By Cheryl Dowden, January 1, 2020
Vice-chair Campagna says passing assessment increases tied to ‘confidence’
Previously at the November 23, 2019, Let’s Talk session there were several mentions of increased assessments. Whether they want special assessments or higher monthly assessments or both is unknown at this time.
Vice-chair Tormey Campagna discussed that passing an assessment increase is tied in with the Board obtaining the confidence of the Villagers.
Campagna: “You are right about one thing. We do need to improve, I don’t like the word, ‘trust’, let’s put the word ‘confidence’. Trust to me sounds like somebody thinks somebody is doing something inappropriate or absconding with money. I think what’s happened is, there is not as much confidence as there should be in the way the Board is monitoring the budget and maybe the way the budget is being spent. If we can get that improved and be more open about where the money is going and that it is not being just thrown down the drain, I think that people will feel better if the fact an assessment increase had to happen.“
Erickson on bringing back confidence
Chair Erickson says “right hiring” will help with the confidence issue.
Erickson also believes that a demonstrated intent to stretch the assessment dollars will help with confidence.
More talk about assessment increase
Erickson was previously part of the Future Funding Task Force. This task force recommended the two-tier assessment.
Erickson: “I was part of the Future Funding Task Force, years ago, that recommended the two-tier. But we said three things.”
- “First of all, we recommended two-tier, but we recommended two other things.
- “The second was that the 800-pound gorilla here in the Village is golf, our biggest asset, and revenue generator. The subsidization of golf was getting out of hand. They recommended golf subsidization be limited to 1.5 million dollars a year.
- “At the conclusion of the Task Force in 2014, they said that if we didn’t pass the assessment increase, the two-tier assessment increase, we would be out of cash in 2016 and we would have to phase, coming back for another assessment increase in 2020. Right before 2016 we ran out of cash and had to get a line of credit to be able to pay some operating expenses… “We were close to out of cash. Now, here it is coming up on 2020 and we don’t have the growth yet that we need to prevent another assessment increase.“
Erickson: “So that’s become a very real discussion point at the Board level and the community level, is what do we do now that that growth never materialized? Not to the degree that it needed to, to prevent an assessment increase. So that is the background I give on that, from my history.”
Chair Erickson says revenue discussions will ramp up early this year
HSVPOA Board Chair Cindi Erickson again mentioned the need for increased revenue, which she says needs to be discussed early this year.
At the December 18, 2019 Board of Directors meeting Chair Erickson addressed CFO Liz Mathis. Chair Erickson stated, “And so we need to help. We need to help as a Board and as a community and we’ll set our sights on that next year.”
Chair Erickson says, “Be prepared”
Below is a transcript of what Ms. Erickson said regarding this:
“You talked about the work that has been doing in regard to expense maintenance over the year and the disappointing face of revenue shortages. That strikes me as something that’s just not repeatable over the long term. I mean you can’t continue to squeeze at that rate. We’re going to have to look as a Board and as a community for what needs to be done to supplement our needs here from a revenue standpoint. So I think we should all expect those discussions to start ramping up in the coming year. Early in the coming year and be prepared for it. Because this just can’t go on forever. So I just wanted to make that comment and I do express my appreciation to the staff for all that they’ve been asked to do. I am sure every time Liz you came knocking, they wanted to hide under a desk. And so we need to help. We need to help as a Board and as a community and we’ll set our sights on that next year.”
Really? Assessment increase when money is being needlessly spent?
What would you think if I told you that the HSVPOA, is hosting a luncheon on Monday, January 6, 2020 for essentially the entire real estate community, the Board, the Voice, KVRE and senior staff. This is being done to formally announce the new Realtor/POA relationship that begins on January 1, 2020.
Guess who is paying for this? Drumroll … Property Owners
Guess where this luncheon is being held? Drumroll… XPlore Lakeside
Hello? If such an event is even necessary, which I doubt that it is, shouldn’t it be held at one of the POA owned restaurants? I guess staff has completely forgotten about the subsidized POA-owned restaurants. This is nothing against the XPlore Lakeside restaurant. I know they are a lovely restaurant. But so are our own restaurants.
Is this just money thrown down the drain? Vice-chair Tormey Campagna has warned the POA about this very issue.
As Chair Cindi Erickson has stated, We do need to be prepared. Very prepared.
Here’s to being prepared. No Confidence. No assessment increase. The two go hand-in-hand.
Have a Happy 2020 from Hot Springs Village People!
Edited to add: “CLARIFICATION – Further information was provided on the new Realtor/POA luncheon on Monday and it indicates that Ideal Living will be ‘helping’ with this event. While I agree with sponsorship, due to my personal reasons, I still don’t believe assessment funds should be used for these types of functions so I will not be attending (personal choice). Normal communication methods would have worked equally as well. I fully support the program and hope that it is wildly successful.”
Written by Cheryl Dowden, January 1, 2020
Vicki Husted
01/01/2020 — 5:44 pm
My opinion is that ANY event where the POA is paying for food and/or drinks should ONLY be held at POA-subsidized restaurants! It’s insane to provide profit for others when it go to decreasing the subsidies we have to pay. JMHO
01/02/2020 — 5:27 am
It has been acknowledged by many that an increase in assessment fees is needed.
So if we all (majority of members) agree.
Why not get in board and support an increase.
That doesn’t mean we don’t say and no all the necessary things (marketing,cost management,etc.) to improve revenue sources to GROW our income to prevent/prolong the need for future increases.
If we all get on board and support such an Imitation we can reduce subsidies and increase the pace of addressing deferred maintenance.
Let’s give it our support.
Tom Blakeman
01/02/2020 — 7:55 am
It has not been acknowledged by many and members do not agree.
01/03/2020 — 8:12 pm
Tom, I beg to differ. You don’t think we need an assessment increase?
01/03/2020 — 9:45 pm
Scott, “If we all get on board and support such an Imitation”
No one is on board or supports your “Imitation”
Vicki Husted
01/07/2020 — 1:13 am
Tom, you’re absolutely right, and the proof is beginning to show to show itself on a Poll about the CMP posted on NextDoor
01/02/2020 — 10:17 am
They have done nothing to build MY confidence, so I will advocate a big NO on any increase they suggest. LN is still in the hiring mode of senior staff. That doesn’t show me that she understands our situation very well either because apparently she thinks she has a bottomless source of income to spend from. They better reallocate what they have to make it last for at least most of 2 years because I don’t think they will be able to pass an increase as long as we are under LN’s thumb! No confidence, no increase in assessments!
01/04/2020 — 2:44 pm
I agree. Many friends of mine live in places with monthly POA fees of over 300 dollars, so we could certainly support a doubling or tripling of our current low, low fee. Imagine the things we could do with that much extra money.
At last a vibrant town center will become a reality.
01/04/2020 — 5:35 pm
Craig, a lot of the money collected in assessments and fees has been wasted. Do you support the continued waste of our money?
A vibrant town center will only be a reality if the gates come down. Our population will not support a town center. Unfortunately, we couldn’t even support one grocery store. This is the reality of the situation. – Cheryl
01/10/2020 — 8:29 pm
The gates must come down.
