by Anne Shears, September 19, 2019
HSVPOA momentous BOD meeting
The Hot Springs Village Board of Directors meeting on September 18, 2019, was momentous on several levels. Two main issues attracted a standing-room-only audience. The first issue was the ousting of Director Dick Garrison on September 13th. The second was the proposed multi-million-dollar Balboa Golf Course and Clubhouse project.
Peaceful demonstration in support of Garrison
Emotions have been running extremely high during the past month over the Balboa project. The ousting of Director Garrison added fuel to the fire. A well-organized, peaceful demonstration in support of Dick Garrison greeted Villagers arriving for the meeting. This demonstration continued during the first half of the meeting where demonstrators quietly walked past the windows carrying their signs. They were only permitted to do so for a limited time but they made their point. When requested to move to another area, they did so quietly and politely.

Villagers request reinstatement of Garrison
Early on, the chair remarked on the Garrison matter stating the same information that was in the Sunday e-blast: that Director Garrison was dismissed for breach of confidentiality AND that the Board would have nothing more to say about the matter. In my opinion, this statement was inadequate and did not address the issue in a meaningful way. During the public comments part of the meeting, Dan Daddieco addressed the Board (with wisdom born of experience) and requested the reinstatement of Director Garrison, as we all have made mistakes in our lives and second chances give us the opportunity to correct them. The room broke out in enthusiastic applause.

Board voted against Balboa projects
In a rare instance of good decision-making, the Board voted against going forward with the Balboa Golf Course and Clubhouse project, primarily because we don’t have the money. Therefore, there will be no chemicals dumped on the Balboa Golf Course to kill the grass this fall, and the golf course will not be torn up this year. It seems that most villagers and Board members agree that this kind of expenditure cannot be presented by staff in a half-baked format without proper studies being conducted to determine actual costs to be incurred, feasibility and financing.

John Cooper was met with applause and cheers
John Cooper III attended the meeting. His introduction brought widespread applause and cheers. He also spent some time with Villagers at the Woodlands Plaza.
Never any excuse for vandalism or violence
Director Buddy Dixon read excerpts from a September 5th letter received by all Board Members which contained threats. He also stated that his car was keyed in the POA parking lot. A second incident involved the driver of a truck who deliberately tried to run down several demonstrators in the Woodlands parking lot, going so far as to jump the curb in the attempt.
This is very disturbing. There is NEVER any excuse for vandalism or violence.
by Anne Shears, September 19, 2019
Click here to watch the THV 11 report.
Click here to watch the audience comments.
Minn. Daly
09/19/2019 — 10:47 am
Anne, agree with you totally! Minn Daly
Andy Kramek
09/19/2019 — 10:53 am
“There is NEVER any excuse for vandalism or violence.”
Absolutely agree. Irrespective of the rights or wrongs of the situation vandalism or violence is never the solution and, in fact, is always counter-productive. It makes those targeted into victims and those carrying out the acts the villains.
Whoever sent this letter, keyed Mr Dixon’s car or spray painted graffiti in the Village is harming the cause and the perpetrators need to be found and prosecuted to the full extent of the law,
09/19/2019 — 2:02 pm
We do not condone violence in any way, shape or form. Nor do we condone graffiti, vandalism, threatening letters or emails and find any sort of behavior such as that to be unacceptable and despicable. The person(s) stooping to such behavior needs to stop.
Sending threatening letters through the United States Postal Service is a Federal Offense, which no doubt has been reported to the Postmaster General. I am sure they will do a thorough investigation into this and they have ways of finding the culprit with today’s level of technology.
Cheryl and Joe Dowden
Lorri Street
09/19/2019 — 2:15 pm
Just to keep the comments Buddy Dixon made about threats to BOD’s on an even playing field I too had my car keyed at the Woodlands during one of the WTP Forums. Additionally…
I made several complaints and filed several police reports. So…threats and vandalism are not exclusive to the HSVBOD.
09/19/2019 — 2:17 pm
We certainly agree that this behavior is beyond reason and detrimental to all Villagers. Curious, did the police witness or try to detain the driver of the truck? Anyone able to give the police a license plate number or description of the truck or driver?
Sue & Kurtis
In Support
09/19/2019 — 3:52 pm
This extreme behavior is not helping anyone in HSV.
Gives the board and property owners reason to disengage.
On the subject of the Balboa project, these proposals and their rejection are a result of the lack of leadership and project management skills by our CEO, as was pointed out by the person during the member comments. They should never have been brought forward without more detail, alternatives and a very well defined funding plan.
The enterprise goal for 2019 stated:
“By June, present Balboa Golf Course & Clubhouse project proposal to the Board. (A, D)”
The date was missed and the proposal was rejected because of its lack of detail and viability. Let’s all remember that when the Nalley contract is up for renewal.
