On January 26, 2022, Interim General Manager, John Paul, gave his final report to the HSVPOA Board. He is retiring and Kelly Hale will be taking Paul’s place on Tuesday, February 1, 2022. We are sad to see John Paul retire but welcome our new GM.
Board Election News
Interim General Manager, John Paul, asked Katrina Heap to list the vetted Board candidates. The six eligible candidates for the 2022 Board election are, in alphabetical order, Pam Avila, Tosha Baggett, Bruce Caverly, Joanie Corry, Peter Kirk Denger, and Jama Wegeng Lopez. There are three vacant three-year terms.
Staff Out Due to COVID Quarantine
Fifty percent of staff are in quarantine, due to COVID. Paul said, “this is causing a little bit of a hardship on the staff, right now with our annual renewals coming in and returning phone calls as well as getting all the mail open.” Currently, staff has taken care of all the mail received on January 21 and before. Staff hopes to have the renewals processed by this week.
Paul said, “usually we start denying entry at the gates on February 1. We are going to look and see where we are with the mail. We may have to extend that for 15 days to give people a chance to get their stickers. We will monitor that and not make it hard on our members.”
“There also will be no late charges in January,” continued Paul.
Paul asked Jason Temple, Director of Public Services to give the sanitation update. Click here to read Temple’s report.
Gate Security
When you enter the gates, if you don’t have a sticker, you can show your HSVPOA ID card. The gate guards scan the ID cards to make sure that you are an active member. Use the left lane if you don’t have a sticker on your window.
Street Department
The Street Department is sprucing up a few places. One of the places they just tackled was over by the Police Academy by Coronado Community Center. Paul said, “there was a ditch that had been in disrepair for a long time and they made it really look good with some rock and landscaping. We are doing that in a few more places.”
Balboa Cart Path Renovation
The Balboa cart path renovation is continuing. “Hole 17 is now finished. The Board approved, this year, another $25,000 to expand the cart path renovation. That will continue through March 1, 2022. We hope to have it completed by then.”
Paul said, “the Marketing Department reports that they have increased the Facebook audience by 31%. This is without advertising. Facebook advertising doesn’t start until February 1. They expect 8,000 followers by April.”
The Friday Digest is going to more than 12,000 people and there is an average open rate of 55%. That means that about 6,700 to 7,000 people open the Friday Digest every week. Click here to sign up for the HSVPOA Digest and other POA emails.
Emergency Operation Plan Update
“The emergency plan has been updated. Staff have assembled the emergency team and distributed the emergency procedures and lists of all the various people and responsibilities both internal and external. Shortly after the first of the year, staff will be coordinating an exercise to test capabilities and response time.”
Click here to see the HSVPOA Annual Accomplishments from 2021
“We look forward to 2022 with the real estate market still in the phase that it is in. We look for more and more growth in 2022 – nothing but upwards activity for the Village,” explained Paul.
Vice-chair, Tucker Omohundro, added, “I talked to a realtor the other day who said there are 22 [HSV] homes on the market.”
Paul said, “I think ACC has already approved 9 [new build] houses this year. We have builders that are really looking to do quite a few more. We are looking for 180 to 200 [new builds] this year, possibly.”
Interim General Manager Report to the Board on January 26, 2022
6_1-19-22_GM_ReportBy Cheryl Dowden, January 27, 2022
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