01/04/2020 — 7:24 pm
Vicki Husted
01/01/2020 — 5:46 pm
Sorry…typo… “when it COULD go to decreasing the subsidies we have to pay. JMHO”
Mary Szczepaniak
01/01/2020 — 5:47 pm
Not to mention all the other unnecessary spending.
John Dethardt
01/01/2020 — 5:58 pm
Unbelievable that is being held at explore lakeside. The management keeps making unbelievable poor decisions. BUT IT’S NOT THEIR MONEY. But maybe the realitor are picking up the tab.
01/05/2020 — 5:33 am
No realtor is picking up any tab.
Cheri Nelson
01/01/2020 — 6:04 pm
There is no confidence in the board or the POA because there has been absolutely no attempt to reduce expenses. The only ones tightening their belts are the Property Owners. They continue with the narrative that they are only responsible to the “Corporation” so let the “Corporation” figure out how they are going to pay for it all.
What part of we have no money does the board not understand? Our pockets are empty. We had to table needed renovation to Balboa Golf Course, we haven’t yet Heard what the plan is for the Balboa Club House as it continues to deteriorate. The gate debacle remains unresolved, they are quietly trying to start the plans for the Coronado Center. The swimming pool is not yet finished, they have raised fees on most all amenities plus a surcharge on Golf. How’s that working out? How are the numbers for annual passes looking? I’m guessing there were fewer annual passes this year for most amenities than last year.
If you really truly believe you have been good stewards of our money, Go ahead, waste more money, on your media blitz to try and convince us we have to pay more, go ahead, waste money on a vote to increase assessments. After all the “Corporation” isn’t forking out the money for it we are.
David Vuurman
01/01/2020 — 7:42 pm
Will written, Thank You
Mary Odom
01/02/2020 — 8:12 am
Well said and we need to get this train on track early in 2020! We are losing Villagers because of this BOD/CEO and they need to go!
01/02/2020 — 10:21 am
Thanks Cheri
01/04/2020 — 1:58 pm
Are you the same Cheri that serves on the POAs Governmental Affairs Committee? What have you accomplished for HSV, aka my investment, through your committee work? We demand action and accountability from every board member, employee and committee member. Enough with the tantrums and drama!
Tom Blakeman
01/01/2020 — 6:19 pm
And if the media blitz doesn’t get them the money they need they will turn to their lawyers. Won’t that be nice? The “corporation” suing their Members in a shakedown for their money. It’s coming.
“One if by land, two if by sea. . . .”
Monica Impellizzeri
01/01/2020 — 8:18 pm
Why aren’t you, Cindi asking yourself WHY don’t we have the growth! And why haven’t you cut expenses?! When you along with Nalley and the rest of the board can answer this maybe we will listen to your sales pitch on an increase in assessments!
01/01/2020 — 9:10 pm
If memory serves, Cindi Erickson has an equity position in X Plore. Think that says it all.
Vicki Husted
01/01/2020 — 9:20 pm
It would say plenty if it were true, but I don’t know that it is. She has an interest in the Beehive, but I believe she has denied having an interest in Xplore. My contention, however, is that if money is going to be spent at any food establishment, it should be spent at the ones we subsidize.
01/02/2020 — 10:23 am
We’ve been told that she doesn’t. That’s their word. If memory serves me correctly they have said she has interest in the Bee Hive and some in the Marina. I’m open for correction on that.
01/05/2020 — 9:14 pm
Arkansas Secretary of State website list Village Progressives as the owner of Balboa Lakeside (a/k/a Xplore Lakeside), Beehive Neighborhood Hangout, and Beehive Restaurant.
Cindi Erickson
01/02/2020 — 2:42 pm
I do not. And I never have had an equity position in XPlore.
Phil Lemler
01/03/2020 — 7:55 am
Ms. Erickson – can you carve out a few minutes (at the next board meeting) to present to Villagers exactly what your (and the CEO’s) revenue strategy is?
Since revenue is what everyone agrees HSV needs, I believe residents would like to hear what are your 30 day, 90 day and one year goals for creating the “much needed” revenue. What is each project you will be launching and EXACTLY how much revenue will each project produce?
When can property owners expect to hear your plans?
Phil Lemler
01/03/2020 — 8:28 am
Come on Cindi … what is your revenue plan? The CMP (and POA board) has acknowledged HSV has had a “revenue” challenge for several years. Your CEO was the chief marketing architect (for several years) that has now announced the marketing program has failed and we need to start over (at ground zero).
Revenue continues to go down and expenses continue to go up. What is your strategy, Cindi? Please spell it out for the Villagers!
You must have a good one as you have “ignored” everyone’s attempt to help you develop a sensible plan. Tom Blakeman, Art Olsen, DC Reed, Dick Garrison, Lloyd Sherman, John Duncan, Jeff Hollansworth and many others have all tried to help you craft workable plans.
Yet, you ignore everyone so you must have as great plan to solve the HSV marketing failure and declining revenue. What is it?
Tom Blakeman
01/04/2020 — 7:40 am
Cindi, Lesley and the rest have no revenue plan. Besides, they don’t call it revenue anyway. They refer to it as “funding”, their connotation meaning someone giving them funds. That someone is we the Members and the “funds” are assessments and special assessments.
01/05/2020 — 8:30 pm
Why does the Arkansas Secretary of State website list Village Progressives as the owner of Balboa Lakeside (a/k/a Xplore Lakeside), Beehive Neighborhood Hangout, and Beehive Restaurant?
Elizabeth H Berry
01/01/2020 — 9:25 pm
What is it with all these new people. Who was doing their “jobs” before hiring on more of them. Is there anything left for HER to do. A committee to advise a committee to advise the board only to have Nalley to put her foot down and do it her way. Now a lunch for the purpose of what? Discuss business? Show off with our money? What is the reason for this lunch. I for one oppose it. And that gets us where? Signing the bill, again. When are we going to come up with a solution to put a stop to unwanted spending. I am still waiting and being patient (ahem) until we get some answers.
01/01/2020 — 9:37 pm
Right hiring? Trust? Too funny.
Stephen Rust
01/01/2020 — 10:04 pm
As long as Lesley Nalley, Cindi Erickson, Buddy Dixon, Nancy Leuhring, and Tormey Campagna have anything to do with business matters in the village, I will vote against special assessments and annual assessment increases above the southern CPI, and I will encourage others to do the same.
Tom Blakeman had some great ideas of increasing the size of the board so we don’t have a small handful of people that lead us the wrong direction and getting rid of the same old warmed over committee members on every committee. We need new people in a lot of positions that will listen to the majority of the villagers. Get rid of people with these grand ideas of urbanizing the village and growing it to 30K – 40K and spending every penny they get their hands on.
01/02/2020 — 5:12 am
These silly little buffoons should not be eating and drinking on our dime regardless of where the event is held.
Simple as that.
If they can’t afford their own meal they should stay home.
What are they celebrating? The complete and abject failure of their little experiment in trying to conduct business? As I have stated before, none of these people would still be employed in any private sector job with their track record of failure, mismanagement, waste, and deceit.
Enough already with these morons.
Nothing they do makes any sense and this is simply the latest example of the complete lack of trust that HSV residents have regarding the board and the POA.
There will be no increase in assessments. Not going to happen with these fools.
And we will continue our downward spiral into insolvency. This is certain.
Enjoy your free meal you toadies.
