09/02/2019 — 10:48 am
In the presence of a lack of sound management practices and with decisions being made by financially minded individuals, the discussions always go to borrowing money, raising fees or assessments, or somehow levying a surcharge. This is what happens when you have a lack of sound management.
Angry anonymous
09/02/2019 — 11:36 pm
Agree …
09/02/2019 — 11:54 am
Excellent post Mr. Blakeman. Could not have said it better. We all need to do our part in saving this Village we call home. We did not move here to be held as dissenters nor spend our retirement savings on ludicrous exploits. Let’s show our support together by attending the BOD meetings and presenting the FACTS directly to the BOD in the same professional manner Stephen Rust displayed at the last meeting.
Sue Sutley
09/02/2019 — 12:06 pm
Amen and amen! Any other corporation board and CEO would have looked at the Nov. vote as a vote of no confidence and would have resigned then! But better late than never works, too!
Sam Taylor
09/02/2019 — 12:16 pm
W Carter
09/02/2019 — 12:37 pm
As an absentee property owner I have been following this site regularly with growing concern. The implication of this post appears to be that a majority of the management is willfully driving the Village into bankruptcy.
I simply cannot believe that!
What could possibly be the rationale behind such action?
Gary Puffer
09/02/2019 — 4:16 pm
It’s called a power grab and doing everything to retain it.
Kirk Denger
09/06/2019 — 10:20 pm
Take a look at the new, completely rewritten in it’s entirety Articles of Incorporation of the Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association, by its Secretary, does hereby certify
that at a meeting of its Board of Directors, duly called and held in accordance with its Bylaws
and applicable law, on January 17, 2018, by a majority vote of the Directors, the following
Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation were adopted: TENTH: Upon dissolution of the Association, the assets of the Association, both real and
personal shall be dedicated to an appropriate public agency or utility to be devoted to purposes as
nearly as practicable the same as those to which they were required to be devoted by the
Association. In the event that such dedication is refused acceptance, such assets shall be granted,
conveyed and assigned to any nonprofit corporation, association, trust or other organization, to be
devoted to purposes as nearly as practicable the same as those to which they were required to be
devoted by the Association.
The Congress of New Urbanism is a non-profit 501 (c) (3), and the CEO is a card-carrying member of the Communists of New Age Urbanism.
Kathy Henderson
09/02/2019 — 1:16 pm
Agree 100 per cent with you, Tom! We need to remove these 5 , reduce the high wages for those who are so over paid underneath the CEO, and get the budget back on the right track.
09/03/2019 — 12:22 pm
I agree.
Frank Shears aka Bubba
09/02/2019 — 3:17 pm
Excellent Tom!
Thank you for stating the truth!
09/02/2019 — 4:51 pm
Absolutely correct sir
09/02/2019 — 7:56 pm
Not one of these fools will resign. Not one.
So what is the point of this post?
It is meaningless drivel.
They are not leaving.
They will continue to destroy HSV regardless of silly little posts on a silly little website.
Wake up people.
It is over.
HSV is already destroyed.
Way too late to fix.
Trust me.
Get out while you can.
Karen Daigle Lundberg
09/03/2019 — 1:32 am
Cliff, I am really sorry to hear you say that you give up. I don’t accuse you or insult you, because I know there are some that feel that way.
I would like to ask you to have faith for a little more time. Please don’t give up. Hang in there and fight beside us. The power is in numbers. We need numbers. Hang in there, Please, Cliff.
09/03/2019 — 1:36 am
There is nowhere better, Cliff.
Karen Daigle Lundberg
09/03/2019 — 1:54 am
I support your statement 100% Tom.
09/03/2019 — 8:41 am
Often board members vote their own agenda rather than the desire of those that voted them into office.
Maureen Heenan
09/03/2019 — 9:19 am
If only they would resign. Also the CEO and the senior staff. Life in the Village would be so much better.
Lorri Street
09/03/2019 — 12:23 pm
(my) Letter to the Editor that the HSV Voice management declined to publish.
