by Andrew Kramek – July 14, 2019
Andrew prepares to leave Hot Springs Village
As I prepare to leave Hot Springs Village for the last time, I look back over the past five-plus years with mixed emotions. At a personal level, it has not really been all that good for me. My wife of 20+ years passed away suddenly less than two years after we moved here. My experience as an HSVPOA part-time employee did not end happily but then I really couldn’t care much about that anyway. I only took the job for something to do after my wife passed. I have since been lucky enough to find another partner to share what is left of our lives together and I am grateful for that. Enough of me, what of the Village?
Things used to be different
When we first came down here, from Ohio, just over five years ago it was an idyllic place. Beautiful scenery, warm and welcoming people with a feeling of tranquility and peace in a secure, gated, community. It did seem secure back then too. Not only were there manned gates at East and West ends, but even to get out through an unmanned gate you needed to use your resident’s card. The Police Report in the Village Voice was a source of mild amusement at the (sometimes bizarre) antics of Villagers with little or no obvious criminal activity. “Tailgating” was something that I thought referred to one of the missile evasion tactics we used in the Navy! So we bought land, built a house and moved here. Since then, what?
Management of gates was outsourced
First, the management of the gates was outsourced. It was not entirely clear to me at the time why that was a good idea and I have still, to this day, seen no rational explanation of why that was done. Did it improve our security? It certainly does not seem to have done so. Just yesterday I stopped at the East gate to inquire about the proper procedure for our removal company to gain access. Obviously, I did not know the driver’s name, so I couldn’t just call in a “visitor”. The answer was stunning; “If it’s a removal truck. I’ll just wave them through” said the gentleman on duty, he didn’t even ask where I lived or when the truck might be coming! (Note to self: if, after leaving, you want to get in here unquestioned, just ensure that your vehicle looks like a removal truck).
Removal of necessity to use a card to exit unmanned gates
The next change was the removal of the necessity to use a resident’s card to exit an unmanned gate. Again, it was not clear how that helped to maintain, let alone improve, the security of us all. Prior to that, anyone who entered without stopping had, at least, still got to go back out through a manned gate. Not sure that it really helped much, but at least it fostered the illusion of some level of security. Now, however, anyone can depart from any of the unmanned gates whenever they wish, without any risk of being spotted as an interloper.
Delay timing on unmanned gates was extended
The third change was that the delay timing on the unmanned gates was extended. This, reportedly, was done so that vehicles with trailers could use the unmanned gates. Unfortunately, the gates are not smart enough to detect whether what is entering is a vehicle pulling a trailer, or just a second vehicle entering on the first one’s card. As a consequence there is now no need even to risk being stopped at a manned gate, just tuck in behind a legal resident, enter the village at will, go wherever you want and leave whenever you want. Now I understand what tailgating means around here.
Replacement gate security fiasco
Add to that the fiasco over the replacement gates security system that was supposed to be implemented over a year ago. I am not familiar with all of the details but I believe that we (i.e. fee-paying residents through our HSVPOA) paid a significant chunk of money to a company to install an enhanced security gate system. Then we (HSVPOA) messed around, changing requirements and eventually making it impossible for the company to complete the job. Then we (HSVPOA) sued the company, who immediately counter-sued. A year later we still have no security system and the court case is on-going.
Chaos on July 4th

Just this year the July 4th holiday and fireworks raised security in the level of consciousness for many people. To those of us who were at Balboa beach that day and evening, it was obvious that a significant minority, if not an actual majority, of people there, were neither residents nor guests of residents. There are numerous (possibly apocryphal) stories of people queuing at the unmanned gates to tailgate in, of people being bussed into the village through those same gates by one person with a card, and many other tales. True or not I have no idea, but there were certainly a lot of non-residents around that day.
