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Flash Bang Boom – 2020 HSVPOA Budget Approved

By Frank Leeming, November 6, 2019

In a flash few saw, $36.1-million POA budget approved for 2020

It was like watching a Nascar race.

Board chair Cindi Erickson drops the flag and calls the meeting to order to deal with the POA’s $36.1-million budget for 2020.

Zoom.  Vice-chair Tormey Campagna speed reads through his script and moves to approve the budget.

Bang.  Director Nancy Leuhring corrects him.  That’s a $500,000 increase in road maintenance, not $500.  Got it.

Flash.  Director Buddy Dixon seconds the motion.

Boom.  Director Diana Podawiltz objects.  The budget is failing to properly fund golf.  There’s no money for repairing the Balboa course.  The CEO is capitalizing things that used to be expensed, violating accounting principles.  Thank you.

Zip.  Vote 4-1, budget approved.  Time elapsed: 4 minutes.

Campagna again: Moves to set annual fee for Fitness Center at $400, down from $490 this year.

Bam.  Motion approved.  Time elapsed: 3 minutes.

Erickson waves the checkered flag and the meeting is over.  Total time: 7 minutes, or about $5.2 million a minute.

Village input: None.

Meeting location: Conference room at POA Building.

If you want to relive all this excitement, you can read Cheryl Dowden’s blow-by-blow report here.

By Frank Leeming, November 6, 2019

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