01/02/2020 — 5:33 am
Sue Sutley,
Please address the use of attacking comments above. You can start with”morons”.
You have a very good way of offering constructive input.
I’m hearing you myself..
01/02/2020 — 6:58 am
Scott, Sue Sutley did not post in this thread. – Cheryl Dowden
01/02/2020 — 11:04 pm
You are more than capable of addressing personal attacks on your own with or without your sarcasm. Once again, rather than addressing the issues presented you attempt to derail the discussion. Is that because you have no insight into the situation? You have been saying all along that our financial situation was just peachy keen. Ms. Nalley had rescued us from the brink. Now, apparently, she has frittered all that away and is wanting more. It’s either that or the BOD doesn’t know what they are talking about. Your choice.
PS I my not have used those words, but I guess Julie got your attention.
Enjoy your tomorrow. I’ll be enjoying mine.
01/03/2020 — 7:41 pm
Are You going fishing to enjoy your tomorrow?
I’m going hunting to enjoy mine.
01/03/2020 — 7:58 pm
Let us know the results of the hunt. Hope you have fun.- Cheryl
Phil Lemler
01/04/2020 — 5:53 am
Scott – while you are out hunting … see if you can “hunt” down a revenue plan for HSV … the Village needs one desperately and it doesn’t seem like the POA (Board and Management) is able to find one. I know you can help us find a revenue strategy. You are a good hunter!!!
Melinda Noble
01/04/2020 — 8:20 am
Scott now that large numbers of the Village have been kicked off Next Door I see you are sharing your support of all things Lesley on this site. You are welcome and good luck, I’m sure you will enjoy the hunt more than the animals.
Patrick T. McCarthy
01/02/2020 — 7:14 am
Where to spend money on a POA related luncheon??? Isn’t the answer all to obvious? If it’s not obvious to our POA then you would have to think there is something wrong with us. I checked with my DWD (Doctor without a Degree), there is nothing wrong with us!
Andy Kramek
01/02/2020 — 7:49 am
There is a very telling line from Cindi Erickson’s review of the 2014 Task Force:
“Now, here it is coming up on 2020 and we don’t have the growth yet that we need to prevent another assessment increase”
Surely that statement begs a question or two:
Why we didn’t get the growth that we needed?
What was done to encourage growth?
Why did those actions fail to succeed?
Why has it taken 6 years to recognize the fact?
What are we doing to correct the situation?
The basic issues are firstly that senior management has demonstrably failed in its responsibilities and, secondly, that the Board of Directors has abrogated its responsibility for proper oversight, not only of the budget but also of strategic direction. The “CEO” may be responsible (but obviously is not being held accountable!) for day-to-day operations but the Board is still responsible for both oversight and strategy.
It would appear that the only solution under consideration is the same one as last time – change nothing and increase assessments. Isn’t the definition of madness doing the same thing twice and expecting a different result the second time?
If I may offer a thought, using buzz-word generator terms like “right-hiring” and (per Mr Campagna) avoiding the word “trust” are not solutions. Nor is simply assuming that an assessment increase will solve the problems. What is needed are people who know how to generate revenue and are capable of formulating, and implementing, a strategy to do it. Such people do exist and there are probably several resident in the Village right now. Their advice and opinions need to be sought, heeded and put into practice.
Phil Lemler
01/02/2020 — 8:10 am
BINGO Andy!!!!
Jim Langford
01/02/2020 — 8:40 am
Cheryl, I do not care if you call it “Trust” or “Confidence” we have created a top heavy bureaucratic organization. As long as LN continues to add staff payroll and not concentrate on running the Village, we will always be in trouble with or without an assessment increase. That has already been proven. Closing golf courses one day a week is pocket change. Spending money on all the failed projects and bureaucrat jobs is a lot of money. To my knowledge, no one has been fired for the wasted money. This is small but, installing blinking red lights on road signs and a speed monitor at DeSoto and Ponce is a totally waste of money. We have made it 50 years without them and all of a sudden we need them. To me this is just an example of bureaucrats sticking it in our faces.
01/03/2020 — 8:01 pm
is Joe Dowden a member of HSV?
01/03/2020 — 8:20 pm
Is he or isn’t he? Joe Dowden is my husband. Do you think he does not belong in the Village? – Cheryl
01/03/2020 — 8:37 pm
Pencil, do you think Joe Dowden is a member of HSV? – Cheryl Dowden
Any Non Moose
01/04/2020 — 10:32 am
Dear Pencil: You ask about Joe Dowden’s Membership status. Perhaps you should research this in the county tax records and request to view the appropriate documents from the POA. POA has a handy dandy form for such inquiries. At the same time you could research the ownership status of all the board members, those serving on all the many committees and various employees to be sure all of them also have valid and legitimate deeds to ownership of property here in the Village.
Lloyd Sherman
01/02/2020 — 8:59 am
In my opinion, the introduction of the two-tier assessment program was the first major hurdle that really began dividing the Village. This (hopefully) unintended consequence set up a situation where assessment increases can only be passed along to residents. The non-resident property owners outnumber the residents so why would they approve a price increase on themselves. We now have evidence that the two-tier didn’t work for several reasons. 1) We are now out of money again; 2) bad debt is now equal to the assessment increases. All the two-tier did was delay a situation that has existed for a long time and has gone largely unresolved. We need new residents! The introduction of the CMP catapulted the division into high gear. It took the eye off maintenance and infrastructure and placed targets on items like a Town Center, Multi-Use housing, and Lodging. While all would be great if there was a demand and a developer came forward to fund them, in absence of that, the POA took on the role of DEVELOPER. Now enters the spending issue and why the majority will not vote in an assessment increase. While we have inexperienced managers performing activities against the very core of what the POA stands for while we are providing OJT for them, why would we want to provide more money for them to squander? I know that POA management and the board read these posts, so I suggest you take heed to what the property owners are communicating to you.
Phil Lemler
01/02/2020 — 9:19 am
Great points … the sad part is that the CEO, Erickson, Dixon, Luerhing and Medica have NO idea what to do … yet, they keep on marching down “stupidity lane”!
Remember the positives … our electric is on … the toilets flush and DeSoto has that beautiful striping job!
Andy Kramek
01/02/2020 — 3:28 pm
Well, Lloyd, if you think that there is any chance at all that management and board will pay any heed you are a bigger optimist than I am. Past performance and current behavior point to a complete and total disregard for anything that anyone outside the “inner circle” says.
01/02/2020 — 9:09 am
Not One Dime until Lesley, the legacy Board Members and turncoat Tormey are GONE!
Tom Blakeman
01/02/2020 — 9:13 am
Simple solution: All current board members except for DP resign. That would include the CEO.
Henry Ewersmann
01/02/2020 — 9:13 am
2014 2019
Delinquent 6,477 7,729 1,252
POA Inventory 2,345 3,475 1,130
There is no growth. We have lost an additional 2,382 lots not paying the assessments in a timely manner.
How does the CEO stop the bleeding?
Phil Lemler
01/02/2020 — 9:21 am
CEO … Stop the bleeding by “resigning”!
Tom Blakeman
01/02/2020 — 9:23 am
DP then calls a special meeting of the Members and takes nominations from the floor for new Board members. Members then vote on new board members. Nomination are also taken from floor for interim CEO and Members vote on that also.
