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HSVPOA 2021 Board Retreat at Diamante

HSVPOA Board Holds 2021 Board Retreat at Diamante Country Club

The Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association held the public portion of the 2021 Board Retreat at Diamante Country Club on May 12, 2021, at 8:30 a.m. Day two was a private session, for which no details are known.

The purpose of this report is to link all of the presentations in one report.

Chair Welcome

JoAnne (Joanie) Corry, Board Chair gave the welcome. Corry said over the next two days the Board Members will learn more about the Village and staff. “As Board Members, we are the ones who steer the organization and everything is in the Governing Documents. You just have to keep going through it and you learn more and more and more. It is up to us to act as fiduciaries and steer the Village by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and fiscal, financial policy, explained Corry. She also stated, “hopefully the Board will come together and become a team and work together to do the best we can to govern the Village and move forward.”

The Board’s mission statement says that the Board’s mission is to govern. The by-laws say the Board’s governing power comes from the Board as a whole, not as individual members. They only govern as a Board when they are sitting as a Board, not individually.

The responsibilities of the Board are to hire a General Manager. The Board provides effective directional planning. That means the Board establishes the mission, vision and goals. The Board also assures appropriate governing principles are in place.

The authority of the Board allows the removal of Board Officers and Agents. Also, the Board has authority over assessment practices, governance and resources.

The Board accountability includes duty of obedience (fiduciary responsibility) and duty of loyalty and care (confidentiality and transparency).

Corry continued, “2021 was a year of reorganization and this is the year we take that reorganization and we move forward. I think we have a great Board that is going to be very good at helping do that.”

Corry said a little history about the IT department will be discussed in the afternoon. Discussion of Balboa renovations and possibilities that could come forth.

The PPP loan will also be discussed.

The Board will hold a private session on May 13, 2021 to determine Board goals and strategy. The Board Members steer the organization.

General Manager Welcome

Paul said his goal is to stabilization for the employees. Paul said, “they have been pulled in a lot of different directions.”…(Click here to read the rest of the GM report.)

Human Resources

Kim Massey, Human Resources Manager, has been with the HSVPOA for approximately nine months. Massey said, “I came during the midst of all of this shuffle.” To read the report on Massey’s presentation, click here.


Tom Heffer, Director of Golf, said they have 18 divisions, eight golf shops, eight maintenance shops, a golf admin division and golf cart maintenance. There are 175 employees under Tom. The number of employees can fluctuate on a daily basis as they have trouble hiring and retaining workers. To read the rest of the golf report, go here.

Public Services

Jason Temple, Director of Public Works, is a licensed and practicing professional engineer. Temple’s eight-year anniversary will be this June (2021). Temple said, “this is one of the best jobs I’ve ever had. I have had more fun working here than anywhere else I worked in my entire career. I wake up every morning, looking forward to taking on all the challenges here and solving them.” Click here to read the full article.

Police Department

Police Chief Ricky Middleton spoke about the many challenges our Police Department faces and many other things at the meeting. Click here to read this full report.

Fire Department

HSVPOA Fire Chief, Jason Miller gave a presentation at the Board Retreat. Click here to read.


Coreena Fetterhoff, Controller and Corporate Treasurer addressed the Board. Click here to read her report.

Programs, Operations, Government External Affairs

Stephanie Heffer, Director of Programs and Operations reported to the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Board of Directors at the Board Retreat on May 12, 2021. Click here to read her report.

Security Gates

Charlie Brown, Code Enforcement Manager, gave a presentation on the Security Gates. Click here to read his presentation which is chock full of details.

IT – Past, Present, and Future

Click here to read the presentation by Paul Moore, IT Manager.

Balboa Comprehensive Renovation

Click here to read Interim General Manager, John Paul’s presentation on the proposed Balboa renovation.

PPP Loan Funds Discussion

GM John Paul and Controller Coreena Fetterhoff gave the PPP Discussion at the Board Retreat. Click here to read the full report.


Stephanie Heffer, Director of Programs and Operations gave the Marketing Presentation at the Retreat. Click here to read this report.

Final Comments

Chair Corry said she hopes everyone learned something at the meeting – she did. She said everyone did an excellent job and they simplified things so they are understandable. “I see a real proactive movement here, because everyone is looking at the future,” said Corry.

The GM said he thinks the FRATF is the key to the future. “I watched these people every day that I have been there and they are absolutely pulling a rabbit out of a hat right now.”

Property Owner, Marcy Mermel, said, “the F and P [Finance and Planning Committee] is also going through the seven-year O and M [Operations and Maintenace Table].” Will they have a report for the Task Force or the Board?”

Director Belair said the F and P Committee is “drafting a report right now. It will be presented to the Board…It sort of rolls up a lot of what we heard today. The committee has been meeting with staff and they will be presenting their findings in June.”

Mermel asked, “then if it goes to the Board, does it then go to the Task Force.”

Belair said, “the Board will have to make a decision on what to do with the recommendations from the committee.”

Omohundro said, “Finance and Planning is giving us the information. The Task Force is advising us on what to do with the information…and how do we produce revenue because of the situation.”

Tucker said, “both parties are getting it from the Finance and Planning. The Board is getting it just to look at. But the Task Force is getting it to try to put a plan together to recommend the Board to do this with that information.”

Belair said that the O and M Tables “will probably be brought into the budget process and be a roll forward every year.”

Mermel said deferred maintenance was 90 million dollars, to begin with. Belair responded, “it’s a big nut.”

Belair continued, “it can be really surprising for people who have not looked around. We’re all here to have fun in the Village. And most of us do. If we’re really concentrating on that, we’ve probably driven by a lot of things we take for granted. It depreciates. That’s really been brought to light.”

Financial information will be coming soon. Committee member, Rolland White said, “now we are going to say, you saw how big the problem is.” Now how much does the problem cost.” This information is due to be presented in the next couple of months. The Task Force is giving presentations to clubs and organizations. There will also be a couple of public meetings (Townhalls). “Recommendations on what to do is down the line,” explained White.

Tucker said, “I have been on the Board longer than anybody that’s on the Board now. That’s an achievement in itself. Having said that, I’d like people to know that the Board hasn’t done all this stuff that we’re talking about in this room. Staff has done all this stuff we talked about in this room. The only part I had to play, I like to say is, ‘I let them do it.’ Because, they know how to do it, I don’t. I don’t think they get enough credit.”

Corry agreed with Omohundro.

Here is a link to the Official POA YouTube channel where the part 1 and part 2 videos of the Board Retreat are available.

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2021 Board Retreat Agenda (Day 1 – Public Meeting)


By Cheryl Dowden, May 18, 2021

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