by Glen Grussaute, September 15, 2019
It is no secret that I have virtually no respect for the four “carry over BOD members” as well as your CEO. Neither have I gone behind your backs to express my disdain for your dictatorial style of managing the affairs of the Village. What I feel about you has been stated openly. To make sure that you do not use my comments in a manner not intended, let me make it perfectly clear that I am in no way making personal threats against any of you. That said, your action taken yesterday to vote Dick Garrison off of the BOD may prove to be “the straw that breaks the camel’s back” as to your future positions of authority. I am confident that there will be such an adverse response from this community that it will lead to steps being taken to remove all of you from your leadership positions.
How can you look in the mirror?

Dick Garrison was legally elected to the BOD by the property owners. The single reason you voted him off the board, regardless of the lies that you will attempt to peddle in the Village, is that he was openly opposing the direction in which you are attempting to force us. I would tell you that you should be ashamed of yourselves but I have learned that none of the four carryover members can be shamed because of your total lack of regard for the feelings of a significant majority of HSV residents. I do wonder however how each of you can look in the mirror and tell yourselves that what you are doing is proper.
I believe the only avenue we as property owners have to fight you is to commit resources to hire legal help to challenge your belligerent and, in my professional opinion, unethical if not illegal activities. I feel confident that we will be able to get enough people to do this. I truly hope that the outcome of legal action will be watching all of you being thrown out of office.
Disdainfully yours,
Glen Grussaute, September 15, 2019
Cheri Nelson
09/15/2019 — 12:53 pm
Thank you for voicing what so many Property Owners are feeling.
Tom Blakeman
09/15/2019 — 12:59 pm
I second this motion. All in favor signify by replying with your Ayes.
09/15/2019 — 1:14 pm
Vicki Husted
09/15/2019 — 7:26 pm
Monica Impellizzeri
09/15/2019 — 1:03 pm
Thank you Glen for stating what we all are feeling!
Kathy Henderson
09/15/2019 — 1:16 pm
Great comments, Glen! I will be very glad to help get rid of this bogus CEO and the last 4 BOD members. The jury is still out on Tormey.
Minn Daly
09/15/2019 — 1:19 pm
Glenn, was very impressed by your candor at meeting! Facts are what is needed & we get none of those just projection from BOD/CEO. Attempted to catch you & your wife prior to exit of meeting. Thank you for speaking out, thank you for loving our community. Agreeable totally to what you stated Above, this needs to be handled legally & we must start immediately. Protests are good as well but the legal recourse is viable at this point. Respectfully, Minn Daly
09/15/2019 — 2:28 pm
Thanks Glen. Unfortunately I feel the only way to stop the CEO/BOD is by bringing a legal injunction against them. This will stop them until a judge can have them investigated and make a ruling. This should take some time and at least stop the wasteful spending.
Elizabeth Bradford
09/16/2019 — 7:55 pm
Agree with the lawsuit, because if we don’t , it may very well end up costing us a lot more than just money, our investments in our homes and our way of life.
The wheels of Justice are slow moving so we need an injunction taking the purse strings away from LN to prevent her and her dwarfs from starting expensive projects, before a its too late.
Vicky Didion
09/15/2019 — 2:33 pm
09/15/2019 — 4:02 pm
I agree and let’s stop the waste! Aye!
Lorri Street
09/15/2019 — 4:05 pm
George Chelf
09/15/2019 — 4:15 pm
AYE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
George Chelf
09/15/2019 — 4:17 pm
AYE !!!!!
George Chelf
09/15/2019 — 4:17 pm
AYE !!!!!!!!!!
Karen Daigle Lundberg
09/15/2019 — 4:40 pm
Glen – I could not agree with you more, and I also believe that our only recourse at this time is to seek an attorney. Some of you have seen that I put out a call for attorneys’ fees. I have not asked anyone for donations for attorneys’ fees, but I did ask for an accounting — people telling me how much they would pledge. I received some very generous responses. Whether we are able to hire an attorney full-time, I do believe we have reached the time where people have seriously had enough of this dictatorial regime, and it is now time to bring out the big guns…the attorneys. A GoFundMe for attorneys’ fees will be going up soon. Please dig deep. This is going to be a costly journey, but, hopefully, with volunteer paralegal work, and ways to cut corners, we can finally nail this runaway Board and CEO.
