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Villager Praises New Hot Springs Village Sanitation System – Impressive

By Diane Bielanski, February 2, 2022

Trash Pickup with our New System is Impressive: We had our first pickup today. I found this big (96 gallon) can easy to take up our rather steep driveway, position it with the lid facing the street (wheels in the back), ensure it was within one foot of the street,  and at least four feet away from any permanent “structures” on either side. I could also easily return it to our garage after it was emptied. I must admit I was a little concerned when I went to “test drive” the one the POA had in its lobby several months ago. That can had something akin to a dry concrete mix bag in the bottom – making it quite heavy and extremely difficult to get it on its wheels. I was certain I would have issues – but I did not! Also, I was certain the can would get dumped over when the truck set it down. But, it did not tip over! Hope you enjoy my video!

HVPOA New Trash Truck in Action

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