New update at bottom of this article 10/18/19
10/8/19 Update on Zach from his wife, Meredith
Zach is stable and the hospital staff removed his chest tube yesterday. He was having issues with nausea and vomiting but now he is able to keep down a little food and his medications. His lungs are improved.
Physical Therapy is working with him and he got out of bed for the first time today. This was not easy, but he did it.
Within a few days, it is expected he may move to rehab. He can’t walk for 6 to 8 weeks and rehab will teach him how to walk again, transfer from the bed to a chair, and he will learn how to dress himself (right now his movements are very limited).
Meredith said, “Last night was a good night. Please continue praying for Zach. We are speechless over all the help from the community. I don’t know what else to say besides thank you.”
Aaron Hunter, one of Zach’s many best friends had this to say:
“I stopped by to see Zach today. He was in good spirits. He got some PT in today and got his back brace fitted. He is also eating more, which is a big help, but he has a long road ahead of him.”
“Today is the first time I got to carry a normal conversation with him, since Thursday evening. This time of year, we typically talk every morning and evening about which bucks are showing up or which stands to hunt.”
“His nurse today is also a big hunter. When I walked in they were talking about Kansas deer.”
“Hunting wasn’t his main concern. Nor was himself. He talked to my mom and dad on the phone last night. He insisted I check on Mom multiple times because he could tell it was an emotional conversation.”
“His Captain also stopped by. Zach asked him about everyone. He knows it wasn’t easy responding to a call for one of their own, especially with the severity of the situation.”
“Here he is laying in a hospital bed with all kinds of problems, yet he is far more concerned about his coworkers, friends, and most of all, his family. That’s just Zach.”
Donation update from Janet Rowe regarding Sykora Fund at Bank OZK
“The account for donations for Lt. Zach Sykora (HSV firefighter), who was seriously injured in a hunting accident has been established at the Bank OZK. Cash donations are best to add into the account, but if you write a check it gets made out to me, Janet Rowe, and I will go by the bank to sign and deposit them. The tellers at both bank locations, West (by Walmart) and the East (by Tanners) are aware of the account and will directly deposit the cash into the account or hold the checks for me to come sign for deposit. If you go in to make a donation tell the teller it is the “Sykora Fund”.
“Lt. Sykora’s wife is also named on the account in the case that something happens to me, she will be able to access the funds. I would like to pre-thank everyone for donations that they will be making.”
“Lt. Sykora has been an exemplary firefighter here in the Village and he is an outstanding young man with a young family. There are also t-shirts being made by another organization to raise funds, so keep your eyes open for those also.”
Village Employees Benefit Fund update from Melinda Alvord
“Just came back from my board meeting with the Village Employees Benefit Fund. In keeping with the charter of our organization, and a unanimous vote of our board, we wrote a check in the amount of $1,000 to the Sykora family which is being delivered to them this afternoon.”

Village Employees Benefit Fund Board of Directors voted unanimously to write a $1,000 check for the Sykora family. Seated is Gene Lichliter. Standing from left to right, Secretary Melinda Alvord, Bettie Ann Salzwedal, Vice President Ryan Bartholomew, Jeff Lloyd, Treasurer Ann Bowman, Dannet Botkin, President, DC Reed. (Missing is Suzanne Sweeten)
Much appreciation to the whole community for stepping up to help the Sykora family.
By Cheryl Dowden, October 8, 2019
Update: 10/9/19
We will be taking pre-orders for Sykora Strong shirts.
Money can be dropped off at Great Futures Daycare located at 203 Carmona Road. This will also be the location for shirt pickups.
You can contact Leah Hunt 501-204-2957 or Kayley Neighbors 501-762-9289 through text message & through FB messenger with any questions. Money & orders will be due on October 21st. Thank you in advance!
Youth small-Adult XL $12.00
Adult 2XL $14.00
Adult 3XL-5XL $15.00

Zach Sykora update 10-12-19
Zach Sykora update 10-12-19
Zach is doing soooo much better. 🙌 He feels better, is eating and drinking better and doing better at transferring to the chair.
He got to see his boys yesterday and that lifted everyone’s spirits. 🥰
Hopefully, PT will show him how to walk with the walker with one leg soon. That will not be as easy as it sounds because of his ribs and using his arm on that side. But he’s a champ! And also is such a trouper. ❤️
Thanks to each one of you for your continued prayers. Zach is so appreciative and we are all so moved by your love and support for us all. ❤️❤️❤️
Kimberly Bismark Sykora