01/03/2020 — 9:34 am
Not CEO, but a General Manager, there is a difference, I have worked under both titles and a General Manager will listen and a CEO seems to know everything and will not listen.
Tom Blakeman
01/04/2020 — 7:32 am
Exactly Linda. My mistake using the wrong title. Was in a hurry to post the comment.
01/03/2020 — 8:16 pm
Tom, Do you happen to know if Joe Dowden is a Member of HSV
01/03/2020 — 10:16 pm
Scott, are you a member?
01/04/2020 — 7:29 pm
Only the chair or vice-chair can call a meeting on their own. DP would need another board member which would make 2, to call a meeting. Or 25% of the membership in writing can call a meeting. Thanks for recognizing publicly this option Tom.
Henry Ewersmann
01/02/2020 — 9:24 am
POA Inventory……..………………..….2,345……………..3,475…………………………1,130
There is no growth. We have lost an additional 2,382 lots not paying the assessments in a timely manner.
How does the CEO stop the bleeding?
Bookie Lemler
01/02/2020 — 9:25 am
First, it is ludicrous that LN, or anyone in the position of GENERAL MANAGER, has the authority to make an expenditure of $50k with no input from the board.
Secondly, regarding this luncheon, anyone who would make a boneheaded decision like this (for a plethora of reasons) SHOULD BE FIRED IMMEDIATELY FOR INCOMPETENCE!
Thirdly, regarding the use earlier of the word buffoon…IF THE SHOE FITS!!!
01/03/2020 — 8:09 pm
Bookie, How is it in Arizona?
01/03/2020 — 10:19 pm
Pencil, is that a description of your brain? HSV has members in every state and they all have a vote!
Bookie Lemler
01/04/2020 — 5:42 am
It’s WONDERFUL in Arizona…thanks for your asking!
We chose to buy a home in a gated community of 98 homes (and the gates work-no one who’s not supposed to gets in)! Best of all…because of professional management, we have tons of money in the bank, absolutely no deferred maintenance, there is no division in the community and NOTHING gets changed without a 51% of homeowners voting for it!
So, yes, Arizona is wonderful!!!
Tom Blakeman
01/02/2020 — 9:28 am
People: If we don’t take control of this and act swiftly our “Caesar” and our “Senators” will continue to fiddle and eat peeled grapes while our “Rome” slowly smolders and burns.
Henry Ewersmann
01/02/2020 — 9:31 am
POA Inventory……………2,345………3,475………………..1,130
There is no growth. We have lost an additional 2,382 lots not paying the assessments in a timely manner.
How does the CEO stop the bleeding?
Henry Ewersmann
01/02/2020 — 9:53 am
The BOD’s responsibility is the CEO. It is not their responsibility to run the administration, but to control the CEO.
The question is why are lot owners failing to pay the assessment or turning back their lots to the POA?
When the perceived value of the lot falls below the cost of the assessment; it becomes logical to stop paying the assessment.
The lost of 2,382 lots is a annual loss of about $1,000,000 in assessments.
01/02/2020 — 10:51 am
While I don’t agree with name calling, I can certainly see where the frustration of what is happening here makes people go off.
Best solution the “ceo” could now come up with, that is in her bag of tricks/repertoire, would be to hire an “assessment guru.” That might work.
Let’s try that and see what happens. But I already know. More mean people name calling.
Minn Daly
01/02/2020 — 10:55 am
luncheon to be held at XPlore is totally one of the most arrogant, ignorant, in your face to membership that has been accomplished since the 500,000 for Totally distrastrous idiotic CMP! Regardless who is paying POA or realtors, if they respected the HSV people they would not lunch in a private establishment. They would choose a HSV business. However, HSV current BOD/CEO do not care about expense or HSV members. They look at HSV funds as thier private bank account. They also look at the HSV membership as thier tool for getting more money to spend recklessly ( i.e. Raising dues). Not one dime on dues increase until this BOD/CEO RESIGN! Minn Daly
01/02/2020 — 10:56 am
Realtors sell existing homes!
Realtors sell existing homes!
Realtors sell existing homes!
Realtors’ livelihood depends on selling existing homes!
Realtors get to meet potential buyers looking to retire here! Then they show them existing homes because the cost and effort to build a home here is so difficult and expensive!
Realtors know that the premier lots have been sold, and earn very little if they just sell a lot!
Most realtors most have no experience in helping potential buyers go thru the process of building a home, and they DO NOT earn a sales commission for doing so. Realtors can only be paid for selling a lot, or home and can only receive compensation by their sponsoring broker!
Therefor, real estate brokers would need to also become an established builder.
THE REAL QUESTION IS … is the free lunch only the beginning?
Will the POA end up subsidizing REALTORS? Will the POA spend millions marketing HSV, that will essentially reduce sales and marketing expenses to sell existing homes?
Tom Blakeman
01/02/2020 — 1:15 pm
Another annoying anonymous with their head up their wazoo. Fact is Realtors work their butts off and sell whatever they can sell. The problem here is not the Realtors.
The problem is that too little has been done for way too long to MARKET this place nationally. On top of that the lack of general maintenance, neglect of basic modern infrastructure (broadband, etc.), and rising fees is becoming a self fulfilling prophecy.
Here’s how it works in the real world: MARKETING creates DEMAND. DEMAND means people come and then they want to be here. They want to be here because they immediately realize that what they will get will be even better than what was promised in the MARKETING. This makes them want to be here so bad that they then buy up so many existing homes, so fast, that prices go through the roof. This in turn creates a shortage like you have never seen here which draws builders like a magnet.
The Realtors are facilitators of all this but they cannot be expected to do the job that the POA and Directors have been neglecting for years, actually decades. Just think where we could have been had we been spending a million $$ per year on proper marketing instead of on bad decisions, bloated management salaries, feel good ideas like CMP, law suits, and the list goes on and on.
Stop bad mouthing the Realtors and put the blame where it belongs.
Robert Busse
01/02/2020 — 11:14 am
I believe that there have been several good postings on this subject and many excellent questions asked. But the real problem lies with the Board majority over the past few of years. And I am sure this Board majority will continue to push the problem ahead also. The Directors on the Board who fail to see that our CEO has been doing nothing that is even remotely generating revenue, taking care of badly needed maintenance, and/or bringing our community together to tackle the problems facing HSV.
The BOD may think the CEO is doing a good job. However, they admit that we have several long running problems and very few are getting solved. How long do the ineffective solutions and lack of progress have to continue before the BOD gets the guts to say “enough” and bring in someone fresh with different ideas and solutions???
HSV can not continue down the present path with the CEO and BOD we have now. We have a BOD election coming in a couple months. But the one single constant throughout the decline and stagnancy of our Village has been the CEO, Leslie Nalley. Most businesses and corporations who experience continued weakness, decline and no positive changes bring in new leadership. That is not our case and it appears will be continuing, because our existing majority of Directors are afraid to take the right and best action for HSV and the Association.
George Sorrell
01/02/2020 — 4:49 pm
To quote Clint Eastwood,
“when somebody does not do the job, we got to let them go”
Tom Blakeman
01/02/2020 — 11:14 am
History lesson: Nero
Henry Ewersmann
01/02/2020 — 11:26 am
Yes, Tom, you are correct. Something should be done before Nero starts burning.