Melinda Noble
09/15/2019 — 4:44 pm
As for mincing words this entire mess can be put squarely on the shoulders of Nancy and Buddy. If either of them had done what they campaigned on we would now have a majority but it is to late now the damage is done. This BOD/CEO could care less about packed meetings and hurt feelings.
09/15/2019 — 5:15 pm
09/15/2019 — 6:11 pm
People of the Village – LISTEN UP!
Absolutely NOTHING is going to happen to rectify the wrongs of Lesley Nalley, the four legacy BOD members and turncoat Tormey unless we take action.
Here’s what needs to be done:
We need a Property Owners Coalition formed led by one of our more astute villagers. The mission of this Coalition must be “the removal of Lesley Nalley, the four legacy BOD members and turncoat Tormey. We need a GoFundMe site set up so that we can finance a competent lawyer, not associated with HSV in any way.
Once organized and funded – we need to fight this battle in the courts.
Standing outside a BOD meeting with black arm bands will only humor Lesley Nalley, the four legacy BOD members and turncoat Tormey. They will laugh among themselves at our fruitless efforts.
They have the upper hand now. They know they can’t be beat. They changed the By-Laws to protect themselves.
We need to hit them HARD where it hurts the most – in their pocketbooks.
Any other actions will do nothing but cause more angst and ultimately drive down our property values even further.
Kirk Denger
09/16/2019 — 11:36 pm
Members, forget about going to court, that will only cost us double! Remove the entire Board with a members meeting that will cost nothing. After the BOD are removed a new board will be re-elected at the same meeting. A special new Board meeting will follow where the CEO will be terminated. Then the CEO can spend her own money on lawsuits and fail.
Kirk Denger
09/15/2019 — 6:24 pm
This is a petition for the removal of the entire Board of Directors, and re-election of a new board.
On this day, September 15,2019, We the Members of The Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association, a nonprofit corporation organized under Act 176 of the 1963 General Assembly for the State of Arkansas, entitled the “Arkansas Nonprofit Corporation Act” (“Act 176”), do hereby affix our signatures below for the purpose of causing the Secretary of the corporation to notify all member property owners 30 days in advance for a call of a members meeting on November 30, 2019, at the Woodlands auditorium, specifically for the purpose to remove and re-elect our entire Board of Directors.
Peter Kirk Denger (Trustee)
Guess Who?
09/15/2019 — 6:51 pm
OK so how many signatures do we need; who’s going to get them; what do we do with it when we have all the signatures?
09/16/2019 — 7:59 pm
Just do it. They will come
Minn Daly
09/15/2019 — 6:58 pm
Please put my name on your list! Thank You! We still need legal advice on stopping BOD for all spending until a NEW BOD /General Manager can be put into action. Again thank you! Respectfully, Minn Faly
Kirk Denger
09/15/2019 — 7:52 pm
The petition will be available for signing at a members meeting at the DeSoto Club Monday at 5:30 PM. 1,050 signatures are needed. Extra petition forms will be available for volunteers to collect signatures from fellow members.
09/15/2019 — 8:15 pm
Our Articles of Incorporation Act 176 of 1963 do not allow us to vote the board members out.
Act 1147 of 1993 would have allowed that, but we voted against it last fall.
The Acts are codes, not state laws, so that argument is false as well.
Don’t mislead people and waste their time to make yourself a name for yourself.
Please stop.
Kirk Denger
09/15/2019 — 8:42 pm
Anonymous09/15/2019 — 8:15 pm, you are drowning in your negativity and obviously a troll for the CEO/CNU/DPZ. Signify by replying AYE for throwing the BOD out of HSV and re-electing Dick and Diane and 5 others who will terminate the employment of the CEO.
Vicki Husted
09/15/2019 — 7:31 pm
I will be very happy to affix my signature to such a petition.
09/15/2019 — 7:35 pm
Our Articles of Incorporation do not allow us to vote the board members out. Act 1147 of 1993 would have allowed that, but we voted against it last fall. The Acts are codes, not state laws, so that argument is false as well.
Don’t mislead people to make yourself a name. Please stop.
Kirk Denger
09/15/2019 — 8:17 pm
Anonymous09/15/2019 — 7:35 pm, Admit your identity Dave, you are a Congress of New Urbanism Troll about to lose your grip on HSV.