Ordinary Citizen
09/19/2019 — 7:23 pm
Agree that threats, intimidation and vandalism are wrong and accountability should happen if possible. That being said, understand the motivation. Lashing out when threatened is a response as old as life itself. What was clear in this meeting was as obvious as it was disturbing… manipulations of procedural processes toward a desired outcome favoring the BOD/CEO –
A “minister” lecturing the members under the guise of a prayer; secret meetings having clear negative impact on the membership’s representation; refusal to explain or discuss the Garrison firing; not following the established order during member comments; The BOD Chair and CEO continuously “chatting” (and chuckling) between themselves throughout the meeting making it glaringly clear who’s in charge (CEO should be seated apart from the BOD); allowing certain individuals commenting in the board’s favor more time than others; not continuing the meeting until ALL listed members could speak; apruptly ending the meeting without proper procedural vote the pretending a motion had been made and seconded. All that in just one meeting. Members rightfully notice such behaviors/manipulations and many respond in ways that they hope will get across their frustration in the only way they think will work.
It’s apparent there may be a disconnect among the BOD and a large portions of the membership. Many members do not live in big houses over the lakes and often struggle month to month. All too often, decisions seem to be made by the BOD/CEO based on their own circumstance (like $300,000 per year?). What about those living on much less? Those members are expected to pay the same rates/fees/increases as those making much more. Maybe assessments based on property values are in order…maybe an East/West Village assessment…just throwing out a couple thoughts.
Bottom line is that existing frustrations exist and are glaringly created by the BOD/CEO in an apparent effort to circumvent the membership as a whole. Bylaws changes regarding Director removals are just one example. Positive steps were made at this meeting due to the efforts of many of the HSVPeople community and you are applauded for your efforts. Can’t help worrying, though….what are the “chosen ones” about to do next?
09/19/2019 — 9:06 pm
Ordinary Citizen has nailed it. Anne Shears, Yes.
Arthur Majeske
09/20/2019 — 8:39 am
I often thought that the Village should be divided into wards and board members elected from these areas. This would insure that all persons living in the Village are represented. I think the board would then reflect the income disparity that exists here. This idea would make it more difficult to stack the board with like thinking persons from the same area as it seems we have now. I’ve been here a little over 20 yrs, it’s only a been a recent that people running for the board had bill boards advertising their campaigns, radio ads, etc, spending thousands for a non-paying job.This to me indicates collusion and an attempt to control the board by a specific group or organization. Just my thoughts, take them for what there worth.
Anne Kasten
09/20/2019 — 1:45 pm
If the two tier assessment created such enormous ruckus, imagine the trouble trying to change a Cooper creation of 1 assessment per property not value. Of course, the majority voted to allow declaration changes to take place every seven years. Any change can’t happen for six more years.
Paul Bonnell
09/20/2019 — 8:11 pm
Cooper’s creation was a sound one, imho. Demographics and property values have changed dramatically as well as continued attempts to raise assessment rates that have much more of an impact on some property owners than others. I was merely suggesting that assessments/fees may be becoming burdensome to some in the village as they continue to rise. More so than to others that clearly could shoulder increases much more comfortably. I was merely bringing the issue to light and that other solutions may need to be considered. Six years goes by pretty quickly, maybe it’s time to a plan and get ducks in a row then everyone would be ready by the time of the vote. How about a “base rate” as is current and add a $5 surcharge for every $10,000 over a base home value of $100,000? (or something like that?) We like surcharges here, right? Just brainstorming…
Kirk Denger
09/20/2019 — 8:45 pm
Assessment increases may be voted on at any time unlike declaration changes. If a two tier is legal, and townhouse 7 tier is legal than why not 1000 tiers?
Kirk Denger
09/20/2019 — 9:03 pm
One half of one percent of your property value over $160,000 base value (which everyone is paying now regardless of the value being protected). Based on tax assessor’s appraisal of each county. $500,000.00 X .005= $2500.00 Divided by 12 = $208.33 per month. I have advocated this since last year. Also freeze all yearly assessment increases voted by the runaway BOD/CEO. We have lost 11,000 innocent property owners because of unnecessary assessment increases. Just like golf or any other amenity, the higher the price is raised the less the members play.
Kirk Denger
09/20/2019 — 9:31 pm
The fat cats Friends of the Village have been running the politics here for far too long, a small group of members who campaigned for the legacy BODs who hired Twiggs/Nalley. Riding high on the backs of the poor working class and everything has been going downhill since.
Paul Bonnell
09/20/2019 — 9:56 pm
Makes perfect sense to me. Equitable and reasonable.