Melinda Noble
01/02/2020 — 3:17 pm
Boeing fired they CEO in December but we can’t get rid of LN. What is wrong with this picture?
Hazel Ecyla
01/02/2020 — 3:25 pm
Great article Cheryl.
Linda Anderson
01/02/2020 — 8:45 pm
As you know, ” Letters To The Editor ” was the only way that members could make opinions known about anything. I was told by the Voice that if I needed to make an opinion known, that this was my only avenue. I now believe this may have changed. On Dec. 14th, 2019, I sent out a Letter To The Editor that has never been printed. Could it be that the Voice has become the ” False Media ” now dedicated to only print POA messages? This is what I dared to say:
Storm Clouds & Thunder Over POA.
A former Board Member brought out the fact that Leslie Nalley had approved and signed very lucrative and exclusive contracts worth Big $$$ to run and operate the POA Golf Shops. Nothing wrong with that. Right? Wrong. One of those contracts went to a high level employee ( Staff Member ) already on the POA’s ” Pay-Roll “. With Nalley as a ” Sitting Board Member “, this is a conflict of interest,or unethical or both? Do CEO’s normally make side deals with employee’s? Is the Board going to say they have no jurisdiction over Nalley’s unethical practices? The worst part about this is: There is talk that the membership needs to pay more money to the POA. Many villagers are outraged and angry.
Go to : HSVPEOPLE.COM for more details. click on: Golf Business Plan.
Board Chair: Erickson made a comment at the 12/18/19 POA Meeting saying ” We have a staff member that was targeted. This was untrue. So the Board is willing to look the other way and prepare to ask for more money to spend with no accountability or responsibility. Property Owners should be prepared for a NO vote. NOT ONE DIME-
Linda Anderson
01/02/2020 — 9:10 pm
” Letters To The Editor ” was the only way that members could make opinions known about anything. I was told by the Voice that if I needed to make an opinion known, that this was my only avenue. I now believe this may have changed. On Dec. 14th, 2019, I sent out a Letter To The Editor that has never been printed. Could it be that the Voice has become the ” False Media ” now dedicated to print only POA messages? This is what I dared to say:
Storm Clouds & Thunder Over POA.
A former Board Member brought out the fact that Leslie Nalley had approved and signed very lucrative and exclusive contracts worth Big $$$ to run and operate the POA Golf Shops. Nothing wrong with that. Right? Wrong. One of those contracts went to a high level employee ( Staff Member ) already on the POA’s ” Pay-Roll “. With Nalley as a ” Sitting Board Member “, this is a conflict of interest,or unethical or both? Do CEO’s normally make side deals with employee’s? Is the Board going to say they have no jurisdiction over Nalley’s unethical practices? The worst part about this is: There is talk that the membership needs to pay more money to the POA. Many villagers are outraged and angry.
Go to : HSVPEOPLE.COM for more details. click on: Golf Business Plan.
Board Chair: Erickson made a comment at the 12/18/19 POA Meeting saying ” We have a staff member that was targeted. This was untrue. So the Board is willing to look the other way and prepare to ask for more money to spend with no accountability or responsibility.
Property Owners should be prepared for a NO vote. NOT ONE DIME-
01/03/2020 — 8:01 am
You are correct Linda…the Voice has given up all pretense of actual journalism and they are not printing any negative letters any longer as they are “fully in the pocket” of the board and the “ceo”.
Of this there can be no doubt….have you noticed in several recent issues they have said how fair they are in running letters…and when they have to remind you of this over and over it means that just the opposite is happening.
That all being said, not sure how much effect one way or the other the letters ever were or ever will be.
Tom Blakeman
01/03/2020 — 8:45 am
Yes, it would appear that VV is little more than a local advertising “rag”. Occasionally, they reprint a real news story from API or a major paper somewhere. The rest is just vanilla reporting of what might’ve been said at a POA board meeting, religious and club announcements and other “feel good” articles. No real journalism exists. If there was you would see investigative reporting on a variety of POA issues. That is what’s needed here and, outside of this website – thanks only to the Dowden’s – it doesn’t exist in the village.
Melinda Noble
01/03/2020 — 3:44 pm
The VV has become the Leslie Land Gazette, we cancelled our subscription a couple of months ago.
01/03/2020 — 12:53 pm
David Twiggs was all but begging the local realtors to help the POA sell the large inventory of lots that were being turned over to them. He made several pleas for help from the realtors, but they preferred to focus their efforts on selling existing homes. i recognize it was a difficult time in HSV for realtors, but they seemed to me to not respond to Mr. Twiggs’ request at all. It was to be expected then, that the Board would try another approach to selling their lots. Perhaps if the realtors had been willing to cooperate with Mr. Twiggs when the inventory of homes was not as large as it later became, they would have been able to get control of the situation.
01/03/2020 — 10:28 pm
Twiggs/POA BOD should not have been in the lot buying business with our money in the first place. Buying votes for their ill-conceived manipulations of HSV property owners with $15,000,000 of our money.
01/04/2020 — 1:59 pm
Anonymous 01/03/2020 — Twiggs was not buying these lots. These lots were going back to the POA due to lot owners no longer paying assessments. The Arkansas Land Office owns even more HSV lots than the POA does. This is the delimma we are in for a variety of reasons, not the least off which is because Cooper sold lots in HSV using the “time-share” tactics. For 30-40 years it worked with non-home owners paying to help homeowners pay the bills. They finally said there is no reason to keep doing this and turned their lots back to the POA.
01/04/2020 — 7:48 pm
The POA never sold the lots, CCI did, therefore the lots are not turned back to POA. Lots are bought by the POA at the steps of the county courthouse at auctions for delinquent taxes. I have been there bidding against the POA who buys them to increase their votes (the POA granted themselves 1 vote per lot owned regardless of not paying assessments and not in good standing) to continue to promote their ill-conceived manipulations of HSV property owners.
01/04/2020 — 5:16 am
Real estate people are not in business to do the bidding of some crazy whack job new urban failure.
Lorri Street
01/04/2020 — 9:50 am
The Hot Spring Village Voice newspaper is nothing more than a house organ for LN’s POA. That has become even more obvious since Jeff Meek let the fold. What to do? CANCEL your subscription NOW if you’ve not done so already! I gladly did months ago.
And, IMHO–the Voice does not need to be the ‘moderator of choice’ for the next BOD Candidates Forum. We can do better than that!
Lorri Street
01/04/2020 — 10:32 am
….And, the idea that LN now wants to ‘play nice’ with HSV Realtors after snubbing them during her boondoggle Village Homes and Land idea (failure) strikes me as laughably ludicrous! And, IMHO any Village Realtor who is/or ever has been opposed to how LN has been running OUR Village should decline the invitation now by sending LN an email of ‘thanks but no thanks’. I for one could not, in good faith to my opposition of LN, ever refer a HSV Realtor who attends this luncheon. It is the HSV Property Owner’s who are footing the bill for this unnecessary event! From OUR pocketbooks straight to the wallet of Greg Jones the independent owner of the Explore restaurant. All Realtor’s who attend should be known for their complicity in supporting this frivolous luncheon on OUR dime!
