By Teri Jackson, November 20, 2019
This is an addendum to my previous article, WHERE HAS OUR VILLAGE GONE?
Sources closely affiliated with the POA have contacted me to correct erroneous information in my guest commentary. To set the record straight, I want to address the following two issues:
I began my research on the issues I spoke to in my article as far back as August of this year. I accessed the POA website and printed the policies, bylaws, and charters I was interested in addressing. On 8/26/19, the Governance Committee Charter on the POA website listed the CEO as a voting member.
I was unaware the charter was subsequently revised on 9/18/19 by Board action to identify the CEO as a non-voting member of the committee and that is so stipulated in the document on the POA’s website today.
Therefore, I want to acknowledge and correct the point in my commentary regarding the Governance Committee and express my thanks to the Board for correcting a bad situation that had been in existence since its inception in August 2017.
I think they totally missed the point so let me clarify myself on this topic. For 46 years, we’ve been designated as a corporation as established by John Cooper in 1970; I do not argue that point. But only in the last three years has POA leadership adopted the attitude and posture that we should be organized and governed as a corporate entity. This allows the POA to operate independently of what property owners want, as long as they “execute their fiduciary responsibilities and remain committed and loyal to the corporation”.
I stand by my comments and beliefs that we are not a ‘corporation’ and don’t want to be governed like one. It worked for 46 years and it could easily work for another 46 if attitudes weren’t firmly entrenched in a corporate mindset, one that doesn’t feel any responsibility to the property owners that elected them and that pay the bills.
You can argue the semantics of ‘corporation’ all day, but it comes down to a technical definition versus a governing framework that is inclusive of property owners.
11/20/2019 — 6:12 am
Thank you for the clarification. But the fact remains that a small group holds the reins over the masses for now. I’m glad people are waking up and the masse grow daily. They are on borrowed time. Just a thorn in our side for now. We shall overcome.
11/20/2019 — 9:42 am
After this morning’s meeting, it is getting harder and harder to see things getting any better. I am so sick of how this Village is being torn apart by Lesley Nalley. Taking people’s cell phone and having police stand over these elderly people watching their every move. How low can someone go??
11/20/2019 — 3:31 pm
Anonymous 9:42 a.m. There was a report of someone with their phone turned off The person was playing a game on his phone. Allegedly, the police tried to take this person’s phone away. They cannot confiscate someone’s phone.
There was a large police presence at the meeting. Some of them appeared to be plainclothes officers. Are they really this afraid of us? They are the ones harming us, not the other way around with all the secrecy.
11/20/2019 — 4:45 pm
You are censoring comments by not posting them in entirety but instead answering with propaganda. Hysterical and sad at the same time.
Didn’t notice a big police presence. Were we at the same meeting? Who is this mystery victim?
And yes this message has been screenshot also.
11/21/2019 — 7:45 am
To further clarify this comment, I did not mean the police are afraid of us. I would never think that. The police are merely doing their jobs. Also, by saying there was a large police presence, I meant relative to the number of people attending the meeting. I think it is a waste of police resources to have 3 or more officers (I noticed 3) and a couple of plainclothes officers at the meeting.
11/21/2019 — 9:58 am
Did anyone else notice a “large police presence” at the meeting or is this more propaganda by the Dowden’s to discredit our fine police force?
Cheryl said during the meeting she and Joe block posts that target stellar members of the community. Guess that rule doesn’t apply for this post at least to our police officers or John.
11/21/2019 — 11:31 am
Paul, I do not put out propaganda. And I do not discredit our fine police force. I have stated many times that I appreciate our first responders, both police and fire department. I meant the police presence was unnecessary. Maybe an officer or two would be necessary. It is my opinion anything else is overkill. This is mostly a community of law-abiding citizens, and many of us are older. You are misstating what I said in the meeting. Please do not misquote me. It looks very bad for you, to misquote me. I said I blocked some comments a troll made yesterday. These were personal attacks and lies. You need to learn how to listen to what people say and you also need to learn how to be honest.
