Linda Anderson Letter To The Editor, August 24, 2019
Update: POA Meeting 8/21/19
This meeting was packed with unhappy property owners who had heard that Lesley Nalley had placed charges against two of the three new Board Directors without justification. Nalley was out of line to bring charges against these Board members who were doing what every Board member should be doing and that is to stand by their duty and responsibility to protect owners’ assets and guard Hot Springs Village Property Owner Association’s financial stability.

So the BOD/ CEO set up the meeting to take the focus off of the power play to remove Dick Garrison and Diana Podawiltz from the BOD and instead brought the focus on the Balboa Golf Course’s $6 Mil Plus Comprehensive Master Plan Renovation Project.
When it came time for comments from property owners, Stephen Rust faced the BOD’s bully tactics spearheaded by Chairman, Cindi Erickson, who commanded police to intercede. The officers stood beside Mr. Rust in an effort to remove him before he could talk. Mr. Rust posed no threat to anyone.
This constituted an unbelievable attempt by the BOD to stop opinions, freedom of speech or any understanding of POA decisions. We have a majority BOD that has taken this to a new level of power and control never before seen in the history of HSV without restraints or accountability. The property owners have now been pushed off the cliff without any rights. Property owners are now in a free-fall straight to disaster. Check out the facts at
This is an opinion piece written by Linda Anderson, August 24, 2019
Mary Odom
08/24/2019 — 9:21 am
Great accurate letter Linda!
08/24/2019 — 9:34 am
Welcome to Soviet Russia leave your Constitution at the gate
Minn Daly
08/24/2019 — 10:21 am
Editor & Linda, you are correctly stateing views of majority owners. It was amazing to me that BOD went along with grievance being filed on 2 members for what? What was the CEO so upset about? Was it finances? Was it hireing or firing issues with POA staff? Could it have been that the entire staff is ready to walk out because they are treated so poorly? Could it have been salary or benefits for all? Could it have been because she or the legacy BOD would not follow the Judges rules in disclosure? Whatever it is it is a discussion not a need for an arbitration to pursue. However she & legacy BOD esp the chair must flex authority by profiling the people who speak out against them. I was wondering why one must register for a meeting with BOD members, now there to me is NO doubt that members are being profiled, especially after last meeting with Steve Rust & Kirk. Who would have thought that in our community, this could happen. I have notified my attorney just in case they come @ me. He suggested he attend the next meeting with me after viewing the video of Mr. Rust altercation & voices on tape. We pay dues to be insulted like this! This needs to stop, resignations need to come forth & CEO needs to go. Respectfully, Minn Daly
08/24/2019 — 10:34 am
I am looking forward to meeting you Minn….you have the energy and drive the village needs❤️
Carole Gugel
08/24/2019 — 12:11 pm
Thank you Linda. I am not able to attend these meetings but appreciate your description of what went on. I watched the short video of Mr. Rust addressing the BOD and was appalled at the blatantly negative display aimed in his direction.
08/24/2019 — 3:41 pm
So much has been read into this “request for arbitration” that is not there. Lesley has not called for the firing of any BOD member. She is simply asking that these two Board members have an understanding of what there job is and how to do it. It is clear they came on the Board determined to tear up our current financial reporting systems. Liz said in an earlier Board meeting that Diana wanted to take over some of the duties she is responsible for in her job description and eliminate some of the guard rails currently in place. This is uncalled for. It’s like a bull in a china shop. Let’s let an outside , unbiased person explain what her job is and how to go about making suggested changes. We definitely don’t need to throw out all the work done by those who have worked for our community before this Board. They have been thinking, intelligent people, and Diana and Dick need to respect their work. Then, maybe they will be able to work for the betterment of our community, without all the animosity.
08/24/2019 — 7:04 pm
Maybe a law suit…POA….and subpoena liz Mathis. Putting her on the stand we would get the real truth. Liz knows things no one else would.
Melinda Noble
08/25/2019 — 9:41 am
Lesley thank you for your reply, I’m sure you will have the POA pay for a lawsuit to defend your views.
