At the February 17, 2021 Board Meeting there will be a motion made regarding a new solid waste management program.
“I move to authorize the GM to lease six (6) new solid waste trucks and purchase 9,200 trash carts and purchase an assembly and delivery service through River City Hydraulics utilizing Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing per the following:
- 9,200 trash carts (64 gal. and 96 gal.) with USbancorp for 84 months at 1.99% interest rate (not to exceed $6,537.06 per month, $512,187.17 total cost). Final annual cost could vary – 4% depending on the final number of 64 gal. and 96 gal. trash carts.
- 4 New Side Loading Trash Trucks, 1 New Mini Rear Loader At-House Trash Truck, 1 New Grapple Truck with USbancorp for 25 months at 1.90% interest rate (approximately $22,139.53 per month, $1,209,208.64 total cost).
- Trash cart assembly and delivery services at $52,861.73.”
“The existing collection of solid waste with the use of three (3) rear-loading sanitation trucks and (1) backup needs expanding by adding an additional sanitation truck and 3-man crew due to the current work overload and future growth. The expansion of the proposed new solid waste management program will add capacity, use less staff, improve safety, and have less operating cost than the rear loading method in comparison. The new program includes replacing three (3) existing rear-loading trucks with four (4) leased automated side-loading trash trucks (new trucks every 2-years), providing 9,200 new trash carts (64 & 96 gallon), reusing 1,000 HSV existing 64 gal. carts, adding one (1) mini rear loading trash truck for at house pickups, and adding one (1) multi-purpose grapple truck for tree debris, leaves, rocks, illegal dumps, and special pickups for an overall improved solid waste collection service for HSV residences.”
Savings on Investment Method
“Adding another rear-loading sanitation truck and (3) man crew will add $249,776.44 to the current annual cost of operations. Replacing our existing rear-loading sanitation truck fleet with the new side loading solid waste program will add only $160,557.80 for less annual cost and an annual savings of $89,218.64 in comparative annual operating costs.”
“The 2021 approved budget includes funding the new Solid Waste Management Program at a proposed annual financed cost of $333,303 (principal and interest). The final annual cost will not to exceed $344,119.08 depending on the final selected combination of 64 gal. and 96 gal. trash carts financed.”
PDF of New Solid Waste Management Program Motion
2-17-21-Conversion-to-Side-Load-Sanitation-Trucks* * *
I am unsure of the brand of truck the POA is considering to lease. The videos below are for illustrative purposes only.
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Thank you for reading. If you like, please comment below. We love to hear your opinion, but comments must be made using your first and last real name, or they will not be accepted. If you would like to submit an article for publication, please contact us through this website. Be sure to bookmark this website. Click here to visit the Hot Springs Village People Facebook Group.
Sean Maier
02/16/2021 — 1:01 pm
Will this increase or decrease our current cost?
Kim Victorine
02/16/2021 — 1:39 pm
A very good plan. Waste Management, the largest commercial sanitation company, uses these all over the USA. We had their service using this type of vehicle for over 15 years in So Calif. Never an issue or a problem. Definite solution to the lack of available labor, should get a reduction in Workman’s Comp Insurance rates, and greatly reduces labor costs.
Elizabeth H Berry
02/16/2021 — 4:03 pm
I wish the board would talk about the cost of sending out a special truck to pick up other refuse that is now handled by out current system. If I understand correctly a special truck is also sent to the houses that pay extra to have trash picked up at the house. The new system employee count is different by how many. You will have one each for each type of pickup or the same employee making all the different runs. Also, does the totals stated cover the running of the trucks. Is the village responsible for oil changes, tires, gas, etc. Or is that covered in the total cost. Please forgive me if I have repeated myself or fail to understand how this works, but I believe there maybe costs that are not addressed and should be. Hopefully I am wrong.
Vivian Wallace
02/16/2021 — 4:30 pm
I believe that the village does not need these trucks or this system. It will take jobs away from people whom need work and increase our dues. I like the village for its difference of a slower way or old fashion way of living versus the big city living. I vote no
Glen Philllips
02/16/2021 — 4:37 pm
Don’t want to be negative, but do have a concern:
Getting the container moved to the street may be a real problem for some older neighbors. Especially if their driveways have steep inclines. Has this been given any thought?
Tom Blakeman
02/16/2021 — 5:14 pm
Maybe I’ve been asleep at the wheel but I do not recall any thorough vetting of this project being published or any public review of the economics or anything other than some vague discussion at the “discussion session” only two weeks ago. I also don’t find any endorsement of this of this $2MM COMMITMENT from our F&P Committee. Maybe there is one, maybe not.
