I am Tosha J. Baggett, I’m very excited to announce my candidacy for Hot Springs Village Board of Directors. I am Christian, happily married, raised four amazing children and I’ve called the Owensville and Fountain Lake area home for most of my life. My family settled here before the Village began. I achieved my general education diploma in 1996, later received 2 years course study in Child Psychology from NPCC. I’ve held positions in a variety of fields throughout my adult life.
I enjoyed instructing for five years with First Step. Following that, I taught for four years with Fountain Lake as a Para Professional. Working with children struggling with learning and developmental challenges was an amazing time in my life and a heartwarming experience. Beyond this time, fall of 2010, I began working for Cranfords Grocery Company. I accepted a position there to be closer to my home and young children. I quickly excelled from the deli to Administration as Pricing Coordinator for six locations.
January 2019, my husband and I started our own business, Turn Key Services, a high-quality property cleaning and janitorial service. He and I continued working at our current jobs while working after hours and on our days off. Within a few months we had great success with our new business. In June of the same year, Cranfords would sell their company and subsequently force me out of work. My husband, Chad, resigned from his position and together we operated Turn Key Services full time. This work has brought us amazing relationships with many residents all throughout the Village.
As stated earlier, Owensville community is my home. I was married at the Owensville Baptist Church, my beloved family rests in the Owensville Cemetery. My grandfather, Johnny Kara, opened a small business here over 50 years ago, Kara’s Packing Company, a specialty supermarket and deli, featuring Kara’s recipe Polish Sausage and Kara’s pickled items. He and my mother, Kitty Kara operated the store together until the unexpected passing of my mother, February 2020. At that time, I became the owner operator of Kara’s Packing Company. We have achieved amazing growth and success. I am very proud to carry this family legacy forward to our family’s next generations.
I became a resident of the Village October 2015. During these years glaring concerns have arisen and the results of investments from property owners seem elusive. Many concerns exist with rising dues, arbitrary rules, selective enforcement of said rules, and more. We have experienced this and other residents have made me aware of the same occurring to them. I am otherwise a family focused woman, but I believe in standing up for what’s right. I believe in honor, transparency, common sense and individual freedom. Safety is very important to me, as well, but more is not always better. I want to be a voice for residents and I will do my very best for all of us. I am asking for your vote!
Sincerely and respectfully,
Tosha Baggett

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Susan Posner
01/14/2022 — 10:43 pm
Thank You and nice you have comment it shows your willingness to communicate!
Jama Lopez
01/15/2022 — 6:21 am
Thank you for offering to serve! I love seeing younger people move into the Village, they bring innovation and excitement to our community. Wishing you success in your campaign.
Kathy Henderson Oram
01/15/2022 — 3:38 pm
Tosha-Welcome! I am very interested in speaking with you about what you feel is the direction of our Village.