Kirk Denger
08/25/2019 — 11:41 pm
Anonymous08/24/2019 — 3:41 pm, Do not make Liz an accomplice to your lies orchestrated by your cult leader of Communists of New Age Urbanism. We know of these insidious get around ways to hi-jack control of small private communities like ours, city councils and three counties of South Florida where your boss comes from, Little Havana in Miami. Here on the Mainland, the BODs decide what the management’s job is. The management does not decide what the BODs job is. An unbiased judge is not paid $10,000.00 by the management. The Members have no respect for embezzlers and are throwing you and your cult leader’s CMP out. Our successful community life for 50 years does not want your Bull.
Jerry Jay Carroll
08/25/2019 — 9:25 am
“It is clear they came on the Board determined to tear up our current financial reporting systems. ”
I don’t blame the BOD stooge who wrote that line for wanting to remain anonymous. The village upheaval we are witnessing encompasses far more and it is an insult to our intelligence to claim this is the source of the problem. But of course we are used to having our intelligence insulted by the people who run this parody of self government
The directors have been repudiated time and time again in elections. They are kicked out of office and a new group takes their place. Behind closed doors they are instructed that are to ignore the election results because a lawyer tells them they really work for a corporation, not a freely-elected board. They swallow this Kool-Aid and thereafter are told what to do by whoever leads this corporate scheme whose existence we had no inkling of until Leslie Nalley burst onto the scene like the evil witch in “Snow White” or the mad queen in “Alice in Wonderland.”
She knows our place and intends to keep us there. We are subjects, not citizens. That is why policemen loom over people who dare to express contrary opinions at public meetings and others are simply not allowed to speak. Looking forward to the possibility of a peasant revolt at some point, Nalley and her confederates changed the rules so it is virtually impossible to fire her.
So all the bases are covered–meaningless elections, a board that takes its direction from an all-powerful CEO and a chairperson joined to her at the hip, an incompetent or bought-off newspaper, policemen at meetings, timid and cowed villagers. Weiss and the other corporate types who designed this despotic scheme have to be pleased by their creation. It’s ticking along on all eight cylinders.
W Carter
08/25/2019 — 10:21 am
As a non-resident owner of property in Hot Springs Village I am becoming very concerned reading these posts. Are things really as bad as the posts here imply? If so, what is the real future of Hot Springs Village?
Incorporation as a City or Municipality?
Sold off piecemeal to Developers?
Just what is going on here?
08/26/2019 — 4:57 am
No, they are not as bad as they sound. They are much, much worse.
08/25/2019 — 2:17 pm
Mr. Carter, Please don’t think the entire Village is buying all this “negatism” being spewed by this very nasty movement. Much of what you read is greatly exaggerated and even dishonest. Some of the dishonesty is from those who don’t know the truth and some is from those trying to get their movement against our Village accepted. The Village has always had its dissenters on every issue. Just look back at the protests that occurred in 1992 when the Woodlands was constructed. The difference with this crowd is that with the lawsuit filed against us by Garner and Narug because they didn’t like the two-tier assessment vote. They lost their case against the POA but since then the group behind this has gotten very nasty. Our POA management and Board are continuing to move the Village forward, and are being quite successful in spite of the nastiness. Our infrastructure is being nicely updated, we have a new outdoor pool under construction, investors are opening retail in the Village, and the inventory of homes “for sale” is very low.
08/25/2019 — 2:36 pm
Dear Ms. Anonymous, just because someone has a viewpoint that is opposite of your New Urbanism takeover of our village, doesn’t mean it is negative or nasty. Actually, we have experienced much nastiness coming from your camp. We have also had to listen to many lies and misrepresentations from your side. We are not the ones lying. You are definitely moving the village, but it is not forward, it is towards a fall off into a deep ravine. You are attempting to totally remake the whole village to fit your plan and have no regards for the villagers. New Urbanism is very much a plan that does not support gated developments or retirement communities. While we are not an age-restricted retirement community, the majority of us are older. New Urbanism is also a “walkable” plan which will not work in this mountainous terrain. I think you also forgot to mention the lodge which you are attempting to build inside the village when this need is already being met and which will not succeed. Did you forget to mention the millions you are trying to spend on Balboa Clubhouse and Course, which we cannot afford and how you are trying to push this through quickly?
