By Robert Busse, March 1, 2020
What follows is what I received from a friend regarding the 2020 BOD election voting strategy and the reasoning behind this plan. The approach and the rationale for this strategy make the most sense to me.
LTD MUST WIN – it is most critical
Whether the 4th new Board member should be Choyce or Denger is debatable and likely matters little, but unnecessarily giving votes to a competing candidate seems to be a lousy plan any way you look at it.
LTD supporters would all feel pretty stupid if Choyce or Denger do better than expected and beat LTD. Denger or Choyce can beat LTD if LTD supporters give them “throw away or don’t care votes,” Unlikely or not, the risk isn’t worth it.
It is NOT necessary to cast four votes
According to the BOD Chairman, it is NOT necessary to vote for four candidates. It’s safest to vote for 3 LTD only and not to cast your 4th vote. Anything else only hurts LTD chances of winning the top three spots.
There is no reason to cast the 4th vote because casting a vote for someone you do not support could lead to that candidate receiving more votes than the candidates you support or keeping the unwanted candidate’s vote totals even with your favorite choices.
If you do not cast that 4th vote, the remaining two candidates are one vote behind your preferences.
Let’s say all the LTD voters have 1000 votes and all cast votes for LTD. If LTD supporters vote for Choyce or Denger as a 4th vote, one or the other will have those votes in addition to their own.
Three willing and qualified candidates

Three candidates are willing and qualified to do everything possible to promote and implement the desired change. If we want this change, all we have to do is get LTD elected. And it is preferable to have them seated in the slots with the most extended terms.
By Robert Busse, March 1, 2020
Melinda Alvord
03/01/2020 — 4:26 pm
This makes total sense to me. Three votes for LTD.
Dave S.
03/01/2020 — 6:07 pm
It can’t be said enough to only Vote for Three!! There are so many residents that still have no clue there is even an election, much less who is running. Get out and tell anyone you can because when they see the ballots they may not know what their for!!
"fire" prevention
03/01/2020 — 8:22 pm
What is the best strategy to prevent &/or deal with L, T, or D getting hair-trigger “fired” (or “fired” again!)?
Andy Kramek
03/02/2020 — 9:00 am
Best Strategy? That is to ensure that we hold at least four board seats.
Let’s imagine, for a moment, that there are only, and exactly, 1,000 LTD supporters and 1,000 Nikki Choyce supporters. Neither of these supporters will cast votes for the other candidate. Let us also suppose that of those who vote for Nikki Choyce, three quarters also vote for Kirk Denger either as first, or second choice. Similarly, let us suppose that half of LTD supporters also vote for Kirk Denger. What is the result of this election then?
Choyce =1000
Sherman = 1000
Omahondro = 1000
Garrison = 1000
Denger = 1250
So Denger wins a 3 year term outright, and for the rest it’s a tie. Seats will be allocated by ‘drawing straws’ and someone (who?) loses out completely. Given that LTD need three seats and Choyce only one the odds are that one of L, T or D will be loser. We would have a 3-3 split on the board with Denger as the decision maker!
Now consider what happens if the LTD supporters vote LTD only:
Choyce =1000
Sherman = 1000
Omahondro = 1000
Garrison = 1000
Denger = 750
Now the result is that Denger loses out. The four seats on the board are still allocated by ‘drawing straws’ but all three of LTD are guaranteed at least a 1 year seat. Now we would have (assuming Diana generally supports LTD) a guaranteed 4-3 majority on the board.
Overly simplistic – yes, but the principle remains valid. This is why the best strategy, if you support LTD, is not to vote for anyone other than those three.
"fire" control
03/02/2020 — 10:33 am
It would seem to me that Kirk would face a VERY high chance of getting fired… With Nikki there, we would be 2 conservatives out. That scenario also illustrates why the conservative party MUST ONLY VOTE FOR LTDick.
Lorri Street
03/02/2020 — 4:04 pm
To All…today 6″x11″ colored glossy LTD mailer are dropping into approximately 10,000 HSV non-residents mailboxes. On the mailers I included the website for Hot Springs Village People hoping it will invite many to visit the site and keep current on all that’s happening in our beloved Village. Joe and Cheryl will likely soon have a larger circulation of readers than the HSV Voice does…and rightly so.
Save our village
03/02/2020 — 5:28 pm
Thank you Lori. Great way to get info to non res. ! And promote website.
Minn Daly
03/02/2020 — 5:01 pm
Lorrie street! You are awesome! LTD will be the only 3 that will receive my 3 votes! Minn Daly
03/02/2020 — 11:59 pm
LTD all the way