01/04/2020 — 11:56 am
Lorri can always be counted on to offer a cut off your nose approach to all needs. Our village was mostly peaceful and neighbors could talk reasonably when they disagreed before she moved here and launched a fake news website devoted to destruction and division. Voters rejected her approach in the last Board election.
Concerned Voter
01/04/2020 — 12:20 pm
Are you sure voters rejected her approach in the last Board election? The last Board election process was not secure. The vote procedure was ripe for ballot tampering. The Board is in the process of correcting the vote procedure deficiencies.
Re: Discussion –1) Proposed Revisions to Bylaws Article VIII Board of Directors Recruitment Process
2) Proposed Policy Chapter 8, Article 8 Board of Director Elections
Attached you will find the recommendations from the Voting Procedures Review Subcommittee. As you will remember the Committee’s Purpose was to “ Provide recommendations surrounding the procedures, policies, and Bylaws necessary to ensure that all elections for positions on the Board of Directors and any other required membership votes are legally conducted in an accurate and transparent manner”. I believe
we have accomplished this goal.
01/04/2020 — 1:00 pm
(Insert yawn here for tired conspiracies).
How many times did her own group split? Those who seek division will always find it. And those who lose always claim the game was rigged.
01/04/2020 — 8:05 pm
TIME TO TAKE OUR VILLAGE BACK01/04/2020 — 1:00 pm,
How many times did Wal-Mart stock split?
Each split doubled the stock.
Who organized the largest HSV member meeting in history?
Who was the unanimous loser of every Declaration change?
01/04/2020 — 2:00 pm
Anonymous 01/03/2020 — Twiggs was not buying these lots. These lots were going back to the POA due to lot owners no longer paying assessments. The Arkansas Land Office owns even more HSV lots than the POA does. This is the delimma we are in for a variety of reasons, not the least off which is because Cooper sold lots in HSV using the “time-share” tactics. For 30-40 years it worked with non-home owners paying to help homeowners pay the bills. They finally said there is no reason to keep doing this and turned their lots back to the POA.
01/05/2020 — 2:09 pm
Anonymous asked “Who was the unanimous loser of every declaration change?”
We all are thanks to Strife Street and that database of email addresses she got from Cooper. We were played like a fiddle. Time to face the music and be grownups. Toddler-like tantrums will not save us.
01/05/2020 — 2:17 pm
Do not try to include We the Majority in your “we all”, would not touch your fiddle.
01/06/2020 — 6:14 pm
The POA is paying a half a million taxes annually on 3,200 lots with our money to keep the voting advantage over the property owners. Otherwise, all of the non-productive lots would be at the Arkansas Land Office.
01/04/2020 — 2:05 pm
REALLY? This is your explanation for the disorientation of property owners? This is your “rational” for why property owners rejected the ByLaw and Declaration changes? REALLY? Blame it all on Lorri! REALLY!
I don’t suppose you even considered how the 2-Tier Plan that was rammed down our throats – even before Lorri moved here – had any impact on resident Villagers? I don’t suppose that cutting a check to an incompetent bunch of buffoons claiming to “know what Villagers need” for $500,000 had anything whatsoever to do with our disdain for LN? REALLY! This is all Lorri’s fault? I don’t suppose LN’s failure to complete a simple project, aka the Gate System, which lead us into yet another law suit, at property owners’ expense had anything to do with how we feel about LN and the legacy BOD members who allowed this to happen. REALLY? You’re just going to blame all the turmoil in the Village on one person – Lorri? REALLY?
Can you spell the word IDIOT? Or is that beyond your simple-minded comprehension?
01/05/2020 — 5:46 am
No. It was mostly peaceful before the new urban crowd took complete control and forcefully crammed this insane CMP down our throats.
Wake up.
01/06/2020 — 7:29 am
We the Puppets wants you to believe that. Do some research.
Lorri Street
01/04/2020 — 2:28 pm
Bring it on…I have broad shoulders and Teflon skin 🙂
Lorri Street
01/04/2020 — 4:43 pm
“What would you think if I told you that the HSVPOA, is hosting a luncheon on Monday, January 6, 2020 for essentially the entire real estate community, the Board, the Voice, KVRE and senior staff. This is being done to formally announce the new Realtor/POA relationship that begins on January 1, 2020.” (excerpt from posting by Cheryl Dowden on
I cry foul!….just the idea that LN now wants to ‘play nice’ with HSV Realtors after snubbing them during her boondoggle Village Homes and Land failure strikes me as laughably ludicrous! And, IMHO any Village Realtor who is/or ever has been opposed to how LN has been running OUR Village should decline the invitation, sooner than later. I for one could not (ever), in good faith to my opposition of LN, ever refer a HSV Realtor who attends this luncheon. It is the HSV Property Owners who are footing the bill for this unnecessary and frivolous event! From OUR pocketbooks straight into the wallet of Greg Jones the independent owner of the Explore Lake restaurant. All Realtors who attend should be red-faced for their complicity on our dime!
While the ‘event’ is most unfortunate–We the People of HSV have a great opportunity to show our displeasure by showing up to protest the luncheon, current leadership of the legacy BOD’s, and LN’s upcoming contract renewal!
Please consider committing to join us in this Protest Rally–and, if on such short notice you can bring your own protest signs all the better.
When: Monday, January 6th. 10:15 a.m. to gather for carpooling and a brief talk on how we can execute this protest rally effectively and safely and legally.
Where: Woodlands parking lot–by the War Memorial.
Who: All Like-minded HSV Property Owners who feel compelled to express their voice and presence!
Why: Well…we all know why!
We’ll head up to the vicinity of the Explore restaurant no later than 11:15.
For planning purposes I would appreciate if you would kindly reply to me if you are committed to join the rally.
Much Thanks!
Lorri Street
Lorri Street
01/06/2020 — 9:42 am
To Anonymous:
At the onset of We the People, our mailing list was derived from hard copy photographs that came from the Discovery process during the Two-tier lawsuit. From there a very-generous-of-his time WTP supporter converted the hard copy address list into a dynamic spreadsheet. He also was able to manipulate the data in this newly created spreadsheet and sorted the entire list by state and alpha order. Without the newly created address spreadsheet WTP would have been unable to mail out 15,000 postcards to non-resident HSV Property Owners alerting them to the proposed Declaration debacle that was transpiring in HSV.
Please check your facts better before reporting erroneous information. Cooper eventually did compile a more accurate mailing list by having some of his people check the hard copy data with Garland and Saline County records. This occurred AFTER WTP had mailed our postcards.
(side note) hundreds of WTP supporters provided the funds through the WTP GoFundMe account allowing for us to print and mail out the postcards. This was an expense endeavor–but obviously worth every penny!
01/06/2020 — 2:54 pm
Where can I find this public two tier discovery document you mention? Your Declaration mailers went out over four years later. Better check your own facts and dated communications. Some of us still have those early communications from you.
01/06/2020 — 6:20 pm
Thanks for the accounting Lorri.