09/15/2019 — 8:30 pm
You can call everyone as many names as you want, I just want the good people who read this site to understand what is true and what is not.
I withhold my name because from what I see you post.
I am unsure of what acts you are capable of, but I suspect they are far worse than anything our board can do to us.
Good night.
09/15/2019 — 9:05 pm
But look at his big Words!!! How can you not be impressed.
Congress of the New Urbanism.
Ray Barone
Kirk Denger
09/15/2019 — 9:19 pm
Anonymous09/15/2019 — 8:30 pm, Thank you for disclosing what you claim to be part of your reason to reply anonymously. Ask anyone who has been in HSV for 40 years what acts I am capable of. Along with an army of workers who have sweated day in and day out to build this Village, I am not happy to see it taken by embezzlement by foreign snake salespeople. I have not destroyed our heritage by destroying landmarks such as the original Fountain, guard house and gate, our Fay Jones DeSoto Club, pro Shop, 19th Hole, Olympic pool, Bath house and Family Park, our logo and now Balboa Club. Good people know me. Come to the DeSoto Club at 5:30 mondays and sign the petition to remove the BOD and re-elect a new board.
Melinda Noble
09/15/2019 — 8:32 pm
Lesley thank you for your quick response but I think we will give it a try. After all according to you we couldn’t see your contract and we all know how that worked out.
Clyde Berry
09/15/2019 — 6:34 pm
Thank you Glen! Your summation and suggestions for recourse give me. Things were beginning to look very bleak.
Clyde Berry
09/15/2019 — 6:36 pm
I meant to say give me hope.
Dolores Rickert
09/15/2019 — 8:44 pm
Thank you Glenn!
Stephen Rust
09/15/2019 — 10:15 pm
Kirk Denger, you know that I want as much as anyone for our CEO to be dismissed and for Nancy, Buddy, Cindi and Mike to be dismissed but your information is not correct.
Our governance docs are clear, you need written request from 1/4 of the members in good stand. You better plan on in the neighborhood of 4 or 5 thousand signatures.
Also I have been reading a lot of legal info and all of it cautions that you make sure you legally remove a board member. All the legal info states to do so according to your by-laws. Our by-laws clearly state that removal of a board member is by a majority vote of the board. If you know of a law stating that we can remove board members, please produce, otherwise don’t give people a false hope.How
I’m not trying to fight you but I do my homework.
Stephen Rust
09/15/2019 — 10:18 pm
That was signature of 1/4 of members in good standing to call a members meeting
Kirk Denger
09/16/2019 — 10:02 am
Stephen Rust, then plan on 4-5 thousand if need be. How will getting 1 thousand hurt? State laws supersede bylaws. Ark act 1147 1993 section 808 (e) and (g). An entire board of directors may be removed under subsections (a)-(e).
09/15/2019 — 10:47 pm
Did the legwork, we missed the opportunity to be able to vote board members out by our members by not updating to the 1993 Act last fall.
We can request the member meeting be called with the 1/4 signatures, but any type of vote to remove the board would not be recognized.
The Act of 1993 is not a state law, it is a code to be adapted by the non profit. See the explanation below from the following University of Arkansas Law Review.
“The Arkansas Nonprofit Corporation Act of 1993 (hereinafter the “Act”) creates a comprehensive corporate code which applies to all Arkansas nonprofit corporations incorporated after 1993. Nonprofits chartered before 1994 may elect to become subject to the provisions of the Act by amending their articles of incorporation after December 31, 1993.”
Thanks for trying to clarify before people set an expectation that this is allowed.
Kirk Denger
09/16/2019 — 9:49 am
Provisions spelled out in the ’93 Act can be used as basic non-profit corporation law weather we have adopted it or not, especially since there is no language specifically prohibiting it in the ’63 Act.
09/16/2019 — 12:13 pm
That statement makes absolutely no sense.
A non adopted act by our non profit corporation can be used as law.
Not supported by any reasonable fact.
Omission of a provision in our 1963 act does allow it be enacted without legal interpretation.
It would be great if we could snap our fingers and the 5 legacy board members would disappear. Of course, another election would have to be held and while having 7 new board members sounds exciting, that would be quite a battle against Nalley and her allies.
Probably lead to her lawsuit against us for loosing her job.