Each morning I ask my “Alexa”’ for a CNN and NPR news briefing. Once the news briefing is finished, “Alexa” provides a Word of the Day. One morning recently the word was “White Collar Crime.” Alexa defined it as “Refers to financially motivated non-violent crime committed by businesses and government professionals. It was first defined by the sociologist Edwin Sutherland in 1939 as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of their occupation.”
This piqued my interest so I “Googled’ and found the following (excerpts) of the definition of White Collar Crime at:
The term white-collar crime is now synonymous with the full range of frauds committed by business and government professionals. These crimes are characterized by deceit, concealment or violation of trust and are not dependent on the application or threat of physical force or violence. The motivation behind these crimes is financial—to obtain or avoid losing money, property or services, or to secure a personal or business advantage.
Corporate fraud continues to be one of the FBI’s highest criminal priorities. As the lead agency investigating corporate fraud, the Bureau focuses its efforts on cases that involve accounting schemes, self-dealing by corporate executives and obstruction of justice.
The majority of corporate fraud cases pursued by the FBI involve accounting schemes designed to deceive investors, auditors, and analysts about the true financial condition of a corporation or business entity. Through the manipulation of financial data, the share price, or other valuation measurements of a corporation, financial performance may remain artificially inflated based on fictitious performance indicators provided to the investing public.
Just struck a chord with me…
Bernard McIntyre
09/17/2019 — 12:38 pm
Ladies and Gentlemen of the BOARD,
A serious mistake was recently made when this Board chose to ‘remove’ Dick Garrison as a member. As I understand it there was an arbitrator in process of assessing purported disagreements between two Board members and ‘CEO’ Lesley Nalley. That arbitration process had not been completed, thus any claims made by Ms. Nalley were not supported.
Reportedly Mr. Garrison was removed for violation of ‘attempts to violate public disclosure’ of arbitration. That, is NOT a removable offense for, even if true, does not impede this Board or Ms. Nalleys ability to function effectively in their roles. Only attempt to impede the effectiveness of Village Administration is possible cause for removal. In short, those members who did vote for Mr. Garrisons ‘ejection’ were contravening the wishes of those members of the Village who did, and do, support Mr. Garrison in his election as a Board Member.
As result of the influence, and possible instructions from Ms. Nalley, the Board took this here-to-fore un-precedential measures to remove a sitting member. This was a mistake on part of an adversely influenced Board. Do you not see how you are being misused?
This Board should know that our Community has long suffered from the ineptitudes and ill advised decisions of General Managers, and now a ‘CEO’ who only has personal aggrandizement in mind. This Community does not support Ms. Nalleys plans and that should have been evident with the rejection of the recent proposals advocated by Ms. Nalley. This community is also angered when it was discovered the terms and agreements, made by the last Board, regarding the remuneration of Ms. Nalley. That, in and of itself, is an outrage.
Please be advised that any sitting member of this Board who is up for re-election will be soundly defeated and those who remain, and still cling to Ms. Nalleys CMP and personal desires, will also be removed by ‘Special Election’. The three chairs scheduled for the forthcoming election will be filled with individuals who are responsible to, and for, the Community.
Ladies and Gentlemen, you were placed in position to administer and guide this Community, DO Your Jobs, and do not allow a singular individual to instruct you as to what you WILL do, and yes, right now we, the voting community feel you are little more than minions of Ms. Nalley.
I am sure you do not feel the last paragraph to be true, the Community does differ with you for by your actions, and words, you fail our Village.
09/21/2019 — 12:41 pm
You people like to hear yourselves debate ridiculous scenarios. You can’t elect people to the Board at a meeting where most of the owners would not be in attendance.
Bernard McIntyre
09/24/2019 — 3:29 pm
Your remarks are not clear for you say, “you People”, I might be one of those “you People” if I knew what a “you People’ were. Board members are selected by mailed ballots, not by Board attendance. You might also want to attache your name, unless, of course, you have some strange reason for not wishing others to know who Anonymous. Hey, ‘Anonymous’ might well be Lesley Nalley. As to elections lets see what the next election presents.