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West Gate Incidents HSV

Incidents Documented January 24 and January 26, 2022 at Hot Springs Village West Gate

There were two different incidents at the Hot Springs Village West Gate involving Peter Kirk Denger on January 24 and January 26, 2022. In the first pdf below (Securitas Report), Exhibit A discusses what happened on January 26 and Exhibit B talks about the incident on January 24. I have asked Denger for a statement and he said he will provide one in the comment section. The first document is the report from Securitas Security, the company that provides the staff to man the Village gates and the second report is the POA Compliance Report from Charlie Brown, Community Development Manager. We were only provided photographs of these reports. The photos can be enlarged to make them easier to read.

Securitas Report West Gate Incident



Compliance Report West Gate Incident



[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BclKDvlUtW8[/embedyt]

By Cheryl Dowden, February 1, 2022

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