There are so many questions being asked regarding the new trash system. Questions should be answered by the board chairman, Joanie, and vice-chairman, Tucker. At the time of passing this project, Tucker was acting chairman of the board. The stem of misinformation could be avoided.
The information I am writing about comes from a board meeting I watched a couple of weeks ago, but can’t remember the date. It was the first time I heard anything regarding a new trash system. I found that after writing about the new trash trucks on Facebook, many people had not heard about this new system. I am sure there are many who still know nothing regarding this major expenditure.
The figures quoted will change. The contract was not acted on at that time. Interest rates quoted, and the cost of the trucks, could be different. Higher than quoted, to be sure.
The purchase of the 9200 trash carts, 64 and 96 gallons will be financed for 84 months, not to exceed $6,537.06 per month at an interest rate of 1.99% per month for a total of $512,187,17.
The first trash cart will be given to you. A second cart, if you need it, will cost you. How much, I don’t know. [*See note below.] Any trash that you have must fit in the cart or it will not be picked up.
Four side load trucks, $233,708.59 X 4, total $934,834.36. There may be a discount of $5,625.72. As per the last reported figures.
One mini rear loader, purchase price $130,000.00. This truck will pick up at the garage of those paying the extra fee. The specifics are not known at this time.
One grapple truck, purchase price $150,000.00. (picks up branches, rocks, etc. It was not stated if this was a service that will be offered to the people.
New four side loader trucks will be furnished every two years. The cost and interest rate are unknown at this time. They say time share is like giving them a blank check because you never know what the actual costs will be over time. This is a blank check that will last for years.
These figures will probably change along with the interest rate by the time a contract is signed. With the state of today’s economics numbers could be much higher. I wanted to give you an idea of the immense investment this will be.
The board stated the savings would come from having only one man on each truck. The cost for insurance and health insurance, etc., is a consideration and I am sure the board will let us know the particulars.
Aside from the financial considerations, the workings of these trash trucks need to be addressed. Will they go up and down the street for pick-up on both sides? Will some people have to take their carts to the other side of the road? Will they be able to navigate all the streets? How will people who use canes and walkers get their carts to the road or across the road? Many of these questions remain unanswered. The chairman stated that these situations will be worked out AFTER the new trucks are in service. There was no consideration for older residents discussed at the time.
There are a lot more questions to be answered, but the bottom line is this. Is this expenditure something the village NEEDS to take on at this time. The cost of fixing roads and golf courses and buildings that have been neglected for so long need our attention now. If the trash system we have now is not broken, why fix it. To keep up with the times or bigger cities, doesn’t cut it for me. I love the village the way it is. But that is a discussion for another time.
I believe the majority of the people want more input with decisions made for the village. Just electing new board members hasn’t worked. We need to find a way to have our voices heard when large expenditures of money are being spent. Our opinions and ideas are relevant and should be heard. One way conversations with the board do not constitute listening to what we think.
That is another subject for another time.
*We have received information that the second trash cart will be charged at the rate of $16.40 per month.
By Elizabeth Berry, May 29, 2021
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Gene Garner
05/29/2021 — 3:14 pm
These questions were first brought up 2/16/2021 on this website and we’ve received no clarification from the POA or BOD as yet. Go to the “Home page” and scroll down to the bottom, left side and click on “Older posts” until you get to 2/16/2021 to read the posts.
Unfortunately this plan will be beta tested after we receive the trucks & trash cans, and we will be the testers.—Gene
Kirk Denger
05/30/2021 — 9:15 am
This not so well thought out and hurried up decision, championed by the Chair, made quickly before the new board was seated, was voted on three times before the new board was seated. Two were special email votes, all three were “time sensitive” or we would loose the “great” financing. The $1.7 million original vote passed 4-1. When the staff rushed to the bank, they found out that the real cost would be $2.13 million on a 2 year loan, (the reason given was that the original $1.7 million did not include interest and that the 1.9% rose to 2.3%), so the BOD again voted for the increase, 4-1. ( by the way, two years will not pay the total cost and what remains will have to be refinanced two years from now, along with another new fleet, because they expect the trucks to be worn out by then). Then the rise from the original public proposal continued after the staff borrowed money to purchase the fleet, the purchase price was $35,000 higher, so another vote was taken to approve the increase and passed, 4-1.
It would be at least ten times cheaper to have a Property Owner vote @ $43,000 to approve a special assessment to pay for this with cash, and the Property Owners could decide if they wanted to be burdened with needless debt or not, or if this is a want or a need.
Elizabeth H Berry
05/30/2021 — 11:15 am
Thank you for your statements regarding the trash trucks. While I have an outside opinion, you have inside knowledge. The actual costs involved should have the majority of the villagers up in arms. The village does not need to take on a debt this huge and unnecessary. It is a debt that will continue year after year. The cost cannot be estimated or anticipated because of unknown factors, such as interest rates.
Our problem…How to stop this arrangement from happening? Are we the people of the village, who do not want to be straddled with this unending debt, have any recourse?
If you disagree with a fee increase now, just think of the need for funds to cover this unending debt. No trash trucks – No fee increase.
Lloyd Sherman
05/30/2021 — 10:55 am
What is being described here should be very disturbing to all property owners and so typical of what has been done in the past. Why the rush? Where is the ROI that can be reviewed by property owners who have actually done ROI’s in the past? Why do boards continue to just accept analysis or recommendations without doing their own due diligence. Are we back to the BOARD IS INTERFERRING WITH OPERATIONS? Is this really a need? If so, it deserves at least an Ad Hoc Committee of property owners to vet it before you go spending millions of dollars. Why was it necessary to ram this concept through during a lame duck session? I’ve seen from the inside how these things occur and yet it continues. How many employees actually know EVERYTHING that should be considered in an ROI? Don’t know the answer to that because when I tried to find out, I was shut down and accused of doing something nefarious when in fact all I was trying to do was determine what the process was and whether it needed fixed. Now I am being accused of being ANTI-VILLAGE because I still want answers to my concerns. You might get tired of hearing me say this, but until a change is made on our current structure, you can expect business to continue as usual.
David Sintich
05/30/2021 — 11:26 pm
For one, no body in their right mind will pay $16.40 a month for a extra container they may use 5 times a year. So with parties and holidays where will that trash show up??? in private dumpsters or roadsides like it already does. Oh yeah, there are dumpsters at the site on Minorca but out of the way roadsides are closer. Doesn’t common sense ever come into play around here?? Fix what is broke (roads, pipes, buildings) and stop spending what we don’t have. We have to repair the pool and pickle courts also, is that also going to need a “special assessment”???????