Kirk Denger
09/16/2019 — 11:43 pm
The CEO will be immediately terminated with a special New BOD meeting and can sue all she wants, WITH HER OWN MONEY!
Kirk Denger
09/16/2019 — 10:22 am
Stephen Rust09/15/2019 — 10:15 pm, I’m not trying to slight you but I do my homework. Give people false hope and giving people a path towards the goal is the difference between half full and half empty. It depends on your perspective. In the case of the Anonymous troll, all yes, card-carrying CNU/DPZ member, I understand her negativity to the success of Board removal by the membership.
Board member removal by majority of Board members is completely different than board member removal by members.
Minn Daly
09/16/2019 — 8:32 am
Glenn, it would seem that if the action against Dick Garrison is because he requested Frank Leeming to join him @ hearing & a non disclosure agreement was not requested by attorney & BOD requesting Frank Leeming to sign non disclosure, action is on BOD/CEO. Dick Garrison did not disclose anything, neither did Frank!! All Frank stated was a grievance filed against 2 BOD members & listed the names in his statement. He never stated issues! Dick Garrison should be re-instated immediately & charges filed against Legacy BOD/CEO! Respectfully. Minn Daly
Kirk Denger
09/16/2019 — 9:44 am
Excellent analysis Minn Daly, another reason, even though no reason is needed, as a majority of those voting members vote to remove the entire board and re-elect Dick and Diana and 5 more that will terminate the CEO.
09/16/2019 — 12:47 pm
Do you know the exact wording for what was used as basis for the vote to dismiss Dick G.?
I am not doubting, just want to have accurate information.
If it is true, sounds like a setup by the legacy board/Nalley.
Richard Brown
09/16/2019 — 6:58 pm
I have copied below a letter to the Arkansas Attorney General that I mailed today. I am in full support of your position. How can we trust anything that the current Board or CEO does since they have such a lack of transparency and ethical behavior. You are right, how can they even look in the mirror and see them selves as moral and ethical people when they are trying to overturn an fair election.
Leslie Rutledge
Arkansas Attorney General
323 Center St Suite 200
Little Rock, AR 72201
Ms. Attorney General.
We are in need of your assistance here in Hot Springs Village. The will of the people is being usurped by a corrupt CEO, Leslie Nalley, that is ignoring the will of the people in Hot Springs Village and has set up a virtual Dictatorship within the Village. The vast majority of the owners and residents of HSV are opposed to the direction she is taking the Village. Ok so we disagree with CEO, we can try and replace her correct? We are trying to do this through the democratic process. We overwhelming voted down all her proposals last fall and voted in three new board members including Dick Garrison and Diana Podawiltz to try and reverse the course she is taking us against our will. However the democratic vote is being nullified by her tactics and in my opinion illegal methods of opposing the will of the people which I would think would be violation of our civil rights by overturning the vote and will of the people. After electing the new board members opposed to her direction for the Village, she filed grievances against two of the Board members, Dick Garrison and Diana Podawiltz. Now she has taken the next step and persuaded the board members who do support her to fire Dick Garrison at a “secret Friday the 13th meeting”. This sends a chilling message to Diana Podawiltz the other board member, that is supported by the majority of the Village to shut up or she will be fired as well. This will also affect future board members who might run in opposition to the CEO that they would be elected and fired if they didn’t support the CEO. This tactic allows the firing a board member and then by use of the By Laws she and her board cronies get to appoint a replacement board member who I’m sure will be an acolyte to her positions. This also creates a “Virtual Dictatorship” as no matter how many times the will of the people prevails at the ballet box, all she (Nalley) has to do is arrange to have the board fire the opposition and we are back to having no board members who represent the actual will of the people. We need your help to end the corruption and let our votes count.
Richard G Brown
09/18/2019 — 12:05 pm
I hope this will come to something fruitful. However, I had contacted them (and the county) over 6 months ago and they said they had no jurisdiction. Granted, I did not go directly to the Attorney General.
I don’t know about Arkansas, but if you had slipped in words about duping or defrauding Senior Citizens in Florida, they would be all over this problem.
Since you so kindly included their address, I will follow your lead and also send a letter and I will point out that this entire community is full of senior citizens needing help.
Earl Milligan
09/17/2019 — 7:07 pm
I whole heartily agree 100%.