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Vote Three for HSV BOD

EBLAST SITE BEING SET UP – Vote Three for HSV BOD is setting up and email marketing program to keep property owners abreast of positions and status of the marketing activities of the three like-minded candidates. We recognize and appreciate that not all may want to vote for the three individuals associated with Vote Three for HSV BOD campaign, but in the interest of leveraging marketing resources, we wanted our approach to reflect the same type of frugality we would take in the guidance of future HSV POA BOD activities.

You can opt-in to this site by going to (Link is no longer valid and has been removed.)

We anticipate releasing our first eBlast sometime next week.

We respect the rights of all HSV property owners to make their decisions on who you think will best serve their needs and we are committed to supporting all like-minded candidates elected regardless of who they are.

Should you have any specific needs or questions that can be answered by these candidates please use the contact forms on each of their sites:
Tormey Campagna – (Link is no longer valid and has been removed.)
Diana Podawiltz – (Link is no longer valid and has been removed.)
Lloyd Sherman – (Link is no longer valid and has been removed.)

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