Zach Sykora Update: 10/18/19
After 10 days in the hospital and four days in rehab, ZACH IS COMING HOME!! He is getting so much stronger with each day. He is more than ready to be home with our boys and me.
Family, friends, and our community,
On behalf of my family, I want to say THANK YOU! First and foremost, thank you God for protecting Zach during his accident. So many miracles surround Zach when he fell from his tree…he was able to get a phone call out to me with no reception, and his backpack protected his head from an even more serious injury. Since that day, God has continued to provide for our family. Each time we asked for specific prayer requests, God almost instantly answered.
I want to thank all of the first responders with the Hot Springs Village Fire Department that showed up and carried my husband out of the woods with strength, courage, and poise. Thank you Rick Dodd and Brandon Brown with Life Net for the amazing care you provided while on scene. It is not easy caring for one of your own, but you did it skillfully with confidence and compassion.
Thank you to our family and friends who have supported financially, emotionally, and spiritually. Lastly, thank you to our incredible community who has blessed us beyond anything we could have ever imagined. You have left us completely speechless at how much you have rallied around us. Your donations, big or small, have meant so much to us and we will never be able to adequately express our gratitude.
To each person who has prayed for us, asked about us, brought us food, etc. THANK YOU! We have been completely overwhelmed by the love and generosity of everyone.
Meredith Sykora

**Fundraiser & Gun Raffle Drawing**
On Saturday, November 2, 2019, we will be at Cortez Pavillion in Hot Springs Village from 12:30-2:30.
We will be grilling burgers/hot dogs with chips and drinks. (5$ a head) We will have items to raffle, such as coolers, paintings, game cameras, stands, etc. Tickets for these items will only be sold day of, and you must be present to win.
The gun raffle tickets are separate; however, you can purchase tickets up until the drawing.
All proceeds from the raffles and food will be donated to the Sykora Family. Please share and come see us! -Aaron Hunter
Linda Van Scotter
10/08/2019 — 7:28 pm
Question from Texas about how to make a donation online or electronically.
C Sykora
10/09/2019 — 9:19 am
10/09/2019 — 9:30 am
There are 3 donation options to help the Sykoras, in addition to purchasing the t shirts. There may also be a raffle and cookout. Stay tuned for more information on this.
1.You may donate through the Village Employees Benefit Fund, either by mailing them a check or going through PayPal.
There are no fees if you select friends and family. Be sure to indicate the money is for the Zach Sykora family.
To donate to the Sykora’s using PayPal. Go to Log in. Search for, choose a friends and family donation, then enter your donation amount and send it in, or mail a check to VEBF, P.O. Box 8503, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909
Here are more detailed instructions:
After logging in to my account in PayPal I selected “SEND MONEY” and there- is a search symbol and a box shows. You type into the box the info for the recipient. Click NEXT. then enter the amount and write the comment in the notation area. Here is where you need to be sure to change the “paying” question because the default is that you are paying a bill or invoice in which case the recipient will be charged a fee.
Be sure to change it to Friends and Family so there is no fee. Then the next screen asks how you want to pay. Now in my case I already have a bank account and a credit card linked to my PayPal so I can choose which of those I want to use or I can enter a new one. My bank doesn’t charge me any fee, but my credit card might depending on the type of card I use so today just to keep it simple I used my bank account. Then you just follow the prompts to finish the transaction.
2. Donate cash at Bank OZK, located on west and east ends of the Village. (The bank will also take checks.)
3. Donate through Go Fund Me. (Link below)
The link to the GFM is:
10/09/2019 — 8:33 am
Article updated 10/9/19 – T shirts are available. Please scroll up and read the details in the article. Thank you!
Linda Salley
10/09/2019 — 4:59 pm
Is there any way to order and have a shirt shipped to me. I live in MS. I will pay for shipping. Thank you.
10/17/2019 — 4:50 pm
Zach Sykora Update: 10/17/19
After 10 days in the hospital and four days in rehab, ZACH IS COMING HOME!! He is getting so much stronger with each day. He is more than ready to be home with our boys and 1.
Family, friends, and our community,
On behalf of my family, | want to say THANK YOU! First and foremost, thank you God for protecting Zach during his accident. So many miracles surround Zach when he fell from his tree…he was able to get a phone call out to me with no reception, and his backpack protected his head from an even more serious injury. Since that day, God has continued to provide for our family. Each time we asked for specific prayer requests, God almost instantly answered.
| want to thank all of the first responders with the Hot Springs Village Fire Department that showed up and carried my husband out of the woods with strength, courage, and poise. Thank you Rick Dodd and Brandon Brown with Life Net for the amazing care you provided while on scene. It is not easy caring for one of your own, but you did it skillfully with confidence and compassion.
Kimberly Bismark Sykora