by Frank Leeming, September 13, 2019
In another move never before seen in Hot Springs Village, the POA board today fired director Dick Garrison.
On a 4-3 vote in a secret meeting late this afternoon, the board kicked Garrison off the board. No director has ever been removed from office in the 49-year history of the Village.
“I want to tell all of you who supported me that I am sorry I could not stay on the BOD and help deliver some of my campaign promises,” Garrison said in an email after he was ousted.
The narrow vote came five days before the board is scheduled to vote to revise its bylaws and require a two-thirds vote to remove a director from office – or five votes.
Late today, Garrison said he was exploring all possibilities to fight the board’s action.
Under board policy, vacancies may be filled by remaining directors. This means the four-member majority is likely to become a five-member majority, thus insuring even more support for CEO Leslie Nalley.

Last March, just two days before ballots in the latest board election were to be counted, the outgoing board voted Nalley a sweetheart contract deal paying her $210,105 a year plus an opportunity to earn $63,031 in bonus money for achieving some vaguely worded goals.
More importantly, the new contract says it would take six of the seven directors to fire the CEO, a move considered highly irregular in corporate management.
Garrison was one of two directors Nalley filed grievances against earlier this year, claiming they were undermining her ability to run the Village. The other director was Diana Podawiltz.
Attorney Mary Carole Young was hired by the board to investigate the legality of the grievances. She has yet to report back to the board.
Villagers elected Garrison to the board earlier this year along with Podawiltz and Tormey Campagna in another property-owner repudiation of the direction Nalley and recent boards have been taking.
Last fall voters voted down a long list of Declaration and bylaw changes. Most agree the vote was a referendum on Nalley’s hallmark Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP), criticized by many as not representing what the Village is or should be.
The board will have its next regular meeting at 9 a.m. next Wednesday at the Ponce de Leon Center.
In addition to the controversy which is certain to erupt over the board’s action against Garrison, directors are also expected to decide on Nalley’s plan to spend millions of dollars to rejuvenate the Balboa Golf Course and perhaps tear down the Balboa Clubhouse.
by Frank Leeming, September 13, 2019
09/13/2019 — 7:28 pm
I have tried and tried to tell you people that HSV as we know it is done. Over. This action proves it.
09/13/2019 — 7:33 pm
I do not know how the 4 can sleep at night. What power is Nalley hanging over their heads? I now deeply regret moving to this place. I do not want to be part of any organization that these 4 belong to.
09/13/2019 — 7:40 pm
A large protest of some sort needs to happen.
Mary Szczepaniak
09/13/2019 — 10:12 pm
absolutely! We need signs. We need media. We need the AG We need the FBI.
09/14/2019 — 8:37 am
The protests need to start by dropping the “anonymous “and getting EVERYONE together to come up with a game plan to end LNs dictatorship . THis is serious as a heart attack.
Sam Taylor
09/13/2019 — 7:42 pm
This is past ridiculous!!! I cannot believe the audacity that that person hired by the board thinks that she can usurp the voters of the Village and have those board members she has mesmerized “fire” a real Board Member! Her day is coming, and there will be a celebration in the Village like no other when she gets her comeupance!
Out of here
09/13/2019 — 7:43 pm
Hard to believe these legacy board members are this stupid, but it is obvious. They insist on being divisive and untrustworthy. Don’t know how they sleep at night.
Proves beyond a doubt Nalley runs the show. Files a grievance and even before a decision is made, one director out.
This is a mess that will go on for years and years and cost residents thousands, if not millions, in salaries, bad decisions and of course lawsuits.
Monica Impellizzeri
09/13/2019 — 7:43 pm
Protest next board meeting!!!
Start a go fund me for attorney fees so Dick can fight this!
Judy Weatherly
09/13/2019 — 9:54 pm
Absolutely…..both sound good.
09/13/2019 — 10:28 pm
I’m with you! I want all the info we can get. We already have a sign makingbparty going on Monday. We need to get a mtg. together ASAP, get organized, & spring into acion. We need to be picketing the POA in droves daily. If there is anyway to freeze the bank accts. that needs to be done. It’s time to get radical. We definitely need to boycott BeeHive & XPlore. We need a multifocal approach. An and every venue that can be polightly & w ith order yet make our voice heard. Maybe we need to picket the office of Bill Samples, French Hill, the governor, the courthouse, tge DA. Maybe we need a pray-in. As far as I’m concerned, this is the straw that broke the camel’s back. It takes a lot to make me angry, but they done gone & done it. It’s not a pretty site. If you’re mad as hell & ain’t gonna take this anymore, come along with our movement!
Karen Daigle Lundberg
09/14/2019 — 2:51 am
Mary – Please take all of that pent up anger that you have, and that I have, and that so many of us have, and let’s be productive.
Everyone says it’s time to do something. THEY ARE RIGHT. So, I am striking in several places, but there is some very, very important information I need, and if they don’t read it here, please spread the word.
I am collecting a list (no money at this time). I need everyone to email me at, and tell me that you are ready to fight, and I want you to write a figure of what you can possibly add to an attorneys’ fee account. Please do not give me made up numbers. Please be prepared to come up with that money if necessary. People want an attorney, and now are ready for one, let’s see who comes up with the the money, and if it’s going to be enough. Please everybody spread this with my email address. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
09/14/2019 — 11:57 am
Dan Iley
09/19/2019 — 10:35 am
I’m ready to get rid of those “in power” and restore confidence in our village.
George Chelf
09/15/2019 — 6:36 pm
Monica great idea !!!!
Mike Fleming
09/13/2019 — 7:47 pm
This is the worst kind of news. I’m sure that this is a turning point in HSV history and future. We will remember this like it is an attack on our sovereignty.
Class action lawsuit and I pledge $100 to start maybe more later
Lynda Narug
09/13/2019 — 8:40 pm
From experience with legal fees, $100 won’t get your foot in the door of a good law office.
09/13/2019 — 9:01 pm
Class action and you only have 100 dollars ? that’s about a nickel a piece.
09/14/2019 — 7:39 am
20- 100 from 500 ppl would be more than enough to get a great nonprofit corporation lawyer .. from what I can see from the social media pages alone .. 500 is a easy reach .