There is also no mention of how we just two years ago spent a COUPLE HUNDRED GRAND $$ on a special order “commercial” truck or how this new commitment might tie into the HALF MILLION $$ or so waste disposal contract just renewed last year with Garland County. How do these issues play in?
And, forgive me but I’ve never heard of a financial justification methodology billed as a “Savings on Investment Method”. Than again, I got my MBA 40 years ago so maybe something new has been invented. Somehow I doubt it.
Then there is the problem that this is up for being approved by a Board of which ONLY THREE were actually elected by the property owners. AND, we are just out of a questionable financial year of COVID in which we got a $3MM grant with NO IDEA how the next year will actually pan out. But let’s commit to some spending and contracts for what appears to be a contrived savings of a paltry $90K. Ridiculous.
AND FURTHERMORE, this is another LEASE deal. What exactly has magically determined that leasing everything is our best alternative. Can you spell Golf Carts? Let’s see: Boost the cash flow with the sale of assets and then pay out big bucks forever on a lease. Keep in mind that we do not pay corporate taxes so leasing does not garner any tax deduction as might be the case in another type corporation. It is simply cash out of our pockets.
Finally, where are the alternative cases such as outsourcing all of the assets, personnel, landfill fees, maintenance, can costs and whatever else to someone like Waste Management Corp, a national company that does this thing as a turnkey service for many many cities? Was this even considered? Somehow I doubt it but then, as I said, maybe I’ve been asleep at the wheel in my armchair dreaming of being a quarterback.
Oh, I know the answer. Maybe we just need to further commit ourselves to another ongoing cash flow drain so we have an even better case for an assessment increase. Great idea.
Erin Voletta Chavis
02/16/2021 — 7:35 pm
I am not in the least unhappy with the service that I currently receive and have received for the past five years from our sanitation service. They do a great job and I am glad that we are able to employ them. I, at this time, see no need for a long arm truck and more unnecessary expenses for HSV.
Steven Mason
02/16/2021 — 7:54 pm
I invite anyone to travel Kanis Rd (back road into Little Rock) off Hwy 9 at Paron. These trucks are used by WM and on windy days they add to the litter along the Road. When the arm picks up the trash container the entire contents does not make its way into the truck, plus when a load is being put in the truck escape litter such as newspaper, paper etc finds its way to the ditches. Who is to pick up the escaping clutter?
Sam Taylor
02/16/2021 — 8:12 pm
I think consideration needs to be given to whether or not these would actually be functional in many parts of the Village or not. What kind of difficulty would many of the narrow streets , some with little to no shoulders, the many small radius cul-de-sacs in the classic end of the Village have on the ability of the extending arm to pick up trashi cans? Yes this set up does allow for a one man operation with the cooperation of the Villagers that all trash must fit in your ONE can ONE TIME/week- NO bags or boxes or any other type of container will be picked up from the property owner/resident! What does this do for those who have at the door house pick up, what extra work load and personnel will that have and will those charges have to go up??? Are we ready to make this change at this point in time. Will there really be savings or will there be additional costs – even the basic question is – will it really actually even work in all areas of the Village????
Tom Blakeman
02/17/2021 — 7:27 am
Cheryl, could you collect these comments along with those on FB and send them to the BOD members prior to their meeting today? Thanks.
Mark Henderson
02/18/2021 — 6:28 am
Side load trucks are the future. Fewer people collecting refuse are the future.
We must keep up with the times.
This is all good and will save a lot of money.
With the savings we can remodel Balboa.
Chris von Aspern
03/11/2021 — 12:06 am
I would like to see what the long term cost would be considering the lease agreement. Leases roll over. Residual debt on the leased equipment? Change out every two years???? At what cost? Why is this a priority? Who made this a priority? I see future direct assessments in the works where the cost will continue to grow to fulfill the lease payments, personnel, maintenance, etc. There needs to be a long term financial model including all costs, including increased interest rates of future leases … lease purchase? Why not look at totally refurbished equipment? Many golf courses only purchase equipment coming off leases that have been totally refurbished (like new) and save thousands. We need an experienced operations manager with financial responsibility to manage projects like this. NOT a BOD and acting GM … and certainly not a staff that has a history of deferring maintenance making any decisions.
Gene Garner
02/18/2021 — 8:01 am
Perhaps we need to put this proposal before the Property Owners for comment. We need to look at all aspects before committing this amount of money to a new system.