Doesn’t seem like a gated community anymore
Maybe it’s just me, but this doesn’t feel much like a “gated” community anymore. Today the Village Voice records vehicles passing unchecked through the “manned” gates as a regular occurrence and there seems to be no action or concern on the part of the powers that be. Does anyone at the POA seem bothered by any of this? Not obviously. What seems to be more important is avoiding releasing information to residents, spending yet more money that we do not have and playing legal games with by-laws and governance. The security of the Village is obviously a low priority for them, despite the fact that almost everyone I know, or have heard of, cites the “Gated Community”, and the level of security that it implies, as a major factor in deciding to come here. It certainly was for me, and the complete lack of concern over security now leads me to the conclusion that it is only a matter of time before the gates come down forever. My personal fear, for what it is worth, is that the gates will be gone before the next round of Board elections; a “fait accompli” that will not be reversible!
Andrew votes with his feet

I may be wrong on all of this, but it matters not to me. I am voting with my feet! My house is sold, and in a few days, I will shake the dust of HSV from my feet forever. The sad thing is that I feel no regret whatsoever at leaving the Village, even though it is still a beautiful place to live and I have made many warm and lasting friends here. However, in under five years, it has gone from that tranquil and secure haven to an almost open environment where anyone can and does, come and go at their will to use amenities and facilities that they do not pay for and to which they are not entitled. This is not somewhere that I choose to live any longer.
Good luck and Goodbye.
Note from Editor: It is with a heavy heart that I publish this. We are beyond sad. You will be greatly missed, Andy. Good luck and thank you so much for everything you have done.
by Andrew Kramek, July 14, 2019
Edited and formatted by Cheryl Dowden
07/14/2019 — 8:56 am
It somewhat disturbing that you leave with so much negativity. We just moved here, and now I question it? But, I still think it a good place, not fantastic, but good. I will keep positive thoughts going for my sanity. Good luck and I hope you enjoy where you are going.
Andrew Kramek
07/14/2019 — 9:27 am
Candace, while the security issues were a real concern for us, that was not the primary reason for our leaving. My partner also has health problems that make living in an area with high humidity and lots of trees more problematic than we had ever thought possible. The best advice we have had from our Doctors is to move to a dryer climate so that is what we are doing.
As I said, the Village is still a beautiful place to live and has many warm and wonderful people. Hopefully things will all work out for the best for everyone.
Linda Van Scotter
07/14/2019 — 11:09 am
Work with a group of people that are fighting to reclaim our village! We may become Andrew one day, but not today and not next year. We are fighters today .
Fight with us, Candace.
07/14/2019 — 11:13 am
Candace, thank you for your comment. We are working very hard to save our Village. We do have positive thoughts about the Village and you are right it is a good place. It is the best place we have found. In case you are interested, here is a link to our Facebook Group:
07/14/2019 — 8:57 am
Best wishes. We wish we were right behind you.
Walter Chance
07/14/2019 — 9:01 am
Good Luck Thank you for being honest about your motive for leaving. This group is trying to reverse course. God Bless.
John Dethardt
07/14/2019 — 9:09 am
Best wishes, the management had failed us all. Take Care
Mike Fleming
07/14/2019 — 9:23 am
This is heart breaking. Thanks Andy for your wise counsel and friendship to villagers. You are a gem and we are better off with our remembrance of Andy and the legacy left behind. I will think of you often as we battle the NU people and their cold cold drivel.
I’m afraid that stories like Andy’s will become the new normal. Nowhere, in my mind, can all of our bitching about the insanity of our illustrious GM be as damaging to property values as the anecdotal exodus we have witnessed. Phil Lemler was also a champion of what we stand for. I will think of you guys often and we thank you for your helping us get off on the right foot. We have others just like you guys and I hope we keep enough of them to have our village remain a semblance of what we came here for.
We have work to do.
God speed, Andy and Phil. Wishing you fair winds and following seas on the ship of life.
Linda Van Scotter
07/14/2019 — 11:10 am
Phil left too? No!
07/14/2019 — 9:22 pm
Yes, Phil and Bookie are leaving .
Bookie said all their money is tied up in their house and they are concerned. So they decided to leave.
Phil Lemler
07/16/2019 — 7:42 am
Not true … we are leaving to live closer to grandkids … the scenario in HSV will change … there are many good people working diligently to fix our problems and they will eventually prevail.
We need to change the management and the board …. both are in progress.
We need a CEO/General Manager who understands how to manage businesses of this size. Ours is very inexperienced … which coupled with a refusal to listen to more experienced voices … has sent the Village down the wrong path.
