We Promise Positive Change
“So, what does this have to do with the Village and the Board of Directors? In almost all situations the Board should be on the side of the majority of the property owners. For situations where they are not, the Board must be able to explain their decisions in a very logical, clear and understandable manner. There should never be any phony marketing spin by a highly paid PR firm. ” – Vote THREE for HSV BOD (Tormey Campagna, Diana Podawiltz & Lloyd Sherman)
Polls taken only of people who are like-minded are of no value. There must always be precautions taken to ensure that polls reflect a diverse
Major changes in the Village’s design, like those within the CMP, should never have been voted on, approved, or an implementation schedule adopted by the Board of Directors alone. There should have been a vote of all the property owners. The “Charrettes” were a prime example of faulty polling, basically a charade. Furthermore, we did not need a CMP to tell us that deferred maintenance must be addressed. That is a simple management responsibility.

You can rest assured that, as Board members, Vote Three for HSV BOD candidates will listen to both sides of an issue, not just what our friends think. Not only will we listen
However, making this happen will require a dramatic increase in the number of open meetings with property owner input. All Board members must make a concerted effort to engage property owners in both small and large groups. The now infamous “2-minute rule” being used at Board meetings must cease. Juvenile question cards must go away. Such restrictions in no way allow sufficient or timely opportunity for many to ask their questions, get their points across or obtain adequate answers. And this is just the beginning.
Comments by HSVP C
Farewell to (a Secure) Hot Springs Village
Thank you for commenting. I am glad your experience ...
HSVPOA Lakes Committee Report 3-16-22
Hi Tony. Thanks for commenting. We have moved ...
What’s New in HSV? – 401 Grilled
Thank you for replying.
Hot Springs Village Gate Access
Anne, I do understand your frustration. The person who ...
HSV Golf Utilization & Pricing
Hello Butch, the article you are commenting on is ...