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Offer of Reward Leading to Conviction – HSVPOA

Management sent out an eblast regarding offer of reward leading to conviction

On September 23, 2019, the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association sent out a Village Eblast regarding the threatening letters sent out to HSVPOA Board Members and staff.

If anyone has any information regarding this very serious matter, please contact Lieutenant Gary Vaughan or Officer Brad Whiley of Hot Springs Village Police Department at (501) 922-0011.

A $1,500 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for this anonymous threatening letter.

HSVPOA Village Digest offering reward

Threat was exposed at Board meeting

Previously, this threat was exposed by Buddy Dixon at the September 18, 2019 Board meeting where Director Dixon read a portion of the threat letter sent to HSVPOA Board Members and staff.

Buddy starts out saying, “Now this is serious.  Back when I had been on the Board maybe four or five months, I made a talk here for just a minute or two about the threats that I personally had received to physical harm.  My house, my car.  My car has been keyed from one end to the other, sitting at the POA building.” 

The director continued, “but on September the 6th, each one of the Board Members received in the mail an anonymous letter, which made it a federal crime.  I have cleared this with the Chief [Middleton] and I want to read you one part of this letter.”

Buddy reads portion of letter to property owners

Buddy read a short portion of this letter to the room of attentive property owners at a standing-room-only Board meeting. Tensions were high due to the fear that the Board was going to pass the Balboa Course and Clubhouse projects and obligate the community to millions of dollars in debt.

“I am certain there are folks that know where each of you reside, eat, shop, and spend your leisure time.  I would hate to think that your incredible lack of commonsense and total disregard for your position would lead one of our Bible-thumping, gun-toting, hillbilly deplorables to take matters in their own hands to rid the Village of your kind.”

Director Dixon stated, “Folks that is a threat!  And this was made September 6.”

Director Dixon said that Board Directors are not doing this for fun and it is not enjoyable.  Furthermore, Dixon explained, “We know we make mistakes.  But for God’s sakes, give us a chance.  Will you?”

This is a federal crime

“Threatening a person through the mail is a federal crime. The postal inspection service investigates all claims involving extortion, blackmail, kidnapping, physical injury or injury to property and reputation made through the United States Postal Service. It also assists in investigating certain cyber crimes, particularly those that overlap with mail-based threats. To begin the complaint process, visit the U.S. Postal Inspection Service website. You can also file a complaint via phone by calling 1-800-ASK-USPS.” SOURCE: Legal Beagle

Note: At this same board meeting, where tensions ran high, the driver of a red truck attempted to run over some of the peaceful protesters going so far as to jump the curb. The protestors were expressing their unhappiness with the direction management has taken the Village the past few years. These property owners desire a more fiscally-responsible approach to management of the Village.

Buddy talks about threats

Buddy talk about threats

by Cheryl Dowden, September 24, 2019

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