We need a board that has some large company, executive management experience. Not one who has only mid level management backgrounds managing IT operations or scheduling medical personnel.
This also has already started.
So, the future is bright for HSV and it will continue to be a GREAT place to live and retire. You just need to continue to stay involved and make sure these changes are implemented.
I love HSV!
Kathy Henderson
07/14/2019 — 9:26 am
So sorry to see you leave even before we met! Hopefully we will seat 2 more like-minded folks and return to the Village so many of us came to and loved. Best wishes to you, Andrew!
Karen Daigle Lundberg
07/14/2019 — 10:10 am
Andy, while we have never met face-to-face, I have read many of your posts and have seen the wisdom in them all. I am so sorry that you are leaving us. I do understand your wife’s health issues, but I feel awful that you are leaving with such a heavy heart about the Village. My husband and I had about a good six months of living here, before all of the fighting broke out, and we had such dreams. I refuse to give up my dreams, but I also know that it is going to take quite a battle to get to that place, but I also feel strongly that we will get our Village right again.
I wish you and your wife the absolute best in life, and I hope your new home is everything you two want it to be. You will be missed, and we are sorry to lose you both as Villagers.
Joe Clem
07/14/2019 — 10:36 am
Andy, I have lived in the Village since August 2004 and to me, it is still the greatest place in the country to live. I love to play golf and it’s the greatest place for that. I haven’t seen any difference in security. I remember being at the DeSoto golf course, we had just finished playing and was putting our clubs away when a couple pulled up in a car and was asking us about the golf and we didn’t see a sticker on their car and asked how they got into the Village and they said we just drove in, this was probably 2006.
I doubt that you will find a place to live with a lower crime rate than the Village.
Good luck.
Andrew Kramek
07/14/2019 — 10:43 am
Thank you one and all for the kind words and wishes. We certainly hope that the Village will survive and prosper, and that good sense will prevail in the end. We are leaving many good friends here and will keep in touch through them, no doubt, so we will follow the course of events with interest.
Fare well and God Bless.
Linda Van Scotter
07/14/2019 — 11:11 am
Some people we wont miss
Lloyd Sherman
07/14/2019 — 11:22 am
Good luck Andy and safe travels. Stories similar, although not necessarily about the same subject, are happening more frequently. Being in the real estate industry, we hear from many as to why they are leaving and on an increasing basis, people are choosing to leave due to different levels of dissatisfaction of the direction the Village is headed. Personally, we still love living here with all the beauty it offers, but I must admit it is getting increasingly more difficult to understand exactly where we are headed. The “negativity” that keeps getting referenced is nothing more than property owners speaking out about their dissatisfaction. They and we have the right, so please do not ask them for silence for something they do not believe in.
07/15/2019 — 9:41 am
Amen Lloyd. We need you on the BOD.
Carole Gugel
07/14/2019 — 11:31 am
While your reasons for leaving are clear yet sad to contemplate for residents, your presence as an active and sensible person will be missed. I just hope you leave with and keep the better memories of your time here. The very best of luck to you.
Tom Blakeman
07/14/2019 — 11:43 am
Best wishes and good luck to you and your partner. Know that your sage, honest commentary and ideas will be missed.
Steve Rust
07/14/2019 — 2:52 pm
Andrew, wish I had gotten to meet you face to face rather than social media. We wish you the best.
As for the village, my wife and I will be staying and doing everything we can to keep the village from changing and maybe even bring it more back to what you found when you moved here.
07/14/2019 — 4:37 pm
As soon as house sales we are right behind you
08/06/2019 — 11:29 pm
I wish you luck with selling. We’ve had one on the market for well over a year and nothing. The mood in HSV is not only driving some out but keeping many newcomers away.
07/14/2019 — 6:45 pm
We have lived in the Village since 2000 with a short exit back to TX for two years. I’m sure many of y’all know moving closer to your kids does not exactly work out how we dream it will. They love us but have their own busy lives. So here we are back in the Village. We love the peace and quiet here along with the beauty. We have a wonderful Church and many great friends.
