Authored by Linda Anderson, June 22, 2019
The biggest question for the POA Board is: Have you ever thought that the ongoing strife and division have been created by Board decisions? For the past two years, I have seen the Board vote against the interests of this community:
1. To hide salaries of management (financial disclosures are needed to understand the budget).
2. Out of Control Expenses. To pay $500,000 for a faulty plan, the Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP), which is committed to change the village into pocket communities for a city concept and other million dollar projects which have not helped to protect and maintain.
3. To form a separate real estate division, Village Homes and Land, and Builders Guild to eventually push out other real estate companies and builders.
4. Suddenly set extensive By-laws and 119-page Protective Covenants.
5. To use advertising media to sidetrack and remove the retirement concept which represents the most important source of growth.
6. To place staff and Board members on committees to guide the narrative.
7. To set up an illegal Governance Committee to hold on to power and to control this Board by placing a stranglehold on motions involving governing Bylaws or governing documents like the CMP. Yes, the CMP, which was first represented to be only guidelines, and now has been placed as a governing document. This is an outrageous violation of the rules of this corporation’s Bylaws. Dissolve this illegal Governance Committee now. Remove the CMP as a governing document. Everyone serving on this illegal committee should resign ASAP. Where are the integrity and fiduciary responsibility that is required?
And now to the most deplorable of all

8. To change The Bylaws after you have broken the Bylaws. The Board should stop and do what is right for everyone and that is to vote now to remove this illegal Governance Committee.
Show that you will live by your own rules and govern in best efforts to show loyalty and good faith to the Hot Springs Village Property Owners.
Authored by Linda Anderson, June 22, 2019
Voletta Chavis
06/22/2019 — 9:01 pm
Thank you, Linda, for expressing my thoughts about this once wonderful place to enjoy our retirement. I am so unhappy with our leaders who are not acting in the best interests of us villagers and who are obviously dishonest about everything pertaining to the governing of our village.
Karen D Lundberg
06/23/2019 — 2:39 am
Linda, thank you for expressing the voices of so many Villagers. It is time for our CEO and Board of Directors (exempting the three new Board members) to STOP running away with the Village, doing whatever they want, however they want, whether it be by legal means or illegal means. We all need to keep hammering away and chiseling away at this deceit and flagrant Motions that go against what the majority of the Village wants. We cannot let up!!
Jerry Carroll
06/23/2019 — 1:24 pm
Well said, Linda. A lot of people don’t know that after new board members take office, they go behind closed doors and are instructed by the CEO and the POA lawyer that the election was just theater and now they are to perform as corporate puppets with mouths zipped shut. The years have seen weak people act like bobble heads and get kicked off the board at the first opportunity and slink back into anonymity. The game will remain fixed until Cindi is voted out next year and a board majority put in place that will unravel this undemocratic mess.
06/23/2019 — 9:12 pm
We are not instructed by the CEO &/or any attorney’s that “the election was just theatre and we need to keep our mouths shut & become puppets.” This is evidenced by the actions taken by Dick Garrison, Tormey Campagna & myself. We are trying very hard to live up to our written and spoken presentations given to the community during th campaign.
Diana Podawiltz
06/23/2019 — 9:13 pm
Forgot to put in my name!
Kirk Denger
06/24/2019 — 9:54 pm
Diana Podawiltz, you are supported by Dick Garrison, Tormey Campagna and the overwhelming majority of HSV property owners, CCI and Jerry Carroll for your beyond the call of duty efforts. It may not always come across clearly because of brief comments that cannot be retracted but know that we all support the NEW THREE and hope for the others to try to understand that there is a new awareness in the Village that we have all been taken advantage of by the agents of DPZ, including the enabling holdovers and past BODs.
Kirk Denger
07/17/2019 — 9:39 pm
Forget that I mentioned Campagna, he is a turncoat complicit with the lawbreaking BODs, Today voted to cover up the crimes committed since 8/2017.
Mel west
06/23/2019 — 1:29 pm
I WISH for getting rid of all the animosity in our village. If it means getting rid of some, so be it. We need someone who can get along and start working for the village and not their “idea” of what they think is “right”.