Karen Daigle Lundberg
01/06/2020 — 11:49 pm
I have been reading all of these replies, wanting to respond, but trying patiently not to do so. But it has reached the point that I must say something, and I say it with all due respect. Lorri Street, I am asking you respectfully to not take us back to where we were a little over two years ago. It is ancient history. Yes, there was a split which could have been detrimental to the Villagers’ cause and cost us the No Vote election; however, under extreme duress, the Dowdens pulled it together, and regardless of who had the largest meeting in HSV, the Facebook group Hot Springs Village People is now and has been for quite some time the largest closed Facebook group in HSV with the most supporters at well over 900 and counting. The HSV People group was built painstakingly through very hard work, loyal followers, and people who worked together. Yes, there have been disagreements. You cannot have a large group like that without there being disagreements, but in the long run, they have been very successful. We The People went silent for quite some time while HSV People was working hard gathering the troops, and then the day after the election, you jumped out and took all of the credit for the win. And here you go again, insinuating that WTP was the group that won the No Vote. Does it really matter who won? Can you stop doing exactly what you did way back when this first began. You do not suggest anything or ask people to do something…you demand it from them. You DEMAND people cancel their VV subscriptions; you DEMAND realtors not to go to that luncheon. Just out of curiosity, Lorri, where did you come up with the idea of that protest you held today? You and I both know where you got the idea, yet, once again, you are coming out of your silence and taking credit for everything. This is not about credit or egos, Lorri. This is about saving our Village. Why can you not just work alongside the very, very large group HSV People instead of trying to make it all about you? You should have learned this from the split when you yanked away the WTP from the people who helped you set it up, and they made another group, which is now Hot Springs Village People, and worked their hearts out to build it to what it is today. Not a word has been heard from you since you lost the Board election, but here we are, just a couple of months from a new Board election, and out you come with your demands and your schemes, and your grabbing other people’s ideas and making them all about you. Please, for once, Lorri, check your ego at the door, and roll up your sleeves and work with the large group of people who have been working so hard for two plus years now. Stop the demands; stop ordering people around, and get in there and dig deep alongside of them instead of it trying to be your show. Lorri, you are putting this whole Village in danger by another split from you. There is no “I” in TEAM. Yes, Lorri, you did do some good, but you didn’t do it all, and you most certainly didn’t come close to doing most of it. So please, jump in the sandbox and play well with others and help everyone beat this darned POA. We all need to stick together right now. The clock is ticking, and the more people, the more power we have. We don’t need a WTP and a HSV People group. One group!! Fall in, Lorri. If you love this Village as you say you do, then quit harming the fight….JOIN IT! Thank you.
01/07/2020 — 9:50 am
Consider continuing to develop your patience. Tooting your own whistle while ordering others to “fall in” and demanding others to “JOIN IT!” only lowers interest in discovering any good in your communications.
Karen Daigle Lundberg
01/07/2020 — 10:52 am
Dear Anonymous, I said what I had to say. There was nothing in that post which could even be considered tooting my own horn. As far as any other response to you, if you do not have the guts to state your name, then I consider nothing you have to say is worthwhile to me. Come out from the shadows, and we can discuss it. I have no respect for someone who will not post with their name on it.
01/10/2020 — 9:02 pm
There is no shadow without light, consider my light, not my shadow.
Karen Daigle Lundberg
01/11/2020 — 12:14 am
I understand your message, Anonymous, and thank you.
George Sorrell
01/13/2020 — 5:55 am
There is no doubt in my mind had you not created the WTP website, and hosted the meetings at the Woodlands, the propaganda machine of the HSVBOD (AKA CEO) would have easily enticed most residents to vote YES in 2018 for the changes to the articles. Using Cooper as their whipping boy, they built a strong case for major changes and many Villagers sipped the Kool-Aid.
Your efforts are very much appreciated by many of us out here. I might add, I voted for you in the last election and just wonder what would have happened had you been elected instead of Mr. Tormey.
There are a number of like key people who are working hard to save our community. You are one of those and I thank you.
01/13/2020 — 9:26 am
Thank you also, George, and I thank each key property owner who voted NO.
01/13/2020 — 12:21 pm
Agreed, George!
Karen Bump
01/06/2020 — 10:45 am
We turned in our unimproved lot to the POA last year because 1.) tired of giving the POA assessment money when nothing, absolutely nothing had been done on our lot’s street to maintain a semblance of a street in 35 years. 2.) LN talk of abandoning lots and neighborhoods that don’t fit her CMP plans 3.) 1 and 2 meant there was no way we would ever be able to re-sell our lot and 4.) we decided not give one more dime than necessary to live here as long as LN was in charge and the CMP was being followed. The POA did not pay us for the lot, we just mailed our deed to them. I suggest this may also be the reason others have abandoned their lots as well.
Tom Blakeman
01/06/2020 — 12:04 pm
I agree with your reasoning and no doubt this is what many others think. But, the concept of just “turning in” your lot seems fraught with potential issues and brings up some questions which I believe many folks would like answers to.
A few:
1. Did POA acknowledge receipt? Respond in any way? Send you a demand letter for dues payment?
2. What about the taxes? No doubt small but yet another legal obligation.
3. How will POA ever resell the lot to someone else if title not clear (because you are still legal owner)?
01/06/2020 — 6:06 pm
How much are the small taxes on 3,200 lots?
Lloyd Sherman
01/08/2020 — 7:18 pm
Karen Bump – Your comments regarding people turning their lots in is spot on. However, simply mailing your deed to the POA isn’t the end of the story. The title has to be transferred and if that didn’t get done, you are still on the hook for taxes and they could come after you for the assessments. As a Realtor, I can tell you that we run into these situations often and we have several scenarios that don’t bode well for the property owner. Here are a few:
1. ALL leads delivered to our firm last year were lots that had been purchased at inflated prices. In many cases, $30-$40K for interior lots on streets that remained undeveloped. We can’t sell them for obvious reasons but we are the ones who do all the leg-work and take the heat for what the market is.
2. Because of the glut of lots on the market, if these lots were even buildable, these lots now had values in the $1-$3K range. Many of these lots were sold sight unseen so the unsuspecting buyer had no idea they couldn’t build on them.
3. If any of these lots were purchased through NRP or granted to someone on a Quit Claim Deed, they have a cloud on the title and can’t be built on until the title is cleared.
4. Entirely likey a huge portion of the lots being held by the POA has a cloud on the title.
5. We would be doing any new buyer a disserviceL if we went down the same path NRP did.
5. Realtors are commission-only contractors (we are in business for ourselves). All expenses to perform in that capacity is on us. It is unfortunate but in way too many cases, we can’t focus on lots as it takes the same amount of paperwork to close a lot as it does a house.
6. And for the misinformed, Realtors sell both new builds as well as existing. However, when building costs are what they are and we have a good inventory, most clients (not Realtors) choose to go the existing route.
7. Many have attempted to bring lot sales programs to the POA, but like most things that they didn’t think of, they are dismissed.
Vicki Husted
01/06/2020 — 7:12 pm
Poll On NextDoor
A huge part of the resistance to increased assessments centers around spending and the CMP. There’s a very telling Poll post about the CMP for anyone who is on NextDoor.
It shows that it’s been posted for 6 days, but today is the first time I’ve seen it, and I go there several times a day. There has been a lot of incorrect categorization of posts there recently, so I recommend you all visit it and cast your vote.
It’s not scientific, but shows where the majority sentiment lies. There are 3 options to choose from. At the time of writing this comment, there had been 27 votes. There were 84% total between 2 of the options, and 14% for the other.
To make a real difference, though, you’ll need to cast your votes in the BOD Candidate Election!
