My Thoughts And Platform for HSV BOD Candidacy:

We should not be forced out of our homes and property because of overly aggressive assessment increases which have resulted in the severance of thousands of innocent property owners over the last decade. When elected, I will legislate an immediate and permanent freeze on assessment increases for property owners with property valued under $164,000.
Hello, my name is Peter Kirk Denger. I wish to serve on the POA/BOD to secure our assets and build our investments. I bought my first HSV lot in 1979. After high school, I became a home builder and have been serving HSV for 38 years, visit
Our Community includes CCI and the POA as initially intended, to sustain and grow property values in HSV. The non-profit POA corporation is of the members by the members and for the members. At board meetings, I will sit with property owners, open-mindedly and not behind the gavel that divides us – freedom of information with no secret agendas and no time limits for property owners wishing to collaborate. Major expenditures should be voted on by membership preferences online.
We have all invested in an especially super-successful gated community developed by John A. Cooper, who has protected our borders of HSV for 48 years. Cooper created the POA to maintain our amenities and infrastructure and grow property values as our fiduciary duty, but the BOD/CEO have gone astray. Millions of our hard earned assessment dollars are wasted every day on spectacularly failed rebranding schemes, delusional remarketing goals, and an overreaching CEO which have all lowered our property values.
Kirk Denger
Failed efforts to rebrand HSV harms our Image and has caused tragic losses of HSV heritage.
The CMP adopted by the previous BOD and promoted by the present board as a living document has been pronounced DOA by the overwhelming majority of HSV property owners and should be replaced with a Community Members Plan. All the lake, golf and view lots are already built on so remarketing delinquent lots is not the solution to financing our community.
We are perfectly capable of sustaining and growing our property value without depending on outside entities in any way. For the solution, as your board member, I will propose and adopt, with membership approval, a 1000 tiers of light assessment structure, .5% of property valued above $164,000 per year. Each additional thousand is another tier and adds 42 cents per month to the assessment. Economic sustainability is achieved with property values evenly yoked, and all properties will increase in value proportionally.
I have campaigned to correct the direction of the POA and embrace the heritage of HSV which created the prosperity we have always enjoyed. Self-Sufficient, HSV is the coveted premier active lifestyle community that everyone wants. Demand increases property values. As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Our Community in April of 2020, we will be back on course to our destination. Casting only one vote is the best assurance for electing who you want to direct HSV/POA.
Comments by HSVP C
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Thank you for commenting. I am glad your experience ...
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Hi Tony. Thanks for commenting. We have moved ...
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Thank you for replying.
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Anne, I do understand your frustration. The person who ...
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Hello Butch, the article you are commenting on is ...