Judy Weatherly
09/13/2019 — 10:02 pm
Folks..I believe Mike meant he would pledge $100 To start a legal fund… Go Fund Me.
09/13/2019 — 7:47 pm
The one person that had any integrity got removed from the board. I just cannot tell how much I regret moving here despite all the good people that I have met. I certainly cannot recommend anyone moving here.
Jean Mooney
09/13/2019 — 7:47 pm
Julie I appreciate your frustration but that’s just what they hope for. Now more than ever, we need to be at Board meetings and the Let’s Talk. We need vocal numbers and Opposition to their mismanagement at every meeting
What about banners and signs against those on the board who continue to support this unethical behavior?
Opposition needs to be constantly visible. We need to be there.
09/13/2019 — 7:59 pm
If I’m not mistaken, I don’t think signs will be allowed at Board Meetings. I’m basing that on the meeting that someone was escorted out of a meeting for carrying a sign, but later allowed back in without the sign.
09/14/2019 — 9:32 am
But they make us their own rules so why can’t we…
09/15/2019 — 11:07 am
We will not have protest signs inside the meeting, but we can hold up signs along the driveway entrance both front and back before the meeting starts. I am urging everyone who can, come out early before the meeting, support those holding signs so when BOD and CEO enter the premises they will see the crowd and the signs
Further I encourage everyone wear a black armband on their Left arm
And flood their emails for the next 3 days requesting the meeting be held in the Auditorium instead of the Ouachita room.
09/13/2019 — 8:29 pm
Jean, you are correct.
09/13/2019 — 9:38 pm
Agreed. Now is the Time. Stand up for our rights as property owners. What if we all stopped paying their salaries ????
09/14/2019 — 7:54 am
You don’t think they will close the board meetings and stop the Let’s Talk sessions if their is protesting. They threatened that already.
This last action proves they are “full steam ahead” on the Nalley train.
This is no longer the HSV of 15-25 years ago. No one person at fault. The economics have changed and when Cooper left, the folks who took over probably weren’t very good visionary’s. Assessments and marketing for example, were all done with very short term planning.
Now it has culminated with the “no leadership” Nalley, trying to stuff her pocketbook for as long she can. An incompetent legacy board who don’t know how to swallow their pride and dig out of this.
Time to become a municipality. Start over. No Nalley, new board.
Our vote to make. Difficult transition, but not impossible.
Minn Daly
09/13/2019 — 7:59 pm
To all this is a disgraceful act! We need Little Rock media on this an quickly! Go fund me page for Dick Garrison & members to fight these actions! How can Legacy BOD think they have control of all HSV? This will NOT stand! We need to unite on this & financial issues faceing HSV & get a General Managrr in charge get the legacy board voted out! Minn Daly
09/13/2019 — 8:01 pm
It makes you think your vote doesn’t count for much! We vote them in and if they keep their integrity they kick them out.
Sharon Grussaute
09/13/2019 — 8:02 pm
We all complain, but what is really being done. It is time we all truly band together and take action. I have only been here for 18 months and this is some crazy crap. It is time we step up and take legal action. There has to be something we can do and it better happen quickly or we are going to be in debt for millions of dollars.
Mary Williams
09/13/2019 — 8:03 pm
Posted this before adding my name so here it goes again.
It makes you think your vote doesn’t count for much! We vote them in and if they keep their integrity they kick them out.
09/13/2019 — 8:05 pm
The billboard on highway 7 north is not addressing the issues. Visiting the “We the People Web Site” is not the message we should be getting out. It should be “Fire the CEO” with the web site address listed at the bottom. A Go Fund Me account is a great idea, but how about using the money to purchase more billboard space? Let’s get the word out and get going on this issue. More awareness is needed right here in the Village before another Board member is fired.
09/13/2019 — 9:07 pm
We are working on it. Thank you for your input.
Judy Weatherly
09/13/2019 — 10:14 pm
Its not We the people!
Different group.
They are trying to educated everyone about how screwed up the management is plus post all meetings..issues…and comments like you are doing now.
You are on: or use… like the sign indicates
09/13/2019 — 8:09 pm
Money talks. Withhold assessments?
joseph mozer
09/13/2019 — 8:25 pm
i am in lets start
09/13/2019 — 8:54 pm
Isn’t withholding your assessment like cutting of your nose to spite your self
Lewis Robinson
09/13/2019 — 8:14 pm
I think a vocal protest is needed at the next meeting peaceful but vocal everyone should come tell your friends tell your neighbors EVERYONE IS NEEDED AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING OVERWHELM WITH PROTEST
Vicky Didion
09/13/2019 — 8:17 pm
Stephen Rust - Phone 501 209 5976
09/13/2019 — 8:39 pm
I spoke with someone that gave very good advice.
1. While a go fund me may be good, they take part of our money.
2. If we hire a lawyer it will cost a fortune because Lesley Nalley will use our assessment money to fight this and she will bankrupt us.
3. We need a lawyer from the Village that will volunteer their time so we can afford to fight.
4. If we need someone to raise money, I volunteer. I will make every effort possible to raise as much as possible, will keep a list of every penny given and by whom, it will cost nothing and every penny will be accounted for.
5. If anyone can put me in touch with a lawyer in the village to get advice from, I will start the ball rolling.
Kirk Denger
09/13/2019 — 8:56 pm
A member’s meeting can remove Board members and replace them at the same meeting. Arkansas is one of twenty-eight states that require the same amount of votes to remove directors as voted them in. After Erickson is removed Garrison will be the first one elected to take her place. Remove Leuhring, Dixon, Mikey and all others who will not pledge to remove the Congress of New Urbanism/DPZ from our community. We do not need money. What we need is Masses. Meet Mondays at the DeSoto Club at 5:30 and the third Wednesday of each month at the Woodlands. If the building won’t hold us, the parking lot will. Stop all divisionary small talk and just do it. Every member is equal and every member is needed.
09/13/2019 — 9:04 pm
Good plan!
