Zoom meeting not scheduled to be live-streamed
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association will be holding their August 19, 2020, Regular Board Meeting by Zoom. This meeting is currently not scheduled to be live-streamed.
Not only has the public lost its ability to give input in meetings, now we are not able to view this board meeting in real-time. This is very disappointing but I guess this is one more repercussion of COVID-19.
The agenda appears to be a light one, as opposed to previous meetings.
After the normal items such as the verification of a quorum, prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, etc. are addressed, there are some items which stand out on the agenda.
POA in support of half-cent sales tax
One item that stands out is a resolution from the POA in support of the proposed continuation of the half-cent sales tax. This is called, the “Resolution – Supporting Extension of the Statewide-One-Half Cent Sales Tax for Transportation Facilities “Issue 1.” To read more about this proposed sales tax click here.
This tax supports continuing a .5% sales tax on everything except for food. There is currently a .5% sales tax that is set to expire in 2023 and this proposed tax will serve as a permanent replacement for this temporary and soon-to-expire sales tax.
This sales tax will be used for maintenance and improvement of state highways and bridges, county roads and bridges and other surface transportation and city streets and bridges.
- 70% to state highways,
- 15% to county transportation, and
- 15% to city transportation.
While none of this money goes to roads within HSV, it is obvious it is needed outside the Village. Property Owners take care of the roads inside the gates via monthly assessment money.
Committee appointments
Paula Lane and Max Billingsley are being appointed to the Common Property, Forest, and Wildlife Committee. Debra Fuller and Maureen Morgan are joining the Recreation Committee and Jan Miles is the newest member of the Trails Committee.
GM Report
Next up on the agenda is the report from Charles King, our new General Manager. At the time of the publication of this article (Monday, August 17, 2020, at approximately 5:00 p.m.), we do not know what Charles’ report says as it was not included in the board packet. We know he is busy. He will probably have it uploaded shortly.
HSV Treasurer’s Report and July Financials
Property owners interested in the financial information should go to the Explore the Village Website and click on “Members.” Then click “Governance” and in the drop-down menu click “Board of Directors.” On the right-hand side of the page, you can see the August 2020 Board Meeting Packet. Scroll down and click on the “Treasurer’s Report” and also the “July Financials” report.
Public Services July 2020 Report
Some of the highlights from COO, Jason Temple’s report are:
- Among many other things, a new sidewalk was poured at the Police Department, 5 HVAC units were replaced, and 8 POA appliances were repaired.
- Also, “major components to the Wastewater Treatment Plant maintenance and improvements are still in progress.”
- As of July 2020, 57 of the total 63 lift stations online are operating at 100%. Crews are still actively working on odor control issues and have met with a consultant.
- In July, 2020, there were 167 fleet maintenace work orders. They picked up and delivered two new Police Department patrol vehicles.
- Total mowing for July, 2020 was 33.12 arterial miles. The mowing contractor for residential areas is “currently experiencing mechanical issues on his equipment.”
- Mitchell’s Asphalt is scheduled to begin sealing and striping four parking lots.
- Replacement of the Diamante Culvert has started.
- Twenty-four trees were cut by contractors and numerous other trees and brush was cut and/or trimmed, including the clearing of road sight-line views.
To see the full Public Services Report, click here.
Proposed Mowing Contract for Lake Dams & Spillways
There will be a motion made by Director Tucker to approve a contract with Millsap Stone for an amount not to exceed $25,200 for the mowing of lake dams and spillways.
Proposed Revised Committee Charters
The Lakes, Recreation and Trails Committees have proposed charter revisions.
Proposed Revised Lakes Policy
Of particular interest in the proposed revision of the HSVPOA Lakes Policy is an addition which reads, “The lakes of Hot Springs Village are private and for the enjoyment of its members, sponsored guests, renters, and eligible employees. Unauthorized usage is strictly prohibited.“
Motion for Marketing Committee to be a standing committee
There will be a motion brought forward by Director Avila for the Marketing Subcommittee (currently under the Finance and Planning Committee) to be a stand-alone committee.
Motion requesting the GM to solicit bids for an electronic/mail hybrid model of voting
“At the July 15, 2020, regular meeting, the Board approved the creation of the 2021 Election Committee to review and explore ways to make the election process more efficient and bring those findings to the Board in advance of the March 2021 Board election, most specifically the hybrid (electronic paper) system.”
The 2021 Election Committee is recommending the following companies for the hybrid voting system:
- Association Voting
- Election Buddy
- Vote HOA Now
- The Inspection of Elections (TIE)
The 2021 Election Committee board member, JoAnne Corry included a draft Request for Proposal for Provision of Election Services with the motion.
Election of Board Chair
Due to the resignation of Diana Podawiltz, a new Board Chair must be appointed. If the Board elects the current Vice-chair, Lloyd Sherman to be Chair, then a new Vice-chair must also be chosen.
Agenda for August 19, 2020, Regular Board Meeting
8-19-20-ORDER-OF-BUSINESS* * *
By Cheryl Dowden, August 17, 2020
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08/17/2020 — 6:52 pm
Thank you for the information.
08/17/2020 — 7:39 pm
Thanks for info. Joe you and Cheryl provide a great service to our community with you website.
Thank you both,
Scott McCord
08/18/2020 — 5:11 am
Lake policy is long overdue. Now it has to be enforced.
Tom Blakeman
08/18/2020 — 8:13 am
What I’d like to know is why our Board feels it necessary to waste time, money and resources issuing “Resolutions”, this one promoting – yes endorsing – the proposed state/county sales tax renewal referendum coming up for vote soon?
They could better spend their time figuring out how the counties and state could “give back” a few percent of the taxes they already collect from us to directly and internally benefit our roads and other public infrastructure such as fire and police.
But this type of wasteful feel good activity from our boards isn’t new. If you go back through the board minutes over the last 10 years you’re going to find lots and lots of the same kind of Proclamations, Resolutions and other garbage cluttering up the agendas. Politics at its worst.
Despite the rhetoric about how this will help pay for roads serving the Village, the fact is that the needed road work should have been all done decades ago or with the money with the half percent sales tax temporarily passed 10 years ago.
For those who don’t know, any sales tax is a regressive tax which impacts lower income folks, like those who may have limited pensions and social security. High income citizens don’t feel it but many Villagers will. Arkansas already has combined city, county and state sales taxes among the highest in the country.
What business does our POA board have anyway trying to tell us how to vote on any city, state or national election? Just think of the hoorah which would ensue if they chose to endorse Trump or Biden! Let’s hope that is not next.
08/19/2020 — 7:15 am
Thank you Joe and Cheryl. I look forward to hearing our first report from Charles King. After having watched the presentation at the working session on the half cent tax, I will support this tax. When we look around and see highway 7 being widened, and plans for Hwy 5 to be widened, it is certainly worth the tax. I wish all board members good health, as they self quarantine. I hope the Utube version of ZOOM will be understandable. I have not had luck with ZOOM in the past..but hopefully they can convert to Utube so we can understand what is being said.