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Email Addresses for HSVPOA 2022 Board Candidates

Hot Springs Village People requested that the 2022 Board Candidates share their email addresses on this website, all in one place, for the convenience of Villagers. Communication is not only important but a key component of successful representation and governance. All but one of the candidates responded to this request. We are very pleased to share the following Board candidate email addresses with you, in alphabetical order:

Pam Avila – “When I say “Your Voice Matters”, I mean it! I would be pleased to hear from you and I will do my best to respond to each email that I receive.” 


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Tosha Baggett  “I am very excited and happy to provide my email address so that the wonderful people of the HSV can contact me regarding my HSVPOA Board campaign.”


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Joanie Corry “As time allows, I would be happy to answer emails that go to this address:”


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Kirk Denger “I am happy to share my email address with Property Owners so they can reach out to me with their questions and concerns.”


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Jama Wegeng Lopez “Please feel free to email me with any questions or comments.”


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Thank you for reading. If you like, please comment below; we love to hear your opinion.  Thank you for keeping the comments polite and on topic.  Please use your real first and last name.  If you are an HSV Property Owner, please join us in our private Facebook Group.  Click here to join the group.  If you would like to submit an article for publication, please contact us through this website. Be sure to bookmark this website.

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