Written by Cheryl Dowden, June 20, 2019
This HSVPOA VH&L survey was conducted from June 1, 2019, through June 19, 2019, and had a total of 356 responses. Not all respondents responded to all questions. Responses per question are noted in the left-hand corner of each graphic. Distribution of the survey was through Facebook, Next Door and a limited number of email addresses.
Conducting online surveys within a retired community can be more difficult as many of this generation do not use computers, or use it on a limited basis. In Hot Springs Village results can also vary as a huge perceived attitude of apathy seems to exist and many who moved here to retire want to stay in their retirement state and not be involved.
Seven questions were asked on this survey and the graphics below reflect the responses of the respondents. Note: comments made are those of the author of this document and are not comments received via the online survey.

Note: The establishment of this operating unit set up a hostile competition with the local brokerages.

Note: 30% of respondents did not know that this entire operation is fully funded by their POA assessments, including salaries to ALL personnel. In the real estate industry, agents are paid on commission based on results and not on salaries with benefits.

Note: In an industry driven by commissions, salaried employees have no motivation to follow up leads as someone who makes their living by producing results.

Note: HSVPOA should focus on their core business which is maintenance and infrastructure, while marketing and attracting new property owners. Leave the specialty businesses to the professionals

Note: Not only not fair, but the formation of this department has also created unfair trade practices and created a hostile competition with the real estate community.

Note: Again why should property owner assessments be utilized for a function that was, and is, being handled by the real estate community using their resources and not the funds of property owners.

Note: When you consider that the majority of, or nearly the majority of, all the sold activities for this unit would most likely have occurred in the normal course of business through the real estate community, then there is no cost justification for this department.
Thank you to all the Villagers that participated in this survey. Results will be sent to the HSVPOA Board Directors and HSVPOA management.
Bruce Douglas
06/20/2019 — 6:59 pm
I’m certain that there are some residents in the Village that have maintained the real estate license. These people may want to work these sales with realty commission as the only income. In my opinion.
Tom Blakeman
06/21/2019 — 5:58 am
VH&L is yet another example of ignorance and lack of relevant knowledge and experience on the part of POA management and those prior and current Directors who put this program into existence and allow it to continue. While there is obviously a role for POA to play with regard to marketing of the Village this is not it. Shut it down – NOW!
Linda Anderson
06/21/2019 — 12:08 pm
The Biggest objection to this Real Estate Office is that property owners are forced to pay for it, promote it and keep it subsidized. VH&L should be a stand alone business just like all the other real estate companies. It is a glaring example of what management intends to control. It was set up to eventually push other real estate companies out of business. It should be removed NOW.
Gary Belair
06/21/2019 — 12:33 pm
I have many negative comments about the current POA manager (yes I know what she calls herself) but the “new” web site and it’s tab for Real Estate epitomizes the arrogance of her tenure. If she is a good accountant let’s recognize that and give her the opportunity to be an accountant somewhere else. The so called builder’s guild and other real estate writings on the web site implies that the only way to acquire property is through HSVL&H. Whether intended or accidental that impression is there. I might add, if that were the case when I moved to HSV; I wouldn’t.
We need to contact each board member on their individual addresses listed on the POA web site and let them know what we think. Shut down that office.
Frank Shears aka Bubba
06/21/2019 — 4:06 pm
In business we used to call this a “Budget Bumper”. Here it makes no sense at all. We need to trim costs not increase them! This makes me wonder about the motivations behind forming this VH&L group. I suspect there are currently some very uncomfortable people in the POA management ranks. Again, these are only speculations. These are NOT accusations. I know of a number of real estate agents in the area who have exceeded the number of sales and total value of sales in the Village beyond what VL&H has sold. Shut it down immediately. It’s just another hole in the POA’s income bucket.
Karen Bump
06/21/2019 — 9:36 pm
I think this POA real estate arm and builders guild should be shut down because that is not what my assessments should pay for, period. There are plenty of real estate agencies and personnel motivated to sell all of the village lots and homes.
That said, your survey is seriously flawed and asked in such a way to have respondents agree with your goals. It is not neutral or unbiased. Use proper survey rules to get an honest poll result.