01/06/2020 — 8:09 pm
Vicki, thank you, property owners need to weigh in on this poll. If you are on Next Door click this link and VOTE! send the CEO a message!
Melinda Noble
01/07/2020 — 2:02 pm
It’s hard to send a message to the CEO when you consider the number of people kicked off ND for trying to send a message to the CEO.
Vicki Husted
01/07/2020 — 2:40 pm
Sadly, that’s true, Melinda. However those of us who haven’t been ejected yet are responding, and the current tally shows there have been 76 votes. There is 80% total between 2 of the options, and 19% for the other.
01/07/2020 — 9:21 pm
Keep us posted on the outcome of the information gathered.
Vicki Husted
01/07/2020 — 11:39 pm
I regret to inform you all that censorship on NextDoor is totally alive and well and under complete control of those who oppose the large majority of members. The Poll about the CMP I posted about in several places about 6PM on January 6th has been deleted. It showed that it had been posted for 6 days, but that was the first time I had seen it, and I go there several times a day. There has been a lot of incorrect categorization of posts on ND recently, so I recommended people visit it and cast their votes. The original poster simply said:
Poll: C.M.P. meaning
Which of the following options most accurately describes the CMP?
Cheers to the 2020 HSV BOD candidates !!!!
Choose one:
1. Complete Money Pit
2. Comprehensive Master Plan
3. Complete Pile of Manure
It was not scientific, just a “straw poll”, but clearly showed where the majority sentiment lies. At the time I started posting on ND and Websites and FB groups that are not censored, there had been 27 votes, with 84% total between 2 of the options, and 14% for the other.
The last talley I can personally confirm was in response I made to a post I made on an uncensored site at 2:40 pm today, January 7th:
“Sadly, that’s true, (name removed). However those of us who haven’t been ejected yet are responding, and the current tally shows there have been 76 votes. There is 80% total between 2 of the options, and 19% for the other.”
This is not the first instance of deletions when the subject matter was not in agreement with the CEO’s agenda. Posts have also been re-classified from the poster’s selection and moved into categories where they are unlikely to be seen by many, as I suspect was the fate of this poll post for the first 6 days!
More evidence of how crucial it is to VOTE IN MARCH for NEW BOD members who will pursue an agenda desired by the majority of members, not just the agenda of the CEO.
01/10/2020 — 8:04 pm
For the sake of our community while we still have freedom of the press such as it is, start a new thread on the censorship of ND, including CEO cheerleaders lead’s techniques to delete 1 or more whole threads completely as “off-topic”, “non-local”, etc. and expose in greater detail the reality of the propaganda right here in little ole HSV. Allowing all commenter’s experiences. As a public service, Please expose the fallacy of Next Door.
01/17/2020 — 6:17 am
This site censors too. How embarrassing it will be for them when that is publicly exposed.
01/17/2020 — 7:39 am
Anonymous, thank you for your comment and once again giving me the opportunity to address this issue. You are partially correct, but there is nothing to expose as I have already stated as much. We censor trolls, profanity crudity, etc. You are a troll, as several of your comments fall into that category. Trolling anonymously. How brave of you. Below please find a link to the article I wrote regarding this issue and the YouTube video that Joe made. What is going to be embarrassing is when we expose how the CEO-led POA censors after what the CEO said in a Board meeting regarding ‘censoring and deleting comments”. Have a good day, HSVPOA management.
01/10/2020 — 8:20 am
Vicki – you are absolutely correct about censorship on Nextdoor. There are certain Leads on Nextdoor that are Lesley supporters to the max and they take every opportunity to squelch any negative input about the legacy BOD members and the CEO. They read every detail in any post and if the narrative conflicts with their personal views they find a way to report it and have it removed. It has gotten so bad that I refuse to participate in anything on Nextdoor. I’ve removed it from my computer. It’s a one-way, post my way or the highway type of environment that has become counterproductive and simply unfriendly to those of us who oppose what’s going on in HSV. As much as I hate this hot springs village people blog where all of HSV’s dirty laundry is being exposed to the public, at least “most” of our posts are allowed to stand. I only wish there was a way to lock down this blog to HSV residents only.
01/10/2020 — 8:13 pm
The leads do not have to even report it, they actually literally live next door to each other on Lake Coronado. They take a “vote” and the comment is gone.
Lorri Street
01/10/2020 — 11:00 am
This post was/is in response to a very personal character attack Karen Daigle Lundberg had written about me in this thread of comment/posts earlier this past week. I responded with the below comments, however, the Dowden’s elected to immediately delete my reply to Karen’s and subsequently Karen’s comment/attack on me. Out of fairness to me I hope this second attempt to set the record straight is not deleted.
Dear Karen, really? You still feel you need to chuck your ill-gotten facts/arrows at me? Throughout the WTP grassroots (i.e. HSV Property Owners) campaign, you sent me a number of what I and other WTP committee members considered nasty-grams, directly to my personal email. Perhaps there’s not enough limelight for you to continue in that manner and now feel you must publicly reprehend me on the Dowden’s website. Check your facts with Cheryl…you’re way off base. On June 24th, 2019, a small group met in John Cooper’s conference room to discuss several matters with one being leaving the WTP website retired. We all agreed the Dowden’s website was fabulous and the group did not want to have two competing (POA Opposition) websites. When we all left that meeting one of the participants agreed to reach out to Cheryl Dowden to see if she would like to attend the next meeting of this small group. I believe that meeting was held on July 8, 2019, but don’t quote me. During that meeting we all shared with Cheryl our thoughts on having just one website–the Dowden’s. Feel free to verify this with Cheryl. And, BTW—you we’re never a part of any of the WTP steering committees or any of the small group meetings attended by prominent HSV Villagers that I have been a part of. So the question begs to be asked—how did you become such an expert on all things WTP? Furthermore, the WTP Facebook site that the Dowden’s had been managing for a couple of months early on in the WTP campaign was closed down as the WTP steering committee believed it was headed down a slippery slope. We were able to close it down because the same company that designed the WTP website had also created the Facebook page that WTP was not using at the time.
Karen…so much of what you write/wrote is wildly inaccurate. Whoever is/has supplied you with such refutable nonsense information must still be harboring a grudge against the WTP campaign. And, although you may not have heard much (publicly) from me in the recent past—be assured that I have been working in the background. Where you got the idea that I/we were trying to resurrect WTP I can only guess…but it’s most definitely an inaccurate conclusion. Cheryl had sent me an earlier email asking me not to reference anything WTP with hotspringsvillagepeople and I obliged. With that said, I did not ask either Cheryl or Joe to post what Cheryl wrote on her website about the luncheon protest and was perplexed when I first saw it. Even more so after reading it.
Lastly Karen, everything you’ve posted here is nothing more than the regurgitated rhetoric you’ve been shouting from the rooftop since the beginning of WTP. I’ll continue to play in whichever sand box I choose, and likewise, will protest whenever/wherever my heart matches my dedication to TAKE BACK OUR VILLAGE!
Just the facts…be well always.
Lorri Street
01/10/2020 — 11:16 am
Karen Daigle Lundberg’s earlier comment towards me that just reappeared with its earlier posting date. Should make my reply comment much easier to understand now.
01/10/2020 — 7:18 pm
Catfights spill beans. Keep it up.