Vicki Husted
09/13/2019 — 9:02 pm
I am so outraged I can barely type. We DO need to SWAMP the Board members email boxes, SWAMP the BOD Meeting Wednesday, 9-18-19 at 9AM at Ponce Center, SWAMP every Let’s Talk, and Committee Meeting. They need to be made aware that our numbers are great and that we are committed to stopping their destruction of our chosen home.
I plan to spend this evening trying to calm myself enough to compose correspondence to television stations, my Congressman, Senator, Governor, Secretary of State, and anyone else I can think of who may help us expose this hostile takeover attempt before we are driven into bankruptcy and then handed off to a non-profit corporation of the CEO’s choice.
Nancy Burleson
09/13/2019 — 10:45 pm
So it was a secret board meeting— am aware of the previous grievance filled by Nalley against Dick and Diana – so what was the specific reason given to take this action against Dick and not Diana too? When they drew for terms, did Dick draw the longer term?
Either way, whether a two or three year term, a ‘puppet’ director will be hand picked to fill the remainder of Dick’s term, is there now no way to win a majority to oppose Nalley next year, as only two vacancies will come up for a vote?
If fair elections have been taken away, that leaves only the courts and possibly criminal investigation. We are in for a
Lloyd Sherman
09/13/2019 — 9:03 pm
It has become increasingly obvious that the only way the property owners are really going to be heard is through the courts. Nothing we have done thus far has even made a dent in these misguided decisions being made. Hang in there, it’s time to form another grassroots movement only this time the end result will be a class-action suit. Give a few of us a couple of days to put an action plan together. We can’t let this continue. This is our Village! It does not belong to the hired help!
Lynda Narug
09/13/2019 — 9:17 pm
Garner/Narug lawsuit cost into the $60K range, be prepared to dig deep. Then when that case lost in Garland court it went to Appeal Court. At that point Garner/Narug were personally sued by a group that included several former BOD board members and Friends of HSV, but a loss for the Plaintiff’s. Talk to Garner now, he’s trying on his own another lawsuit against the POA, he’s the best to offer advice.
Lawsuits are time and money consuming and no guarantees.
Donna Marie Prince
09/13/2019 — 9:22 pm
Lloyd, please keep us posted. We want in. This is supposed to be the last house we ever live in and we arent giving up without a fight.
Kirk Denger
09/13/2019 — 9:57 pm
LLoyd, You are sounding like the CEO who only gives one option to choose from. “The only way the property owners are really going to be heard is through the courts.” Tear down Balboa Clubhouse because it is cheaper than remodeling it. Restoring the Balboa club is not an option given and therefore does not exist. It is becoming increasingly obvious that you are hiding your head in the sand. The last thing we need is your concept of a few “leading minds” to put together a lawsuit that will drag out for years and like the CEO’s Balboa project, you have insufficient funds to pay for it.
09/14/2019 — 6:27 am
Kirk, You sound like a leader but I don’t see it in your actions. Getting personal with people is a complete turn off. You want people to buy in to your methods then learn some manners, buddy.
Kirk Denger
09/14/2019 — 9:24 am
Anonymous09/14/2019 — 6:27 am, I am not a leader or a follower, we are all in this together equally as members. I am not selling methods and I do not need or want your insufficient checkbook. Your advice of gaming people with politically correct manners leads me to believe you are a salesperson, possibly unethical, otherwise why the anonymous ID?
Cheri Nelson
09/15/2019 — 11:19 am
Kirk, don’t weaken our position by fighting within. That is exactly what Nalley and the old guard want. It’s time to band together, 1 group, to set in motion multiple strategies.
As we’ve talked before, the current bod will not acknowledge any petition to remove either themselves, or the CEO, and having every single homeowner vote to remove them would still not be enough votes because there are way more property owners who don’t actually live here but have a vote.
Kirk Denger
09/22/2019 — 9:43 am
Cheri Nelson09/15/2019 — 11:19 am, You like Lloyd and the CEO seem to lead by denying any other possibilities exist. You can not band together by claiming that your group has all the answers. Instead of “one group, to set in motion multiple strategies,” you might broaden your narrow leading minds to include “multiple groups to set in motion One strategy.” You mentioned “as we talked before” WHAT? Sorry to say the truth, but that is another CEO strategy of repetitive denial of any other plan but yours. Sorry for your negativity to a legal petition, the Village has 9,000 voting members and non-residents may sign as well. While your leading minds spend our hard-earned assessments fighting unnecessary legal lawsuits that prove small points, this petition can get the purpose done all in one fell swoop. The State of Arkansas recognizes membership removal of BOD so the disbelieving BODs do not matter. This is not infighting, this is totally out in the sunshine. Like I told Street, you with your secret FB group do not represent all of us who oppose the CMP.
09/14/2019 — 3:36 pm
I agree.
09/13/2019 — 9:15 pm
Heartsick over this
09/13/2019 — 10:14 pm
Instead of starting with the courts where we’d pay for both sides, maybe we should start with a good private investigator to find the conflicts of interest, hiring of relatives, and other malfeasance.
From Dixon
09/13/2019 — 10:49 pm
Agree. As in Dixon, Illinois where the city treasurer embezzled millions of dollars over 20 years (watch “All the Queen’s Horses” on Netflix) at the expense of infrastructure and other services like police and fire department hirings and equipment. Current HSV management practices give the appearance that unsavory things are going on behind the scenes. Need a smoking gun. Follow the money….
09/14/2019 — 6:33 am
Yup. Follow the money. It cost 1/2 million and more to get in this mess, paying 1/3 of a million for a forensic audit seems like a bargain at this point. Let’s get Cooper to sharpen up his audit and the members help him pay for it.
09/14/2019 — 9:45 am
Where is Cooper…why is he not outraged…or involved
09/14/2019 — 6:42 am
That has merit.
09/13/2019 — 10:17 pm
Nalley professes to be a Christian? hmmmmm…….
Lloyd Sherman
09/13/2019 — 10:28 pm
Kirk – Thank you for your expert analysis of what won’t work. If you disagree that is acceptable but how about some constructive input on what other options we have available to us. Talking to them isn’t working. CCI already has a team going through the records, so what makes us think another investigator is going to uncover anything that can result in anything that will change our situation. And for the record, comparing me to Ms. Nalley is uncalled for. I thought we were on the same team!
