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Make a Difference in Hot Springs Village

By Joyce Wilson, Guest Author, February 11, 2022

Make a Difference in Your Community With These Actions

Helping others in your community can come in many forms, but the goal is always the same: to make a difference for the people around you in some meaningful way. Whether you want to volunteer your time promoting food security for those in need, donate money to an organization that offers valuable services to your community, or come up with your own ways to give back, there are several options that will allow you to lend a hand. 

You might begin by checking with local health and wellness organizations to see what they need. You can also think about how you can personally make an impact on the people in your community. Ready to learn more? Hot Springs Village People shares some great tips to help you get started. 

Think long-term.

If you’re looking for a way to be of help that will last for years to come, consider going back to school for teaching. By joining an online program at an accredited school, you can take classes while continuing to work at your current job or taking care of your responsibilities at home, and many institutions offer competitive tuition rates to ensure that everyone gets a fair shot. Teach.com notes that with a teaching degree, you could make a huge, lasting impact on your neighborhood and even surrounding communities by helping to change children’s lives. 

Start a group.

There are other ways to promote the health and wellbeing of the people in your community, as well. The Anxiety & Depression Association of America suggests starting a support group for those who are dealing with a chronic illness or mental health issue. You might start a gathering for recently divorced parents, or create a safe place for women who have left an abusive home. Get to know your neighbors and their needs by utilizing social media and apps like Nextdoor. You can also promote your group on these pages to let everyone know they’re welcome.

Look into starting a nonprofit, a type of business that serves a specific cause or population group without seeking to make a financial profit. Running a nonprofit has a number of benefits, including being a tax-free entity. 

Band together.

Social media and neighborhood apps are also great places to come together with the members of your community for the causes you believe in, such as social justice, or an activity that helps everyone, such as a neighborhood watch. Help keep everyone safe by looking for a leader within the community–a member of law enforcement, or perhaps a well-respected business owner–who can provide guidance for group activities, and register your watch group online. Talk to your neighbors to find out who might have access to helpful tools or resources, such as surveillance cameras, that will aid the community in staying safe.

Start a group project.

Another great way to pull your community together is by starting a group project, such as putting together a “little free library” or planting a garden that everyone can enjoy. You can also look for ways to improve upon an existing area, such as a park that needs to be cleaned up. Getting your neighbors involved in a group activity will help everyone feel connected to it, which will, in turn, allow them to see the value in the project so they can help maintain it. Talk to the members of your community to get some ideas on what they’d like to improve in your community, and make sure you have permission or the required permits to do so before getting started.

There are many ways you and your neighbors can make a difference. Talk to the people in your community and start a conversation about how everyone can come together; you might find that there are multiple ways to get involved. With a little planning beforehand, you and your neighbors can leave a lasting impact on the area you live in for future generations.

Joyce Wilson is the owner of TeacherSpark.org.  To contact Ms. Wilson click here.

Photo via Pexels


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