W Carter
08/25/2019 — 10:14 pm
I would feel a little more confident in our reply if you dared to put your name to it. Give us your name and maybe I will believe you. As it stands, all that you say only makes me more nervous since, clearly, you have an axe to grind. But if you won’t admit who you are, and what your interest really is, why on earth should I give you any credence?
Kirk Denger
08/25/2019 — 10:21 pm
Anonymous08/25/2019 — 2:17 pm is none other than the mad queen of Alice and Wonderland.
Volunteer Firefighter
08/25/2019 — 10:33 pm
In response to the argument that those opposed to the current administration and CMP are merely anti-village, I submit the following question. If I have no concern for this community, why have I donated many hours of my time and risked life and limb as a volunteer firefighter for absolutely no compensation whatsoever? In response to the argument that those supporting the current administraion and CMP are inherently progressive, productive and pro-village, I submit the following question. If you have so much concern for this community, why do you waste millions on ridiculous plans, non-essential amenities and countless positions to supplement the shortcomings of the CEO, while ignoring basic services such as maintenance, police and fire protection? In example, NFPA 1710 (fire service standards) suggests that each engine company be comprised of 3 firefighters and 1 company officer with a minimum of 15 personnel as an initial response to a structure fire. Current staffing in HSV includes a maximum of 6 people per shift with 3 stations having only 1 person at that station. Who is truly concerned with this community and who is merely concerned with furthering their own agenda or filling their own pockets?
08/25/2019 — 3:21 pm
Ms. Anonymous said “Some of the dishonesty is from those who don’t know the truth and some is from those trying to get their movement against our Village accepted.”
Ms. Anonymous neglected to mention the the resounded defeat of Proposed Declaration changes which would have allowed for the full implementation of the Comprehensive Master Plan. Not one single amendment passed.
The movement is not against the Village or the people of the Village, in fact, it is very much pro-Village. In a nutshell, we are against the mismanagement of the Village and it’s resources. We have a property owner subsidized real estate company named Village Homes & Land that is failing, we are building a swimming pool, and trying to build a lodge within the gates.
At the same time management is deferring critical infrastructure repairs to the point where we are either tearing down or planning to tear down historical buildings at great expense. Don’t even mention Balboa golf course. Property owners want their Village taken care of. They don’t want the rainbows and unicorns promised by the 4 hold-over board members and the management team which is enshrined in the CMP.
W Carter
08/25/2019 — 10:22 pm
Joe, Thank you for your reply and for the detailed information. As an investor I am primarily concerned about the future of my investment. What I am hearing suggests that it now is a good time to divest my interest.
Minn Daly
08/25/2019 — 7:45 pm
Mr. Carter. We all love our gated community, that as yet is not connected to Congressional New Urbanism. However our CEO Mrs Lesley Nalley is a full fledge member. In fact if you will use the search engine, look up Congressional new urbanism Leslie Nalley Hot Springs Village ar you will see her picture in front of our New Logo. She is also on Twitter as well. Sir, I am not in anyone’s group. I am tired of the BOD/CEO not following what the by laws stTe! I have lived here for 32 years, never have we encountered the issues of we have now. Lawsuits. Excessive spending, not obeying laws that judge imposed, without conflict, not recognizing COOPER as developer, not recognizing members as the POA association, but as a Cooperation.
Spending out of control. Excessive salary that can’t be justified! We love our community, want to keep it that way. With respect. Minn Daly
W Carter
08/25/2019 — 10:19 pm
Minn Daly, thank you for expressing your views and reasons so clearly. I find what you have to say very disturbing if only because I have invested in Hot Springs Village and am now wondering if that was a wise investment. To me the key question is whether I should stay invested or get out. What I see and hear on this platform (and also in other places worries me). Dissension and strife are not conducive to sound investment and if this is the way of the future then it is time to reconsider my position. Thank you.