Kirk Denger
09/14/2019 — 8:03 am
Lloyd, May 15th, 2019, Brian Darst formally requested the BOD to notify all members to meet July third, 2019. The BOD failed to do this as at the time they were the only entity capable of notifying all members because they fraudulently and illegally withheld members addresses. Now by court order, this information is available to all members so that we can notify all members 30 days in advance of such a meeting. The CEO will pick Dick and Diane’s replacements after she has them removed. A quorum of the members may remove all the Board if need be and replace them at a special member’s meeting. A members meeting is needed to throw them all out. At a very recent member meeting, Leuhring, Dixion, Erickson, and Medica were all unanimously voted to be removed from the board. Compagna was voted to be removed by the majority at the same meeting. Leuhring, Compagna, Medica, Dixon, Erickson, and the CEO/CFO all had the intent to obstructed justice by covering up their unlawful previous behavior.The only way to remove the CEO is to remove and replace five unlawful Board of directors with a special membership meeting called 30 days after all members have been notified. A quorum of the members can vote to remove and replace the unlawful directors, the new directors will terminate the CEO instantly. This can all happen within 30 days.We have been bushwacked by the Communists of New Urbanism, however, we have now awoken from our peaceful slumber of retired trusting lives and will remove this infection from our long-standing community before the year is out
09/14/2019 — 8:44 am
State and show where the Arkansas law exists that we can do this.
I have looked for it, no success.
How do expect to have a quorum at a members meeting? Rent the Verizon center? What about Non residents, the sick and disabled? Without a paper ballot vote, if it is allowed, you cannot take a legitimate vote.
I know you think you are helping. But you are not. Please stop.
Kirk Denger
09/14/2019 — 12:56 pm
Anonymous09/14/2019 — 8:44 am, You are drowning in your negative thinking while the lifeline is within your reach.
09/14/2019 — 5:11 pm
Great answer, let’s follow your dreams.
09/14/2019 — 10:55 am
Kirk, Tell us your definition of quorum
Kirk Denger
09/14/2019 — 10:34 pm
Anonymous09/14/2019 — 10:55 am, Search quorum. Do some research and share the answer with the members. I am not here to serve you on the silver platter you are used to being served with.
09/14/2019 — 11:42 pm
Ah Master Kirk, you “speak” to teach us.
“Never forget that, at the most, the teacher can give you fifteen percent of the art. The rest you have to get for yourself through practise and hard work. I can show you the path but I can not walk it for you.”
― Master Tan Soh Tin
Dan Leathers
09/13/2019 — 10:34 pm
Outrage after outrage. Almost continuously now. How about “FIRE NALLEY and HIRE DICK” signs outside the next board meeting! Or in front of the POA anytime this week. If we had 100 or more signs, maybe some TV coverage. But we desperately need large turnouts. Time to quit typing and start marching!
Tom Robinson
09/13/2019 — 11:52 pm
Why does the board have the right to vote another board member off or fire them when they are voted in by the people ! The people should be the only body that can remove them !
Gary Godfrey
09/14/2019 — 6:47 am
This is unreal. We left the Village in 2015. We were there 15 years and had our lot for six years before we built our home. Three years before we left we started wondering about the direction the Village was headed. Every year up to 2015 it seemed to go worse with the decisions the BOD was making. We decided to leave after the two tier passed. Made a lot of great friends in the Village. I always thought did we do the right thing? After reading this we made the right decision. Dick is a good man and cant believe that this has happened. I hope that in some way it can get turned around for the people that live in the Village. Its really a shame. Good Luck
Carroll W Allison
09/14/2019 — 8:28 am
I’m surprised that they went after Dick because he took pride in his role in helping to establish the Two-Tier assessments which I’m sure pleased Nalley and group? Not a nice payback.
09/14/2019 — 8:00 am
Many want to bring their views to the homes of the four board members, they probably need to call HSVPD First , then being employees, that may not be safe , because they would be required to be at the homes of 4 different homes , away from their normal operation and needs , I think they may be undermanned as it is .so for safety of all , please call them .. I do understand the anger .
Minn Daly
09/14/2019 — 8:16 am
To all we must fight this BOD action! I will pledge $50.00 and if we get 500 people to pledge the same, that will get excellent legal services. I do believe that we can get over a thousand to support us! We have got to start now! They think there is nothing we can do. It that is not true! They were voted in & we can vote them out! We need to do it legally! We also need to call for a forensic audit of all finances and stop them from spending any more on any project! Please address her email is on her post on this site an give her your pledge! This is a mess & getting worse by the hour! We need action before the next meeting on Wed. Including mass members to protest everything they have done. We need all Little Rock Media to attend & all actions by this BOD/CEO need exposure. Minn Daly
George R
09/14/2019 — 8:39 am
Once again… BOYCOTT the Bee Hive. I don’t care who works there (get another job) or how much financial interest Erickson has. Be it 1% or 100%. Best way I know to make someone a believer is through their wallet.
Sue List
09/14/2019 — 8:40 am
Let see – we elect board members to run this place and do what’s best for HSV. Then the queen decides she doesn’t like that one of the directors stands up to her and she decides to get rid of him. Hmmmm.
Maybe somebody is hiding something and maybe someone was getting close to finding it???
George R
09/14/2019 — 8:43 am
KIRK…. If I never see another post from you, it will be too soon.
09/14/2019 — 8:47 am
Jerrell Cotton
09/14/2019 — 8:51 am
Stephen Rust
09/14/2019 — 9:14 am
1. To call a members meeting requires a written request by 1/4 of the members. Calling a meeting any other way would be outside governance and would not stand up in court.
2. My opinion a class action lawsuit is useless.
3. If we filed a lawsuit to try to remove Lesley Nalley, she will use your assessment dollars to fight it and bankrupt us.
4. If we are going to try to legally have her removed, we need some advice from preferably a village lawyer who will donate their time and advise whether or not we have a case. This is not my opinion but advice from someone that I believe to be very knowledgable.
5. I can’t pledge anything unless I know what is being planned. If I know the legal route planned then I could make a decision on how much I could give.