Paul Bonnell
09/21/2019 — 3:14 pm
SO… What my pea brain is surmising from this calculation is: a $100,000 home in the village contributes .8% of it’s value to HSV. A $150,000 home contributes .544%, a $200,000 home-.408%…..$500,000 home = .1632%, $1,000,000 home = .0816% !!??? HOW IS THIS FAIR !!??? This information need to be shared asap!! The little guy is getting screwed once again. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s the way it appears to me according to your information.
Kirk Denger
09/21/2019 — 8:48 pm
Paul Bonnell09/21/2019 — 3:14 pm, Your pea brain calculations appear to be correct, the little guy is getting screwed royally right now and always has been. My pea brain realized that this needs to change to where the poor widows do not carry the load of the selfish freeloaders.
09/21/2019 — 7:16 am
I too watched the livestream. Interesting that you didn’t mention the unacceptable behavior on the audience. It was so disrespectful of the audience to interrupt the recognition of Bruce Caverly by cheering as the picketers paraded along the windows. What has happened to civility? Points can be made without such disrespect to others.
Karen Daigle Lundberg
09/25/2019 — 11:50 pm
And yet another Anonymous who is not brave enough to state his name. Your question, “What has happened to civility?” has a very simple answer. We have tried civility, only to be met with more of what the Villagers do not want and the BOD and Nalley want. There is very little civility left, but please do not point your fingers at the members of HSVPOA. Your fingers need to be pointed at the BOD and CEO, who have pushed us to the point where civility is gone out of the window. And, by the way, I see no civility coming from the BOD/CEO that is genuine. It is all fake!
09/20/2019 — 5:24 am
Right on! These people are nuts. Watched the “live stream” of the meeting. What a bunch of fools. Seems very wrong to have such people who can’t even run a meeting correctly to be in charge of the future of HSV.
Wes Wilson
09/20/2019 — 9:24 am
We were told it would take a 6 to 1 vote to fire LN. My question is, How do you get to a 6 to 1 vote? The only time the 7th vote comes in to play is to brake a tie. In other words it takes an unanimous vote to to fire LN. Looks to me like they tried to make it look like they were trying to appear far.
Kirk Denger
09/20/2019 — 9:13 pm
That is why we the member’s will remove all BOD if need be at a special members meeting, sign the petition to remove and re-elect Board members who will unanimously fire the CEO. Monday’s at the DeSoto Club at 5:30. 5,000 signatures needed, pick up a sheet to pass around at your church and your neighbors.
09/20/2019 — 10:05 pm
Where are the so called attorneys in the village????????????
09/21/2019 — 12:27 pm
It’s foolish to think you could ever base assessments on property values. First, the cost of a house never determines the owner’s net worth. Next, the POA would have to maintain personnel to keep up with the ever-changing home values. It would be extremely unfair to use a home value at the time off sale in the 70’s-90’s and a sale in 2019. This concept was looked at during the debate on the two-tier assessment and it was found to be unworkable.
Gene Garner
09/24/2019 — 10:25 am
Annonymous Threats
In the Village Update of Sept 23, 2019 there’s an article offering a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the anonymous threatening letters that were sent to the HSV Board and Staff.
First of all this was a really dumb thing to do. It makes the job much harder for us, the Owners that are trying to change the system. The responsible parties now look like a bunch of ignorant malcontents that think violence is the only way to change our government. They are now no better than the people we complain about, in fact they’re worse because they’ve broken the law.
Second, our job has now become much more difficult, we now have to distance ourselves from these people and try to regain the moral high ground. We have to convince the undecided Owners that we’re serious, determined and law abiding.
The old adage “two wrongs don’t make a right” is still true today and if we have any hope of changing our government, we’re going to have to do it responsibly and legally. Do not give in and resort to threats or violence, it’s counter-productive and never works. And if you have something to say, sign your name. It makes you a lot more believable.—Gene
Minn Daly
09/25/2019 — 11:05 am
Gene you are so correct! Why would someone not visualize that sending something threatening through the mail is a federal offense, plus very STUPID! It makes our community look very bad. Respectfully, Minn Daly
Karen Daigle Lundberg
09/25/2019 — 11:51 pm
And yet another Anonymous who is not brave enough to state his name. Your question, “What has happened to civility?” has a very simple answer. We have tried civility, only to be met with more of what the Villagers do not want and the BOD and Nalley want. There is very little civility left, but please do not point your fingers at the members of HSVPOA. Your fingers need to be pointed at the BOD and CEO, who have pushed us to the point where civility is gone out of the window. And, by the way, I see no civility coming from the BOD/CEO that is genuine. It is all fake!