11/21/2019 — 3:52 pm
Paul – in reading the post from Cheryl Dowden, I cannot see where she “discredited our fine police force”. I believe she seemed to be referring to the fact that the POA may be intimidated by the attending Villagers and their (POA) intimidation possibly created the need for a police presence … Paul … do you think this is a possibility? Do you wish to re-post a correction?
12/07/2019 — 9:40 pm
At at least one Board meeting, there has been a squad of police and a squad of firemen back-up awaiting in the parking lot. HSV has security, however, in this case, totally unnecessary, but quite a bit telling about our management’s “power trip” intentions that are all actually nothing but wastefulness.
Lloyd Sherman
11/20/2019 — 2:12 pm
Teri’s point is well taken on the “corporation” issue. I have gotten into many discussions about this topic with people who WANT us to be governed like a business corporation. That was not the intent of the original forming of HSV and shouldn’t be today. However, as noted by many, over the past three years in particular, policies, procedures, Bylaws, Charters, etc. have been altered to ensure that is exactly what happens and to essential neuter the elected officials of the people. This cannot be allowed to continue and beginning with this next election, the current method of governing needs to be reverted to that of the voice of the people. Not a group of people who believe they know what is best for the Village but rather what the property owners want for THEIR Village.
Thank you Teri. Your efforts are appreciated.
John Sowers
11/20/2019 — 6:33 pm
Thanks; were you at the POA board meeting this morning?
I was at the POA board meeting this morning. And I agree with the following below comments in quotations. I had no idea what Sue was talking about regarding the mystery victim. And I never understood why POA board member DP was absent.
“You are censoring comments by not posting them in entirety but instead answering with propaganda. Hysterical and sad at the same time.
Didn’t notice a big police presence. Were we at the same meeting? Who is this mystery victim?
And yes this message has been screenshot also.
Thanks from John Sowers
11/20/2019 — 6:55 pm
John, maybe there are a lot a lot of things that you are not capable of understanding. Who do you think the mystery victim is? Are you hysterical and sad at the same time? Did you notice a big police presence? If you did, how many police did you see? Did you screen shot your message? How can you be 100% sure that the information sent out by the ceo and the board is not propaganda?
John Sowers
11/20/2019 — 7:00 pm
Tell us who you are Anonymous responding at 6:55 p.m. Thanks
Kirk Denger
11/20/2019 — 7:21 pm
John Sowers11/20/2019 — 6:33 pm, I was at the meeting this morning. I am sure that you were not at the same meeting. Teri did not mention Sue, a mystery victim or why DP was absent nor censoring of this site. The meeting is posted on You Tube in case you were at the wrong meeting and missed it.
11/21/2019 — 7:02 am
John lives in a world all his own.
Bob Busse
11/22/2019 — 4:28 pm
John Sowers, DP was, as Chair Erickson said at the start of the meeting, excused from attending the BOD meeting. She was excused from attendance as she was out of town attending her son’s wedding.
Linda Anderson
11/24/2019 — 1:00 pm
TERI- Thank you for setting the record straight and your Article : Where Has The Village Gone was needed to show the concerns we should all be aware of from a Board Member perspective. There are a lot of people that would appreciate your understanding – Could you please write a “Letter To The Editor ” ?
Also, THKS Lloyd for your continued efforts to inform and alert us all on important issues.
Leslie Nalley directly attacked property owner’s opinions on HSV PEOPLE to prohibit Free Speech. Of course any opinions that do not go along with her agenda are not welcomed. WE THE PEOPLE WILL NOT BE SILENCED. It is the facts and truth that lead to real understanding. I am proud of the many people that will speak out from their hearts on the issues that concern them and need discussion that could help the community to make positive changes. I am so thankful that Joe & Cheryl Dowden have made it possible to get up to date, day by day news and diversified commentaries.
11/24/2019 — 2:52 pm
“Diversified commentaries” Now that’s funny. More like censored propaganda.
November 24
11/30/2019 — 5:11 pm
Thank you Terri. You speak truth .