6. Everyone attending the next BOD meeting needs to have a written well prepared speech. No speaking off the cuff. Please.
Kirk Denger
09/14/2019 — 1:01 pm
Stephen Rust09/14/2019 — 9:14 am, Focus on your #1. statement and begin the petition, forget the other five.
Melinda Noble
09/14/2019 — 9:35 am
You know the saying “it’s not over till the fat lady sings” well the fat lady sang and got what she wanted.
Steve Owen
09/14/2019 — 10:16 am
I left this post on NextDoor earlier, but I want to repeat it here:
The HSV bylaws specifically provide that a director may be removed “for cause,” which includes “Interfering directly in the management of the Association.” Pretty standard boilerplate policy in most organizations. Ms. Nalley had previously invoked arbitration, pursuant to policy, to address and maybe resolve an allegation of said interference. Arbitration is also a common tool to allow folks in an organization to air grievances and hopefully obtain relief beneficial to the individual and the organization.
Maybe, just maybe, Mr. Garrison was guilty of the alleged interference. It is enough, within the confines of HSV policy, that 4 of his colleagues believed that he was. They followed the rules in his removal, or so it appears.
It would now behoove the BOD to issue a detailed statement to put all this hand-wringing to rest. I admit that I have no more idea of what has happened that anyone else posting on this matter. If this was some form of power play, and the charges were trumped up, there is time enough for the vapors. In the meantime, summer is lingering, so get out and get some fresh air, and enjoy the beauty that brought us all here in the first place. Sunlight is a pretty good disinfectant, eh?
09/14/2019 — 7:02 pm
Oh Steve I don’t know what we would do without your insightful commentary. Thanks.
09/14/2019 — 10:16 am
How does Alabama have the best football players year after year??
We all know the players are semi professionals. They don’t go there for their education. A lot of them are illiterate, but get a degree. The alumni have perfected hidden gifts and pro bono.
DPZ alums?
I contend we have a semi professional board that is getting educations for their grandkids at the Yale and Harvard like universities. Or something on that order. You know. Use your imagination and follow the money. But you cannot follow! No telling how far out these tentacles reach. All the way to Canada probably.
We need the masses to come out of their easy chairs to fight these masterminds of deceit.
Bankruptcy here we come.
Steve Owen
09/14/2019 — 11:07 am
I posted this to NextDoor earlier this morning. Surely you will allow a contrarian position:
The HSV bylaws specifically provide that a director may be removed “for cause,” which includes “Interfering directly in the management of the Association.” Pretty standard boilerplate policy in most organizations. Ms. Nalley had previously invoked arbitration, pursuant to policy, to address and maybe resolve an allegation of said interference. Arbitration is also a common tool to allow folks in an organization to air grievances and hopefully obtain relief beneficial to the individual and the organization.
Maybe, just maybe, Mr. Garrison was guilty of the alleged interference. It is enough, within the confines of HSV policy, that 4 of his colleagues believed that he was. They followed the rules in his removal, or so it appears.
It would now behoove the BOD to issue a detailed statement to put all this hand-wringing to rest. I admit that I have no more idea of what has happened that anyone else posting on this matter. If this was some form of power play, and the charges were trumped up, there is time enough for the vapors. In the meantime, summer is lingering, so get out and get some fresh air, and enjoy the beauty that brought us all here in the first place. Sunlight is a pretty good disinfectant, eh?
Andy Kramek
09/14/2019 — 12:13 pm
As you say, without knowing what this alleged “interference” was, it is hard to make a comment. However, to take the action of firing a Director, in a secret meeting, effectively nullifies the result of the grievance arbitration which, as far as we know, has not been decided.
This looks and smells like a pre-emptive strike to achieve a number of objectives:
1] Remove an opponent of Nalley’s plans for Balboa before the vote on 9/18 and reduce the number of voting members to 6 – thereby ensuring her cronies will give her the necessary majority.
[2] Render the result of the arbitration irrelevant (maybe it just wasn’t going the way she wanted)
[3] Send a message to the other newly elected members that SHE is in control, and that their role is to do whatever she says, whenever she says it.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck it’s probably a duck!
Jo Dean
09/14/2019 — 11:25 am
Friday the 13th may be the Pearl Harbor of Hot Springs Village, they may have awaken the Sleeping Giant. This may just be the beginning of the end for this dictatorship. Enough really is enough. Let the level headed, calm, collected, and non violent planning take place.
09/14/2019 — 5:38 pm
jo dean, amen
Richard Haack
09/14/2019 — 12:09 pm
Richard Haack- The village vetoed the CMP & Declarations changes.
CEO & BOD continue – even after Village Ballot veto.
They are in breach of contract- they can be fired.
How do we call for a village vote (a stakeholders vote)?
If it costs $5k or $7k to print and distribute a vote, it is well worth the cost compared to litigation.
Allowing Nalley and BOD to run this corporation into bankruptcy hurts everyone.
But once they are fired- who sails the ship?
Bob Busse
09/14/2019 — 12:34 pm
Just got back in town and read of this lynching. I would strongly recommend that members who support Dick, or just think that this action is wrong, start a fund to support Garrison and be available for Directors to fight the tyranny of Nalley and here puppets. These people have absolute and total disregard for what is BEST for HSV, but are only insuring Nalley’s power and control over owners. The only way the rank and file can fight this dictatorial power (and individuals) is through the court/legal system. The power is counting on Villages not having the money or the backbone to fight them in court. Well let’s show them they are wrong.
Anonymous Joke
09/14/2019 — 1:12 pm
Would you just look at you fools comments. This ridiculous website has private firum, so why dont you stop comments on artickes and all go into the sites private forum with your trashing each other, defaming people and trashing the value and anti marketing HSV. You all seem to be incompetant angry few who cant decide on even the articles you write and claim are bettering the village. Stand back look at it and ask are you making it better or worse. Writing fact based articles is one thing airing your dirty opinions is other. And no this isnt about free speech rights, theres rules to that right. Above all your roghts is the right to act responsible.
09/14/2019 — 1:14 pm
You dont even have an edit button, amatuers!
09/14/2019 — 7:06 pm
Thanks for the comments Lesley. 🤗🤗
Anonomous worst nightmare
09/15/2019 — 12:52 am
Delusions of granduer and paranoia. no worse than her.
