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HSVPOA – Strife and Division

Authored by Linda Anderson, June 22, 2019


The biggest question for the POA Board is: Have you ever thought that the ongoing strife and division have been created by Board decisions? For the past two years, I have seen the Board vote against the interests of this community: 

1. To hide salaries of management (financial disclosures are needed to understand the budget).

2. Out of Control Expenses. To pay $500,000 for a faulty plan, the Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP), which is committed to change the village into pocket communities for a city concept and other million dollar projects which have not helped to protect and maintain.

3. To form a separate real estate division, Village Homes and Land, and Builders Guild to eventually push out other real estate companies and builders.

4. Suddenly set extensive By-laws and 119-page Protective Covenants.

5. To use advertising media to sidetrack and remove the retirement concept which represents the most important source of growth.

6. To place staff and Board members on committees to guide the narrative.

7. To set up an illegal Governance Committee to hold on to power and to control this Board by placing a stranglehold on motions involving governing Bylaws or governing documents like the CMP. Yes, the CMP, which was first represented to be only guidelines, and now has been placed as a governing document. This is an outrageous violation of the rules of this corporation’s Bylaws. Dissolve this illegal Governance Committee now. Remove the CMP as a governing document. Everyone serving on this illegal committee should resign ASAP. Where are the integrity and fiduciary responsibility that is required?

And now to the most deplorable of all
legal illegal hsvpoa governance committee

8. To change The Bylaws after you have broken the Bylaws. The Board should stop and do what is right for everyone and that is to vote now to remove this illegal Governance Committee.

Show that you will live by your own rules and govern in best efforts to show loyalty and good faith to the Hot Springs Village Property Owners.

Authored by Linda Anderson, June 22, 2019

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