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HSV– Time to Vote

By Patrick McCarthy, February 29, 2020

Villagers– It is Voting Time

We have or will soon have our ballots and it is time to use our vote to make our wishes known. I hope the majority agree with me and want the Village direction to change from where it has been going while lead by the Board and POA of the last 3 years (at least).

If we want to get to 4 votes and control the vote of the Board we need to vote for Lloyd, Tucker, and Dick (LTD).

With Diana already on the Board and with the LTD 3 that will give us the 4 votes needed to control the Board and get the Village back on track.

Due to Buddy Dixon’s resignation, we have a choice of whether to vote for a 4th Board member. In my case, I intend to just vote for 3 and let the chips fall where they may.

I’m doing this for 2 reasons

  • First, of those elected, the one with the least votes will finish Buddy’s term which has only 1 year remaining. I don’t want LTD to receive the 1-year term. Not voting for a 4th may help prevent that from happening.
  • Second, neither of the other 2 candidates would be my choice for a Board member. Nikki Choyce is Chair of the CMP Advisory Committee and clearly onboard with the current Board and POA, not a good choice for me. Kirk Denger is just too all over the place and, while I think he is more on one side than the other, it is simply hard to tell at times.

So, I urge you to think carefully about your vote and consider only voting for 3, LTD.

By Patrick McCarthy, February 29, 2020

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