Lloyd Sherman
09/14/2019 — 1:18 pm
Regardless of whether you supported Dick Garrison or not, and regardless that the Bylaws have a condition for the removal of a board member, an action to remove them from the board versus something like a warning seems to be a more prudent approach. That being said, as we sit here pondering which might be the best next move. be assured the PR machine is hard at work crafting a SPIN on why the action was taken. Regardless of what they say, the final paragraph of the CEO contract tells you all you need to know. Cross the CEO and there is trouble on the horizon. If they tell us he interfered with operations, then specifically how did he impede her ability to do her job. Does speaking to an employee constitute interference? Did he somehow on his own cause her not to be able to carry out one of her agenda items? Isn’t that his job as her boss? I could go on. Several suggestions have been offered up, many of which have already been throughly vetted by those who have been in this fight for an extended period of time. That being said, all options should be explored and then it should be placed before as many property owners as we can gather together and let’s move forward together (catchy phrase, huh?) Whatever that direction that is the time for talking is over. It has gotten us nowhere. We need legal advice and that may cost us, but if the current trend continues, it is going to cost many of us what we thought was going to be our final move.
Kirk Denger
09/22/2019 — 7:25 pm
Lloyd Sherman 09/14/2019 — 1:18 pm, If four can fire one then we the members can fire four. We the members will remove all BOD if need be at a special members meeting, sign the petition to remove and re-elect Board members removed by the majority of those voting, who will then unanimously vote to fire the CEO and rid the Village of the Congress of New Urbanism/DPZ. Monday Members meeting at the DeSoto Club at 5:30. Pick up a sheet to pass around at your church and your neighborhood.
Minn Daly
09/14/2019 — 1:49 pm
Loyd I agree 100 percent with you! Please get 3 or 4 to go with you to a Bank start the fund as I told cindi lundgren I will pledge 50.00 to get a non profit corporate attorney to put a freeze on all financial activity & stop the board from any activity as they have not followed the votes of membership. I know we can get a thousand or more to aid this fight with HSV membership. If that fails we can put our dues in a trust until all action is accomplished to remove them! Yes we are all angered by this disgusting act that was not warranted! I thought Glenn spoke out very forcefull at Balboa meeting & he knew his facts. Like you & others I know we will succeed! Also helping Dick Garrison in the process. Minn Daly
Kirk Denger
09/16/2019 — 11:01 pm
Hear Her! Hear Her! I could not agree with you more Minn Daly, both sides of the aisle agree on this issue. Considering the dire situation of our CEO’s control over our BOD, Karen Daigle Lundberg created a Go Fund Me for HSV Members Legal Fees. Karen is a long time Para-Legal and trustworthy in my humble opinion. she has supported the resistance of the CMP since it’s inception and uncovered the fraud by the CEO on the internet gate issue and many other CEO fraudulent issues. I am not sure how to reach this site but she has received over $1200 on the first day within the last 24 hours for legal fees for property owner members against BOD/CEO.
09/14/2019 — 2:23 pm
I’ve contacted by e-mail and followup phone calls to all Little Rock TV stations. None have said yes we will be at Board Meeting. Only we are one of several possible. HOWEVER since the firing of Dick Garrison we need a bombardment of e-mails and phone calls. One can’t do it but many can. Below is all info on the stations.
This will also be seen by KLRT Fox 16
(Same news room)
KATV ..ABC..501-324-7777
7 on your side:
Lets do it Village…this craziness has to end!
Steve Owen
09/14/2019 — 3:44 pm
So everyone is convinced that Ms. Nalley and the gang of four are marching in lockstep to rob us of . . . . . . . what, exactly? Maybe Ms. Nalley has incriminating photos of the four. Maybe she is holding their emotional support iguanas for ransom in an undisclosed location. Maybe she is using her inflated salary to buy their votes at $100 a pop. Or maybe, she is trying to make the Village into an attractive destination for vacationers, retirees, and families, and the gang of four shares some of her vision. Maybe she overreaches too much, maybe there have been some boneheaded decisions, and yes, maybe we are seeing a power play unfolding. Welcome to small-town politics, folks.
But here are some relevant facts (I think): In the recent past, we have gained a world-class pickleball facility that has already brought great publicity and new visitors to the Village. We are about to gain a swell new outdoor pool that will appeal to prospective property owners, developers, and residents as an upscale amenity. Commercial developers are voting with their checkbooks for an enlargement of Maderas Gardens and that other residential development off DeSoto that I am too lazy to go back and find the info for. Greg Jones and his wife are voting with their checkbooks for the Beehive and Explore Lakeside restaurants, Artfully Baked on DeSoto, and the Balboa Marina. We have a brand new neat little grocery market at Ponce and DeSoto that I am too lazy to go find the name of. Dolce Vita serves up some damn fine pasta and wine at reasonable prices. The lakes are beautiful and the trails help keep us young. Granada restaurant has a good steak special tonight and DeSoto Grill serves up some mean catfish on Friday nights. I had a killer shrimp and grits bowl for breakfast this morning at Deborah’s on Carmona, now that they’re open for Saturday breakfast. And yes, I am thankful that Balboa G.C. is about to get a much-needed renovation in keeping with a vision of making everything about the Village first-class and well-maintained. I just wish they would convert the greens to Bermuda to match the fast and true-rolling greens at Magellan and DeSoto. Oh well, can’t have it all.
So anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, the allegations of dictatorial and corrupt machinations by our POA. Maybe Ms. Nalley has the gang of four by the short hairs, or maybe they just all happen to be in alignment on what they in good faith feel is best for the Village and for us, the residents. I honestly have no clue what is going on. It would be nice if the Village Voice could exercise some journalistic chops and get some incisive interviews on the record with the major players, who I would hope would be forthcoming and not evasive. As always, the cover-up is at least as damning as the crime. So pardon me while I go out to enjoy – wait, it’s too darn hot. So I’ll just stay inside and watch the Razorbacks play football the way I play golf – earnestly but inadequately. Cheers, everybody.