Kirk Denger
08/25/2019 — 10:29 pm
We have been bushwacked by the Communists of New Urbanism, however, we have now awoken from our peaceful slumber of retired trusting lives and will remove this infection from our long-standing community before the year is out and our investments will recover and prosper.
Minn. Daly
08/26/2019 — 8:04 am
Mr. Carter. Precisely your concerns is what the people of HSVWant to keep our investments, quality of life! All who are requesting within this HSV majority for the leGacy BOD/CEO to resign . My home & lots are investments that I feel are in danger with the runaway actions of this BOD/CEO. I want stability. Accountability, adult actions! I want this always to be the largest hated community in USA. Best place for golf, lakes, living in general. Things that have happened because of the past 2 boards need rectified. Respectfully, Minn Daly
08/26/2019 — 5:00 am
I am surprised the new logo hasn’t in and of itself turned things around.
I know I am “livin’ the dream”.
Karen Daigle Lundberg
08/26/2019 — 12:20 am
Mr. Carter, Please do not think that this is easy for those of us who truly love our Village and do consist of a large majority of the Village to post what is the truth about our Village right now. When this whole thing began, people had been asleep at the wheel, enjoying their retirement (as they should have been), but greedy people snuck in the back door, expecting to make all of these changes without us questioning a thing. Well, those days are over, Mr. Carter, and we are going to fight for the Village that we love.
I am glad you noticed that a person who is going to dispute what the Villagers are saying about what is happening feels it necessary to post under Anonymous. You will see that we post our real names. We send many emails to the Board and CEO, and posts on social media, all posting our own names. I can tell you that I am pretty sure that last anonymous post was written in a way for people to believe it was our CEO writing it, but I must say that our CEO, Lesley Nalley, and Board Chairperson, Cindi Erickson, are much, much too arrogant to post anonymously.
While Anonymous is saying that we lie, I will tell you that I, personally, have caught Lesley Nalley in two out and out lies. She knows it, I know it, and she and I also both know that I have the proof to back up my statements. One of her lies I have caught her in is out in the open and she ignorantly filed a lawsuit to cover up her lie, and the Village is going to end up losing thousands of dollars because she will not admit to her lies. The other lie I have caught her in, she does not know about, but I assure you, I also have proof of it, and I can’t wait for the day when I can spring it on her.
Mr. Carter, I wish I had the answer for you about your investment. HSV is a wonderful place to live. The people are wonderful, it is beautiful here, and it truly is a retired person’s dream. We just have a small infestation of rats up in our administrative office that need to be exterminated and run out of here. We think we are getting close to being able to do that. Notice the ones speaking ill of us who have posted our names are posting as Anonymous, but we know who they are, and we are on their tails. For the past year and a half, they have underestimated us terribly, and we have won battle after battle against them, and we have every intention of winning the war. The choice is yours what to do with your investment, but I hope you have some good ideas now of what is going on in the Village. You now have the truth, and not what a person who won’t even post their name has to say.
Mary Odom
08/28/2019 — 8:54 pm
Couldn’t agree more Karen! I can’t believe they are so weak as to be anonymous! If they really believed what they were doing was right their names would be all over it!
08/26/2019 — 5:09 am
The comprehensive master plan (CMP) provides a framework for long- and short-term planning that is clear yet flexible and will respond to changing needs and conditions. This framework should foster a resilient, adaptable, and competitive community that forges a strong identity at the scales of the overall community as well as of individual neighborhoods and provides for a high level of character, livability, economic health, and environmental quality of the community proper and the area at large
The above was taken directly from the HSV website. Can anyone tell me what it means? Doublespeak and gobbledygook. What sheer, utter nonsense. Who writes like this? What are scales?
If garbage like this is the first thing someone reads when they land on the site and begin thinking about HSV, it is no wonder we are in trouble.
Complete unadulterated nonsense and total madness. For $300 K a year you would at least think we could get someone who could write. Sad. Very sad indeed.
08/26/2019 — 9:24 am
08/26/2019 — 11:14 pm
raymond h benefield
08/27/2019 — 9:46 pm
It becomes increasingly more difficult to be a leader without followers.