With all that being said, we have seen a huge decline in the quality and safeness of the Village. The Powers that now are ruling this place have really split those of us living here. We will hopefully out wait those currently in power. I believe their days are numbered. Once again the honest caring residents of the Village will reign and return this place to its intended lifestyle.
I wish you a very happy life out of the Village!
Linda Anderson
07/14/2019 — 7:10 pm
Andrew could not have said it better, the Village has gone from TRANQUIL and SECURE to almost an “Open Environment” thanks to the dictatorship of our GM.
We will not give up the fight to change the direction that we are forced to take. You did what you could to alert and inform others about what is going on.
Being in a happier place is what everyone looks for and you have another opportunity. Good Luck.
Madeleine Conn
07/14/2019 — 10:14 pm
Who are these unwanted people and where are they from?
Has more crime been happening in the last few years here?
Are homes safe from vandalism?
I will be visiting in September to survey the area for possible retirement down the road.
Andrew Kramek
07/15/2019 — 7:23 am
Madeleine, in the 5+ years I have lived here I have never worried about home vandalism. Even with the holes in our supposedly secure gated community the crime level is still very low in the Village. So much so that I frequently leave the house unlocked when I am out, and have even left the garage door open when we were not at home on occasion. My concern was, and is, that the Village management is not doing their job in maintaining security against casual access to the facilities for we, as residents, are paying through our Association Fees.
As I said to Candace above, while a real concern for us the security issues I have highlighted here were not in themselves the primary reason for our moving out.
Faith Jones
07/15/2019 — 1:31 am
I’m not a resident but I’ve been visting the place for the last 20 years and I absolutely love it. I promise every time we come to stay for a week or a weekend the security is on point. Maybe because I’m African American I Don’t know but we can’t pass go. Even with the decal they stop us every time..
07/15/2019 — 4:33 am
Faith, we are so glad you have been visiting us for 20 years and love it here. We love it too! Non-property owners do not have decals. Do you own property here? As far as you being African American, I would certainly hope you would not be treated any differently than anyone else. Racism is not tolerated in the Village by most of us. I realize there are a few racists, but for the most part, we are very accepting of everyone. The guards do not stop anyone that has a decal.
07/15/2019 — 7:38 pm
Why do I have to buy a pass I own a lot in the village
07/16/2019 — 3:45 pm
Anonymous, at the present time, you do not have to purchase a sticker if you are a property owner. There was a fee for this in the past but the fee was discontinued. I wouldn’t be surprised if the POA started charging for the stickers again. The stickers are only for convenience, so you do not have to stop at the gates and show your card for entry.
05/22/2020 — 8:39 pm
you don’t have to buy a pass if you own a lot, you get the window sticker free as long as you are up to date on your POA account. I’ve been a resident for 6 years, but a lot owner for 29 years… I’ve never had to purchase a window sticker, it’s always been free.
Sue Posner
07/15/2019 — 8:28 am
Wish Faith could say that it’s not so here, but know your neighbor cares
Lyn Grimes
07/15/2019 — 6:09 pm
Ms Faith..I don’t want to create more controversy but I think u nailed the reason. I’m a victim of tailgating so often that I cringe everytime I approach an unmanned gate. I’ve also personally observed unauthorized cars flying thru manned gates. Just look at police report on the Voice. It tells the tailgating problem quite well.
01/12/2021 — 2:48 pm
You are so positive! Glad you are here!
Nancy C Carlton
07/15/2019 — 7:21 am
This is so unfortunate. HSV does seem to be on the downhill slide, and the causes are truly manmade. Soon there may not be many reasons to stay here, if serious reform does not occur.
Maureen Mccamey
07/15/2019 — 8:02 am
I have read with interest the comments. My husband, Tom and I have been home owners since Thanksgiving,2001. We highly recommend HSV to everyone. We have lived many places and have found the village to beautiful,tranquil, peaceful,busy and full of educated friendly people. After 9-11 is any place really secure. Our experience with the HSV police has always been professional and timely. We have an amazing church family. We thank God daily for the this beautiful place. Thank you for the opportunity to respond.
Miriam Shively
07/15/2019 — 8:22 am
Thank you Andrew for your comments. Would you please consider sending a copy to the Letters to the Editor in the Village Voice. Many residents are not connected to this site and would benefit from your thoughts and analysis of some of the current issues here.