09/14/2019 — 6:05 pm
Steve Owen, gosh, well, heck, now that you put that way, let me reassess. Maybe I’ve been all wrong about this. No. Took a reading and feel these entrepreneurial brave hearts are going to get their proverbial asses handed to them unless the gates magically open up. And those gates will fly open when the flabbergasted fiduciary fidos are told to fetch more funny money for the queen to play with and it ain’t there.
Pat McCullough
09/14/2019 — 7:41 pm
what are you smoking????
Stephen Rust
09/14/2019 — 6:23 pm
Kirk Denger, I know by governance that we can call a members meeting, for any purpose at any time, with a written request of 1/4 the members in good standing. If we request the meeting it is then the secretary’s job to notify the membership.
Anything outside of this procedure, I don’t believe will hold up in court.
What I don’t know is the law that allows us to remove any or all board members. Please provide me adopt of that law please.
Then I might go to work.
09/14/2019 — 11:26 pm
Act 1147 of 1993, which are the updated Declarations, that were defeated last fall provided for a vote by the members to remove any or all directors. Our 1963 Declarations do not contain this language.
This is the beginning of the section covering that process…
SECTION 808. Removal of Directors Elected by Members or Directors.
(a) The members may remove one or more directors elected by them without cause.
(b) If a director is elected by a class, chapter or other organizational unit or by region or other geographic grouping, the director may be removed only by the members of that class, chapter, unit or grouping.
(c) Except as provided in subsection (i), a director may be removed under subsection (a) or (b) only if the number of votes cast to remove the director would be sufficient to elect the director at a meeting to elect directors.
Kirk Denger
09/14/2019 — 11:59 pm
Anonymous09/14/2019 — 11:26 pm, Negativity scrambles your cognitive receptors. 1993 Articles of Incorporation are not declarations. After you recognize that, look for any language in the 1963 articles that specifically prohibit the removal of directors by the membership.
Kirk Denger
09/15/2019 — 4:33 pm
Steve, Search Arkansas Act 1147 1993 Section 808 e and g.
An entire Board of Directors may be removed under subsections a-e.
Kirk Denger
09/14/2019 — 9:07 pm
Steve, your knowledge of governance that “we can call a members meeting” and your serious positive reply is a rare valuable contribution that I have not seen on this entire site. I tried to support your announcement of this governance law at a previous Monday meeting, but with so much negativity in the room on this path, there was no positive communication possible. Let me seriously contribute positively with Many of these facts are posted on this site but you seem to be the first to have ears. Regular meetings with serious positive members who are capable of contributing collective minds will produce all of our answers and will cost nothing.
09/14/2019 — 10:59 pm
This is a board management software company, “Easy-to-use, Mobile and Secure Board Portal Software”. This is not valid legal advice that pertains to Arkansas law. Come on, stop wasting people’s time reading your posts.
Kirk Denger
09/14/2019 — 11:16 pm
Is it getting too close for your comfort Dave?
God's away business
09/15/2019 — 1:00 am
True narcisistic response by the invisible man. Your replies and comments come off as angry loser who can’t see anything but whats in your hollow anonymous head
Linda Anderson
09/14/2019 — 9:13 pm
This majority BOD is so corrupt that they have now shown that they will do whatever it takes to remove anyone who opposes their lock step voting decisions. This action represents their devotion and closeness to L.N. Conflict of Interest is alive and well. They changed the By-Laws to make this possible to the point that is is easier to get rid of a Director then an irresponsible CEO. They are in collusion and are no longer capable of making correct and responsible decisions. This clearly jeopardizes the the future of HSV.
Carroll W Allison
09/15/2019 — 7:47 am
Has anyone asked Dick why he was removed?
Kirk Denger
09/15/2019 — 10:10 am
On this day, September 15,2019, We the Members of The Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association, a nonprofit corporation organized under Act 176 of the 1963 General Assembly for the State of Arkansas, entitled the “Arkansas Nonprofit Corporation Act” (“Act 176”), do hereby affix our signatures below for the purpose of causing the Secretary of the corporation to notify all member property owners 30 days in advance for a call of a members meeting on November 30, 2019, at the Woodlands auditorium, specifically to remove and re-elect our entire Board of Directors.
Peter Kirk Denger (Trustee)
09/15/2019 — 11:16 am
Try reading this first. No provision in Section 6 for such a vote.
So, null and void 🚫.
Section 6. Notice and Quorum for Any Action of Members Authorized Under Sections 4 and 5. Written notice of any meeting of the membership called for the purpose of taking any action authorized under Sections 4 and 5 of Article X hereof shall be sent to all members in good standing not less than 30 days in advance of the meeting. At the first such called meeting the presence of members in good standing or of proxies entitled to cast a majority of all votes of each class shall constitute a quorum. If the required quorum is not present at any meeting another meeting may be called subject to the same notice requirement and the required quorum at any such subsequent meeting shall be one-half of the required quorum at the preceding meeting. No such subsequent meeting shall be held more than 90 days following the preceding meeting. Amended effective April 20, 2013.
Section 4. Special Assessments for Capital Improvements with Vote of Members.
Section 5. Increase in Annual Assessment With Vote of Members.
Kirk Denger
09/15/2019 — 12:55 pm
Anonymous09/15/2019 — 11:16 am, Try reading “State laws Supersede Bylaws”
09/15/2019 — 6:16 pm
Quote the Arkansas state law exactly.
Kirk Denger
09/15/2019 — 6:32 pm
Anonymous09/15/2019 — 6:16 pm, Arkansas Act 1147 1993 Section 808 e and g.
An entire Board of Directors may be removed under subsections a-e.
09/15/2019 — 7:02 pm
The Act of 1993 is not a state law. See the explanation below from the following University of Arkansas Law Review.
These were the updated articles of incorporation that we voted against updating to during the vote last fall. So, the voting out of the board does not apply to us today.
“The Arkansas Nonprofit Corporation Act of 1993 (hereinafter the “Act”) creates a comprehensive corporate code which applies to all Arkansas nonprofit corporations incorporated after 1993. Nonprofits chartered before 1994 may elect to become subject to the provisions of the Act by amending their articles of incorporation after December 31, 1993.”