While it may look good on paper “we don’t know what we don’t know”. In other words we don’t have enough information to make an informed decision and we don’t want another “geothermal HVAC” fiasco.—Gene
02/18/2021 — 8:43 am
Gene, this motion was approved at yesterday’s board meeting. – Cheryl Dowden
Gene Garner
02/18/2021 — 11:38 am
Savings on Investment Method
“Adding another rear-loading sanitation truck and (3) man crew will add $249,776.44 to the current annual cost of operations. Replacing our existing rear-loading sanitation truck fleet with the new side loading solid waste program will add only $160,557.80 for less annual cost and an annual savings of $89,218.64 in comparative annual operating costs.”
Adding one more rear loading truck and a three-man crew will add $249,776.44 to our annual cost? Maybe the first year because we’d be buying a truck, but after that it would be for labor only, meaning the three man crew will be making $80,000+ each, per year.
I don’t pretend to be a financial genius but something appears to be wrong with the calculations.—Gene
Kirk Denger
02/20/2021 — 8:45 pm
Gene, at a Pro Football game at a major NFL stadium, I was bewildered at the extravagance of chauffeur piloted private helicopters transporting VIPs to watch the game from their private season air conditioned boxes. One of the largest helicopters was owned by the city sanitation trucks contractor.
George Sorrell
02/22/2021 — 12:07 pm
I was given a notice by our current collectors that all refuse must be in bags. It saves time and money when collecting and with the final disposition of the refuse into the dump. That made sense to me and so we have been following that rule since being so informed. If everyone followed this rule, side-load debris should not happen.
That being said, I am very happy with our current refuse service. Since I’ve been here, they’ve already upgraded the trucks at least once if I am not mistaken. I would not be in favor of going into debt unless there is a real need.
For example, there is a large square scar in the street in front of 28 Murcia Lane that has gone unrepaired for 2 years. How many other repairs are needed that are not being handled?
Sue Posner
03/05/2021 — 12:35 am
What’s the best type to won, rear loading as they are able to get in and out of narrower streets, have less hydraulics to maintain and repair. We only have one day week garbage pick up and our sanitation crew when not doing that are utilized in other departments like road department. Really buy new rear loaders if you must, Thanks
Sue Posner
03/05/2021 — 12:36 am
What’s the best type to own, rear loading as they are able to get in and out of narrower streets, have less hydraulics to maintain and repair. Lease? but make sure it’s a lease to own option or you will be paying for total cost of a truck multiple times. We only have one day week garbage pick up and our sanitation crew when not doing that are utilized in other departments like road department. If there’s down time each week no other work to place to regularly, suggest reducing hours. Really buy new rear loaders if you must, Thanks
Don Loveday
03/17/2021 — 8:16 pm
After reading the March 16 Village Voice, I learned that this summer the POA will provide all residents with curbside trash containers, either 64 or 96 gallons, to be used with the new side loading trash trucks. Several questions come to mind…
Where am I supposed to store this huge container?
How am I to get the container up my steep driveway when it’s fully loaded?
Will the POA now allow us to keep trash cans outside the house? This will do wonders to beautify the Village and enhance property values.
How are people who don’t read the Village Voice or visit this website supposed learn about this program before the new cans arrive in their driveway? Where is the communication?
I hope someone can answer these questions.
Elizabeth H Berry
05/16/2021 — 9:33 pm
It has been mentioned that a survey will be made to ask people what size trash container people want, 64 gal, or 96 gal. At this time it is unknown how the survey will be taken. It is surmised that it will be on line. People who do not respond will be sent the 64 gal. container. What about people who are not on line? Where is the discussion regarding the people who are handicapped and are unable to get the carts to the road? Please refrain from mentioning that it is on wheels. Handling a cane or walker and getting it up a driveway, long or short, level or steep, will be impossible for a lot of residents. How will the trucks collect trash from both sides of the street. Two swings through takes more gas and time. Once leased it means forever payments. It was mentioned that we have to get with the times? Exactly what that means, I am not sure. I like the comment that the system we have works great and the village is laid back and not citified. That is one big reason we bought here over 18 years ago. Newer residents seem to want to make the village similar to where they came from. Then why move here. I am sorry to go on and on. I could mention a lot more things against this program. The top of the list should start with indebtedness that we can and should avoid at this time. After the roads and culverts and other postponed repairs are made would be the time to consider this move. When up to your neck in expenses, you don’t pile on an everlasting debt.