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LeMay talks about Rust address

by Bob LeMay, September 1, 2019

Outrageous and disgraceful treatment

I have viewed the video of Mr. Stephen Rust’s address to the August 21st Board meeting. In my view, the treatment he received was outrageous and disgraceful. Mr. Rust, at the appropriate time, and in a non-threatening manner was expressing his opinion on a public matter pertinent to Hot Springs Village to the Board of Directors. 

Abuse of authority

Your efforts to bring more decorum to owners comments to the Board has derailed when you act as belligerently as any of the poorly behaved owners have in the past, and you abuse your authority to enforce compliance to what you deem as acceptable opinion. I will further include that this incidence was precipitated by the POA announcement of a Lesley Nalley formal grievance in language designed to discredit two directors who are pursuing a clear mandate given them by the voting owners.

Public embarrassment

This episode is a public embarrassment to the Hot Springs Village ownership, none of it due to the actions of Mr. Rust. The Board and POA staff individuals responsible have demonstrated gross unprofessionalism and revealed their contempt for any critical assessment of POA performance or intentions. For what it is worth, I call on the Board to take action to partially rectify the damage this has done:

    1. I call on the Board to censure the Chair for shouting down a property owner expressing his views to the Board in an orderly manner.

    2. I call on the Board to censure the person responsible (the video publisher reports Ms. Nalley doing this) for summoning the police to surround Mr. Rust while delivering his statement.

    3. I call on the Board to censure the Parliamentarian for endorsing these actions with her silence.

I believe many, many other owners view this incident in the same light.

Bob LeMay, Hot Springs Village Owner, and Resident

Published September 1, 2019

Lewis Delevan, Hot Springs Village Voice article – click here

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