Kirk Denger
09/15/2019 — 7:41 pm
Anonymous09/15/2019 — 7:02 pm, Dave, you are obviously a communist of new urbanism troll planted in HSV by DPZ. Acts passed by the Arkansas legislature are law.
09/15/2019 — 3:05 pm
Well we are entitled to an annual meeting/s and they can be conducted in more than one session, since there is no provided place we can choose a place and yes the BOD must give all membership 30day written notice that is in Declaration as well as State and oh Fed law that cover this type of corporation structure. The annual meeting needs no prior quorum to request, it is in writing annual meetings. This is for an analysis of current POA and BOD. Any special meeting requires a 10% member quorum in writing to have.
09/15/2019 — 7:57 pm
You can call people all the names you want, it won’t make your statements true. You obviously think you are smarter that the Arkansas law review or you can’t read. So let me spell it out…Code is not law, Act of 1993 must be adapted by the organization.
Purpose here is to make sure no one thinks you have an easy solution.
It can’t happen the way you describe it. Play and simple.
End of conversation.
Kirk Denger
09/15/2019 — 9:56 pm
Anonymous09/15/2019 — 7:57 pm, Play and simple, looks like you can’t spell as well as read. The petition is for the secretary of the corporation to give notice to the members, if the secretary fails this duty as in the past, then the members will notify the members ourselves. Either way, we will have special members meeting to Remove the entire Board and re-elect a new board.
Steve Owen
09/15/2019 — 10:35 am
Let’s add a demand for free ice cream on Fridays to that meeting, ok, Kirk? Might as well get something tasty for our troubles, eh?
Kirk Denger
09/15/2019 — 11:23 am
Steve, the ceo will be gone in 75 days.
09/15/2019 — 11:42 am
Believe you made that quote 80 days ago.
“If at first you don’t succeed….”
Kirk Denger
09/15/2019 — 1:37 pm
Your beliefs and reality differ.
Carole Gugel
09/15/2019 — 3:19 pm
So, forgive me if I state the obvious…..but I need to wrap my pea brain around this as I just received the POA email about Mr. Garrison and checked here to verify the facts. We the residents of HSV elected three new BOD members in hopes of implementing some new direction and LN has already filed grievances on two of the three (at our expense)…and…..Now, in secret for whatever contrived standard he transgressed….Mr. Garrison has been fired? You can’t make this stuff up and that’s scary. We need help before all the points of light go dim. LN is out of control. I worry about our other two board members now as she is determined to pad the vote to get her way.
Member In Good Standing
09/15/2019 — 5:30 pm
In a cursory review of the POA Bylaws, I read a couple noteworthy points of interest. Section IX,3,II: ….directors owe a duty of loyalty and care to the association and its members and will not be liable for mere mistakes in judgment so long as they were acting in good faith and had a rational basis for their decision.
I can’t believe that Mr. Garrison did anything so egregious as to warrant a vote of removal unless bias exists among other board members.
Additionally, Sections VII,7 and IX,3,II both indicate the Board MAY elect a replacement Board Member.
It does not state that the Board MUST replace the Board Member….
Thus, the rushed notice to the membership to replace Mr. Garrison clearly smacks of manipulation of the board toward a desired outcome.
Can we call on the Board to reconsider their actions and to consider a single possible mistake in judgement should not result in a dismissal. Even front line employees get a “reprimand” first. Conflicts of interest or even knowledge of them are also grounds for dismissal… Bet there are a few of those among the Board…
Andy Kramek
09/15/2019 — 10:29 pm
You said: “Even front line employees get a “reprimand” first”
I can speak from personal experience that, under Lesley Nalley’s rule, front line employees do NOT get a reprimand first. If you are interested in the details see the article on this website:
This happened inAPril of this year!
Bob & Carole Dubbelde
09/16/2019 — 5:45 pm
One reason Dick Garrison was elected on the BOD was for more transparency.
The CEO and the BOD have too many secrets. We should know about the salary contracts for employees and be aware of law suites filed since we pay for both.
It is time to start a petition to remove Ms. Nalley and the 4 board members who voted Mr Garrison out before they put us in bankruptcy.
We are very willing to donate to a fund for this removal.
09/17/2019 — 1:08 pm
How do they plan to fill the empty BOD seat. I heard a suggestion we start a petition to place the person who received the next largest number of votes to fill that position. I thought it was a good suggestion.
Kirk Denger
09/17/2019 — 7:27 pm
It should be the law if you want the members will to be done. That would make Lorri Street the new board member.
Fair selection
09/18/2019 — 8:11 am
Agree with you on this one, that would be the correct process to follow.
Avoid the legacy board adding another “yes” person.
Rumor has it they will select Keck. He is a busy guy though.
Lloyd Sherman
09/23/2019 — 9:27 am
I am going to weigh in on this conversation one last time. First, there is no place for name-calling; this site should be used to express your thoughts, not attack someone because they don’t agree with you. If that is the type of environment you want, may I suggest ND would be perfect for you? While I do not support a movement to hold a membership meeting, I do respect people’s right to suggest their solution. However, throughout all of this, my emphasis has been that regardless of what action is taken (if any), it must be done under the watchful eye of a trained professional (attorney). Personally I don’t believe you are going to achieve getting 5,500+ signatures on a petition. Then even if you do, which football stadium are you going to reserve to hold the meeting? Then if you get a vote to remove board members, exactly who is going to perform the removal (Chief Middleton)? Who are you going to select as the new board members as they have to be seated at the time of removal of the old board? There are too many moving parts to pull any of this off without legal counseling and advice and then there is the fact that our Declarations use 1963 language and not 1993. There is a process out there for doing what is being suggested; the question is can it actually be implemented? I believe the focus should be getting three board members elected in March 2020 who you know will carry forward the work that has already begun and we should encourage Dick Garrison to be one of those. He would win in a landslide! This is our home, please stop the name-calling and let’s pull together to accomplish the will of the majority of the property owners.
11/17/2019 — 10:22 pm
Is calling someone a name-caller name-calling? Too many moving parts? I hope you are not my mechanic. What is your concept of the will of the majority of property owners? Wait for the next 1,2,or3 elections with 0 results?