Sorry you need to move for health reasons and that your experiences here came at this time in our history. But unfortunately, decreased gate security is, IMO, only a step along the way to the CMP open access idea promoted by developers who can take advantage of available government monies to line their pockets. It is a nationwide trend of the future, and our romanticized ideals of living here will be changing in order to stay afloat financially. Hope you have no problems identifying similar situations following your move. God speed with improved health and less conflict.
Miriam Shively
Resident since 1996
Andrew Kramek
07/15/2019 — 9:16 am
Sure, I will send a copy to the Village Voice. Thank you for your good wishes
07/15/2019 — 8:28 am
I CANT wait to leave. I NEVER thought it was Paradise like my husband does. I won’t let the ” Gate” hit me in the butt on the way out. POA tells you what you Can and CAN’T do. But they drag their feet when it’s there job to complete THEIR DUTIES.
05/22/2020 — 8:43 pm
Bye bye…. the gate isn’t set up to hit you in the butt, but if you don’t move quick enough, it will bump you from the side… ta ta
Wanda B Selman
07/15/2019 — 11:57 am
I knew Andy from our work time together at Ponce Pro Shop. Andy is a gentlemen and has never said anything that wasn’t factual. I completely understand why he is leaving. Our Village is becoming a community that is not what was developed to be. The best life has in store for for you Andy
Andrew Kramek
07/17/2019 — 7:20 pm
Thank you Wanda. I just hope that the Village can save itself
Emmett Selman
07/15/2019 — 12:17 pm
Andy I know had a problem with the poa, but there is no way I would let these people run me out, there will be changes in the future for the better. I hope the main reason you are leaving is for your partner’s health. Best wishes & good health
Andrew Kramek
07/17/2019 — 7:24 pm
Yes, Chick. The primary reason for the move is our health. The primary reason for the timing is the mess (in my opinion) that the prior and current management teams have made, and are making, of things. I don’t feel I am being run out, but I am tired of fighting battles that are essentially unwinnable.
George Sorrell
07/15/2019 — 12:19 pm
When I first read this article, I wasn’t sure if it was targeted at our Gate keepers or the POA. Based upon the headline, I initially assumed it was directed toward the subliminally known plan for the CEO to sacrifice our Gates on the CMP altar.
But as I read further, there does seem to be some concern held with how the gates are managed, I would just like to offer my views.
We are perhaps being too harsh regarding our contracted security gate people. I do not believe our former gate keepers were any more dedicated or proficient. The question I do echo from the article, are we saving or costing more money to manage the gates with a contractor? That is the question that begs an answer.
I also agree we went too far allowing people to “leave” the village via the automatic gates without an ID. A seasoned criminal would take note of that flaw if they were planning to perform criminal acts inside the Village. So, yes I agree this was a bad decision.
Gates are like locks on our doors. It boils down to an economic decision. We tend to spend the amount for protection appropriate to our perception of the risk involved.
I do believe our gates reduce our risk of casual, spontaneous or serious frequent crime/vandalism. I agree the amusing police report tells the story and I often share it with my friends back in Florida. I do not want to see the Gates thrown onto the CMP trash heap.
The current Gate system it is not perfect nor will it ever be. In contrast, I have participated in building software associated with controlling maximum security Prison Gates. I cannot adequately describe the stress and pressure involved with this activity at Prisons as they let people in and out. Even with extreme care and top performance managing these gates, they are still not perfect. The wrong people manage to get in as visitors and Prisoners do escape. None of us would like to see our HSP Gates managed with this level of scrutiny and expense.
Finally, in my view, the illegal activity going on inside our POA far outshine what may be passing through our gates. I just hope we all continue to focus our attention on that problem.
07/16/2019 — 6:25 am
Actually we would like to see our gates manned in a manner similar to a prison. Who are you to say we don’t??
07/15/2019 — 3:40 pm
I hear you, we have been here going on 4 years. We see people tail gating alot. So how safe are we. As we have seen past , it only takes one person with a gun to wipe out some of our love one or best friends . Better to be safe now than sorry later. Good luck on your new adventures .