Dave Sintich
08/28/2019 — 9:47 am
A leader can not have a following by taking away all of the rights and opinions from the population attempting to suggest points of view from past experience in the real business world. A true leader obtains as much input as possible to make wise decisions and still promotes input from others to still find ways to better the situation for the best results. One or seven minds cannot decide the best directions to pursue without input and experienced ideas from the population. Everyone living here (except for a few) desire the best for the Village as we have chosen this as our Home. We will challenge poor decisions and continue to seek true and dedicated directors to lead us into the future and prosperity.
George K Phillis
08/28/2019 — 2:48 pm
W. Carter…..Don’t bail out……yes a couple of the four engines are belching smoke but it’s not time to quit. Keep flying this thing to a safe landing. Yes, the Villagers feel asleep at the wheel and foolishly trusted the management of the Village, however they have awoken. A ground swell is emerging because of a group of people who have dug in their heels and said….”Enough of this strong arm, backdoor management, no transparency and the latest crushing of free speech. How dare we Villagers point out the failed management. How dare we point out the failure of the BOD to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities to the property owners. How dare we speak up!! Those who, last year, started speaking up and providing facts…yes facts, have withstood the names we were called. Despite the insinuations and condescending comments by the supporters of a failed regime….we have stood our ground. More and more property owners are now understanding the bamboozle, and the realization of the lies and underhanded maneuvers carried on by the CEO and her group. The cramming of the CMP down our throats despite the majority do not want it. We are told we are harming the Village because we are telling the truth. There is, and has been great harm done because the Villagers were asleep. We are in this fight because we love the Village. Forty eight hours before the new BOD members were to take their position the “old” BOD extended the CEO’s contract. They also pushed through the pool project which we can’t afford. Those who were against it were not against a pool….we were against doing it at this time. We’re swimming in red tape yet they did it anyway. Now they want to raise millions for the Balboa project. How? With an assessment… else?
Do you remember when HSV management said they put 1.5 million into the reserve fund earlier this year as a way to imply HSV finances are in good condition? Many of you thought this information meant HSV’s financial status is good……that was the idea. That’s what they wanted you to think. The statement was true regarding 1.5 million being added to the reserve fund, however it did not explain the source of the money. The truth is management uses a category they track called cash and cash equivalents……it’s in the financial report. The HSV reserve fund was already low before the transfer. Moving money from checking and putting it into the reserve fund is smoke and mirrors. If I have $10 in my right pocket (reserve fund) and $20 dollars in my left pocket (checking/savings), removing the $20 dollars from the left pocket (checking/savings) and putting it in my right pocket (reserve fund) doesn’t increase the amount of money I actually have. I still have only $30 dollars.
This is the nonsense our management is pulling.
Do you all realize the severity of the situation regarding our rights as property owners? When a CEO can decide they don’t like what board members are doing because they are making the job “difficult” so a grievance is filed to remove them…and let’s be honest…that is the intent. These two BOD members are simply watching our backs and the CEO doesn’t like it. Shame on the rest of the BOD members for allowing such shenanigans. Free speech? Free thoughts and discussion? Not here in the Village. Summon the police! Silence the culprit….how dare the peasants ask questions. How dare they point out flaws and failures of management. The dictator has spoken. We are at a tipping point. If the dictator gets away with what is happening the CMP will be crammed down our throats lock stock and barrel. Property owners will have zero say in what is being done to us. The BOD must take back their rightful position as the managers of the Village. THEY are the ones who SHOULD be telling the self appointed CEO what to do….not the other way around as it is now. We property owners MUST continue the fight. We must rid this community of the CEO (and the title….should be a GM) , and vote in a BOD with a backbone.
As an aside…..any anonymous comment is worth nothing…..absolutely nothing. If you don’t have the fortitude to place your name on a comment then it is either such a lame post you are embarrassed about it, or not willing to really make a stand for what you believe to be the right path.
Karen Daigle Lundberg
08/28/2019 — 10:24 pm
Dave Sintich and George (Ken) Phillis….THANK YOU for posting the words the majority of the Village want to say!!