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Balboa Beach Playground Project in Hot Springs Village

Supported by HSV Evening Lions Club

Development of Park Project

For several months the HSV Evening Lions has been working with the POA Parks and Recreation Department to fund and implement a playground project at Balboa Beach. The original discussions by the Evening Lions board centered around beach volleyball and Baggo (aka Cornhole) combined with a few benches and an additional shade canopy like exists now. As discussions progressed, the idea of playground equipment was introduced and grew to the concept delivered to the POA board this last month.

Lions Club Balboa Beach Playground Project in Hot Springs Village
Illustrative Purposes Only

Where we are now

Following review and approval by the POA Board, the project now enters the Fund-Raising Stage. The E-Lions committee in charge of this effort is first targeting local HSV area businesses to help support this project. Dependent upon the level of commitment, donors will be recognized by acknowledgment on the donor board to be displayed at the playground; Branding on any piece of equipment valued up to the donation amount; Bingo sign acknowledgment (Displayed at all Bingo Sessions); Recognition in the Village Voice; 50th Year Commemorative Lions T Shirts. These same opportunities are also open to individuals should they wish to support this project.

HSV Evening Lions Balboa Beach Playground Project in Hot Springs Village

HSV Evening Lions History (50th Year Anniversary)

The Hot Springs Village Lions Club was initiated with 59 charter members in August of 1972. POA General Manager, John Whelan, and Hot Springs Lions Jim Fowler and Joe Poe were the prime movers to form the new club. Things got off to a quick start for the Club when along with other Arkansas clubs they sponsored a golf clinic. “Golfer of the Year”, Lee Trevino and Pro, Miller Barber, came to the Village for a match with two Village golfers, “Dutch” Harrison and club pro, Pete Fleming. After some golfing tips by Trevino and Barber, 3000 spectators watched the exhibition match. Now nearly 50 years later this extremely active club still thrives and serves the community of Hot Springs Village. The Lions are always looking for new members to help serve in all the endeavors they hold near and dear to their hearts.

In celebration of 50 years of community service to Hot Springs Village by the HSV Evening Lions Club, the Club is putting together a Community Project to provide recreation and playground equipment for Balboa Beach.

The Club will procure and donate this equipment to the Hot Springs Village POA Recreation Department for installation at Balboa Beach.

The following equipment is slated to be a part of this project:

  • Sand Volleyball Set
  • 2 Baggo Sets (aka Cornhole)
  •  Merry-Go-Round
  • Swing Set
  • Grey Harbor Playset
  • Geo Dome Climber
  • Canopy
  • Four (4) Benches
Lion Foundation Balboa Beach Playground Project in Hot Springs Village Cover Image
Illustrative Purposes Only

PDF of Balboa Beach Playground Project – Supported by HSV Evening Lions

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LLOYD SHERMAN, February 21, 2022


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