Bill Cox
07/15/2019 — 4:17 pm
I am not a resident but a long time property owner. I have always viewed HSV as Paradise Like with a dream of living there one day. I have noticed a change in the last few years what it is I do not know. I pay my dues read the News letter and visit ever so often. My perception through observation of The city of Hot Springs has changed in recent years to a more negative viewpoint. Hot Springs Village remained a gem. So what is really going on?
07/15/2019 — 4:44 pm
Kathie and I came here in 2000. Changes have occurred to be sure but I’m not about to turn tail and run. As in most cases things can be repaired with a dedicated group of people willing to put forth the effort to do it. Sitting on your hands and whining never solved anything! Be constructive in your criticism to be taken seriously.
Dan Ost
07/15/2019 — 5:41 pm
I left the Village in late June of 2016, shortly after Cranford’s east gate closed. (I could see the hand writing on the wall!). I used to play golf twice weekly with a group of nine guys, all Village residents. Since I left in 2016, 3 more of the guys have relocated…1 to Sun City in Austin, Tx, 1 to The Villages in Fl, and 1 to Sun City in Arizona. None of us left because of health issues, etc. All of us left because we felt HSV was on a downward spiral. Think about it; almost 1/2 of the 9 of us gone in just 3 years!
05/22/2020 — 8:46 pm
And yet, our population is now over 14000 quite a positive number from when we moved here 6 years ago
Michael Bresnahan
07/15/2019 — 6:27 pm
Andrew, is the place you’re moving to more secure? If yes, would like to know the details.
07/15/2019 — 7:36 pm
Henceforth, let each responsible HSV member crossing through an unmanned gate stop a few feet past the gate, with windows up and doors locked, and wait for the gate to come down before moving on.
On 2nd thought...
03/09/2020 — 10:57 pm
In remembrance of the tailgater who deliberately bumped the rule-abiding car in front of it and subsequently caused middlemen to scold the rule-abiding party (who likely then moved away), just use the manned gates.
07/16/2019 — 3:32 am
I moved here 04/2016. I was told HSVPOA monthly assessments were $37.50. Never true for me, I settled in and found it was $66.00 and it increases every year. I was promised a gated community; there’s no such thing. I was promised a quiet community, but there are neighbors 2 doors down that cannot drive – any time of day or night – unless their vehicle radios are booming. I’ve been terrorized by food and drink trucks on their way to supply the Village restaurants doing 70, 75 mph down Desoto – climbing up my tailpipe, crossing the yellow line on hills and curves because they’re going way too fast. Neighbors that murder the wildlife. I receive past due letters from the POA that are dated BEFORE my monthly assessment due date! How much money are they wasting on the useless nastygrams and postage? Can’t take a walk without someone’s loose dog(s) running down the street. My driveway is used constantly as the neighborhood turnaround (I have found all sorts of car parts in my drive and a California license plate). Can’t use the dog park – one side is for small dogs, one side for large; do people care? Hell no – and they do not control their dogs if a fight starts. Residents turning right off Route 7 cannot be bothered to stop at the corner to give traffic the right if way. “Guards” that stand and talk to people in their cars, blocking the resident lane. People who do not live here still have resident stickers on their windshields. It is not pretty here, it is not serene here, it is not a pleasant retirement opportunity, and it grows increasingly expensive to live here. I have tried to join group activities; you are NOT welcomed if you’re new, or look different – the good Christians snub you. I had occasion early on to write to the POA members; there was no courtesy of a response. Why don’t I leave? I live solely on Social Security and am stuck here.
07/16/2019 — 6:23 am
You are not stuck. Just do it. As they say.
07/16/2019 — 6:21 am
We gave it a try for 10 years. The straw that broke the camel’s back for us was the waffle cone vendor on the beach at Lake Balboa one year for the 4th of July. As the writer pointed out, so many people were on the beach and boating on the lake that simply did not belong here, were not guests, were not residents, that we knew then it was time to move.
In addition, you have the insane and overpaid “CEO” (300K if you include benefits) ruining the place with the “master plan” that will NEVER work here. Ever.
