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Diana Podawiltz

HSV Board of Director Candidate

My Platform and Bio

HSV Board of Director Candidate Diana Podawiltz
Diana Podawiltz HSV Board of Director Candidate

My name is Diana Podawiltz. My husband Jim & I have been property owners for 21 years, residents for 15. In 2001, I sold my tax and financial services practices. Two years later Jim retired from Caterpillar and we moved to the Village. I was then only 48. I’ve since had time to play golf, bridge and pickleball. Now it’s time to give back and I have a lot to offer.

My background includes a BS in Business Administration/ Accounting. I first worked at Caterpillar until the birth of our son. We then made a family decision for me to primarily be a homemaker. To help with finances, I started a small home-based accounting practice. I also developed and taught a course for the Small Business Administration. A transfer to Mississippi led me into substitute teaching. I also participated in volunteer activities including: serving on Director Boards for a country club and an education foundation; being an officer in the Parent/Teacher organization and becoming President of the Women’s Golf Association. Upon returning to Illinois, I earned securities licenses and opened a tax preparation business. Besides taxes I also helped clients with their financial and investment decisions. My approach was common-sense oriented with risk/reward always at the forefront. My clients did well. I also taught accounting for a junior college. Since living in the Village, I served on the last Strategic Planning Committee and have done volunteer work.

My primary goal in serving on the POA Board is: Improve our Finances. This means reality-based budgeting and spending. I am concerned with restoration of our aging infrastructure, e.g. Balboa clubhouse & course, 19th Hole and proper maintenance of our facilities. We must encourage property owners to lend their expertise and STOP hiring outside consultants. We should attempt to enlist help from state government to attract retirees. FORGET the Millennials, they need jobs not available here. To increase assessment and fee revenue consider marketing to those in a 50-mile radius to purchase lots at market value for amenity privileges. We must also create opportunity for property owners input to be heard in public forums and integrated into Board decision making. Restoring Board work sessions
will help. Quarterly town hall meetings with electronic access are a must.

We need to heal, stop airing our dirty laundry in the Voice and on the internet. Be civil when we interact. I will work for changes that make it possible for property owners to access the information they seek. I will bring a common-sense accountant’s mentality to the POA Board.

Give me a chance to work for you to improve our financial health, restore trust, peace and tranquility to the lovely place we want to or are calling home. I’m 63 and I hope to have many more years of living in a community called “Heaven on Earth” by many residents. I ask respectfully for your vote. Thank you.

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