The Texan Picnic is Fast Approaching
Mark the Date: September 7, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. until ? at the Cortez Pavillion
If you haven’t already got it on your calendar, get it on there!
The picnic will be here before you know it…RSVP ASAP to Heidi King at
Our picnic is going to be a day packed full of fun, activities, contests, and food – something for everyone.
Do you want to know the best part? It will cost you nothing. Yep, it’s true. Texans do have generous hearts. All costs associated with our picnic are being contributed.

This picnic is right around the corner, but there are still volunteer opportunities. Show your Texas Pride by leaving your bootprint on our flagship picnic and volunteer for a committee. By volunteering, you can eat for free or play all day long for free!
We are planning on quite a large crowd to attend our 1st Annual Texan Picnic. We cannot expect everyone to bring a covered dish as that would be a waste of good food. We will, however, prepare and distribute a sign-up list of appetizers, sides, and desserts for you to choose from if you decide to bring something. Everyone is asked to bring their own beverage, but we are providing ice and cups.
Expect more emails between now and Sept 7th to keep you up-to-date and in the know.
As we all know, time is running short, so we all need to kick in our Texas get up and Go and let’s get ‘er done!
Help us make this first Texan picnic a great success. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Karen at and we will find something for you to do.
God Bless Texas and see you at the Picnic.
Here’s a little fun: Colorful Texan Sayings
Company’s coming; add a cup of water to the soup.
We’ve howdied but we haven’t shook.

Happy as a hog in mud
Fair to middling
Turn left past yonder
Two hoots and a holler away
08/28/2019 — 7:10 am
According to Nancy Luehring Texas is as big as HSV!!!
Karen Daigle Lundberg
08/28/2019 — 12:22 pm
Could someone possibly explain to Nancy Luehring that you can take HSV and sit in right in the middle of Houston, Dallas, San Antonio or Austin and have plenty of room to grow. Has the woman never been to Texas??? Jeez!!! LOL
Kirk Denger
08/28/2019 — 12:36 pm
I have a cousin who lives in Texas, can I come?
Frank Shears aka Bubba
08/29/2019 — 3:31 pm
Where is the sign-up list for sides, deserts, etc hiding? I plan to bring a gallon of my world famous… uh… well maybe not quite that famous, Arizona Pinto Beans. I’ll tame them down a bit (no jalapenos in this batch) for those with tender tonsils LOL.
Kathy Kenzel
08/31/2019 — 9:56 am
Bubba, I don’t see why you can’t do a batch mild and a batch with jalapenos. Please ????
Ed Smith
08/31/2019 — 1:28 pm
We just found out about this last night! Is it too late to come? We are from Dallas and would sure like to.
I make a mean Dr. Pepper cake.
Nancy Smith
Karen Daigle Lundberg
09/01/2019 — 1:20 am
Ed and Nancy Smith, you should have received an email telling you that it is not too late, and we are adding you to the list. That email may have even come from me but since I am at this point so overwhelmed with the Texas Picnic, I can’t remember what I did an hour ago. LOL If you have not received an email, please contact me at Thank you, and we are looking forward to having you. GOD BLESS TEXAS
Rose Drake
09/01/2019 — 11:24 am
We just found out from Nancy & Ed Smith about the picnic so we signed up too.
How do I find the list of what to bring. Thanks Rose DrakeCampbell & Bud
Laura Sorrells
09/04/2019 — 8:31 am
Hi Karen! Bill and I (Laura) are your entertainment for Saturday. We’re from Royce City, TX (between Rockwall and Greenville). I make a Wacky Cake that I’d like to bring if you need any more deserts.
We’re praying for a weather cool-down for Saturday…..this feels more like Texas weather than Arkansas!