Plus the malfeasance, the illegal secret meetings, the wanton waste and gross mismanagement, the lying, the subterfuge, the moronic expenditures, etc., etc.
I ask you, who wouldn’t want to leave? The place is destroyed by inept board members and even more inept and corrupt POA employees.
Sadly, we saw no way out of the mess. We did not want to wait it our for multiple elections so that one day, maybe, we would have a board who actually did their job.
Like the writer, we had a great first 5-6 years, but then it all went south in a hurry. We miss our friends but sure don’t miss the mismanaged ungated mess that is now HSV.
We HAD to leave and we did and we have no regrets.
Kirk Denger
07/17/2019 — 10:43 pm
Today Mikey mentioned that the audit committee needed to be comprised of upper management because there were things that the POA could be prosecuted for and therefore needed to be kept covered up. Fred, the management and 5 Directors SUCK, and we will end this reign of terror. Please return when you feel safe.
Robert Grahowski
07/16/2019 — 6:59 am
Andy, I believe in Conceal and Carry and not in any “gate(s)” because most bad people / criminals will find a multitude of ways to gain access – yet they’d be very foolish if they disrespected my privacy.
07/16/2019 — 8:15 am
enough already. Toss the bums out.
07/16/2019 — 9:52 am
It’s sad to hear such negative comments about our village however I feel some of this is over done. Lots of statements stating things then saying “I’m not sure they are true or not”. Yes we have a problem at the gates and those need fixed. People need and seem to be getting involved to try and resolve the problem at the gates. One thing to note. The problem started when we began selling “memberships” and which people are using to access the Village. People have been coming in to use the beaches and lakes for years it’s just now become more prevalent and noticed. Let’s be clear. The POA needs money and if allowing people to come in to use and pay for amenities that’s what they will do. Just think how crowded the Village would be if all the properties were owned and occupied. At this point the Village is basically open and the only way to close it is to raise dues and fees. Who is willing to pay for that? I like others moved here for the beauty and laid back attitude. Times change and sometimes not the way we want. I still feel very secure and love living here. I myself might need to move in the future for personal reasons and I dread having to move to a state like Texas.
Michael Bresnahan
07/18/2019 — 10:55 pm
I agree with Kirk. Furthermore, you can’t make everybody happy. There’s a balance between “openess” and absolute security, which is impossible. I’ve lived in many places around this country and other countries, and I feel more secure and peaceful here than anywhere I’ve lived. I don’t see a security issue. It’s hard to justify spending a lot of money on additional security when there’s not a problem with loitering, vandalism, crime, etc. The negativity is exaggerated and seems to come from those who have decided to leave for reasons other than security. I suppose it makes them feel better about leaving if they leave with negative feelings about it. No regard for those who stay. To those who continue to believe it’s a great place to live. Believe me, IT IS! It’s a piece of heaven on Earth, and we are all extremely fortunate to be here. But I’m biased. I’ve lived in Texas, Minnesota, Mexico, Florida, Costa Rica, and many other places. You want to feel like you live in a jail? You have to live sourounded by 12′ walls and barbed wire in most countries around the world. That’s what I had around my house in Mexico and Costa Rica. I love it here! Love America! Love HSV!
Ken lease
08/17/2019 — 9:33 am
Moving to the Village ASAP from Dallas. Would love to find out who to contact to apply for a security position at the gate ?
08/17/2019 — 9:41 am
Moving to the Village from Dallas. Been working in the security Industry for 10 years
Would like to work at the village in some opportunity.
Email =
Thanks, Ken lease
03/28/2024 — 6:20 pm
I am currently here visiting and staying in someone’s home. An air bnb. The people at the gate were pretty thorough stopping me and asking for proof of where I’ll be staying and they check the paper they put inside my car every time I re-enter. I’m not sure why they would need to check everyone leaving? If they already checked them entering why have to recheck the same person leaving? I have felt very safe since being here and everyone seems nice and friendly and it has been a quiet and peaceful stay.
03/28/2024 — 6:25 pm
Thank you for commenting. I am glad your experience was good. I am unaware of them checking everyone leaving. I have lived here ten years and never noticed the gate personel checking anyone leaving. That doesn’t happen. – Cheryl