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HSVPOA – Feral Hogs Spotted

Invasive feral hogs have been sighted in the Village.

Feral hogs are one of the one hundred worst invasive species in the world today (Lowe et al. 2000). The feral hog population has grown rapidly in the United States and has become a huge problem in many states including Arkansas.

According to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, “Feral hogs are not native to the United States. They are an invasive species, a public nuisance and a threat to Arkansas. ” Mar 15, 2018

feral hog population map hsvpoa
2015 US feral swine population map 2015

Jim Langford emails board about feral hogs in the Village

Jim Langford sent the following email to the Board Directors and Village Voice concerning this disturbing issue:

“I have not seen a CWAO “Chief Wild Animal Officer” listed in the CEO’s Organization Chart so I am sending this to you, our Board of Directors.  We have wild feral hogs in the Village.  Full-grown hogs have been seen in several places in the Village and piglets have been seen on Ponce de Leon near the fire station.”

“If this problem is not addressed immediately we will have a destructive problem on our hands.  There is only one way to rid an area of feral hogs. They have to be killed.  If this problem is not addressed quickly we could have several hundred hogs in the Village in two years.  Feral hogs will destroy our golf courses, our lake dams, and homeowners’ property.  I trust you will address this problem immediately.”Jim Langford

Feral hogs are prolific

Farm Journal/ AG Web reports: according to State officials, they “estimate there are roughly 200,000 fast-breeding feral hogs spread across the state’s 75 counties.”

Feral hogs are prolific, reaching sexual maturity as young as three (3) months to one year. The estrus cycle of the female occurs every 18 to 24 days if the female is not pregnant. She is capable of birthing from one (1) to twelve (12) newborns, with an average of four (4) to six (6) piglets. A pregnancy can last from 100 to 140 days. As the female ages, the possibility of larger litters increases until she reaches the age of four (4) to five (5), at which time her litter size may decrease. A sow generally has two litters a year and the oldest known age of a breeding female is 14.

The damage from feral hogs can be great

Feral hogs can potentially cause many problems in the Village. Some possible damages are:

  • Rooting – this is the most commonly noticed damage caused by feral hogs.
  • Tree and forest losses – one hog can destroy 400 to 1000 tree seedlings in one day. They also chew on the roots and rub against more mature trees, causing damage.
  • Disease – feral hogs are known to carry at least 30 viral and bacterial diseases, which may affect humans, livestock and wildlife.
  • Preying on other animals.
  • Wallowing – this affects streams and can contaminate water holes, create algae blooms, and decrease fish production.
  • Property damage – this includes damage to sprinkler systems and also automobiles when there are collisions

Where are feral hogs in Arkansas?*

  • “Feral hogs are in every county in Arkansas, though local population densities vary.
  • Feral hogs have lived in the bottomlands of south central Arkansas for decades, if not centuries.
  • They typically live in secluded areas in thickets near creeks, streams, and rivers, though some venture into urban areas.
  • Feral hogs range over several miles if necessary in search of food and water.
  • Boars range even farther in search of mates.”

Wild pigs/hogs destroy golf course

While this incident did not happen in Arkansas, this is an example of what wild hogs/pigs can do to a golf course.

Wild pigs destroy golf course

We would like to thank Jim Langford for taking the time to write emails to the Board Directors and also the Village Voice. Hopefully, this issue will be addressed and this potentially devastating problem will be dealt with.

By Cheryl Dowden, October 16, 2019

* Where are feral hogs found in Arkansas?

Cover photograph and map courtesy of Southeastern Asociation of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, 2015 Annual State Summary Report — Wild Hog Working Group

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