By Lloyd Sherman, December 18, 2019
As the 2020 budget has already been approved there is little reason to report on current financials. Anything said at this point would only be a restatement of previous statements. We will likely finish the year approximately $3 million short of the budget; bad debt was underestimated by $1 million. Due to revenues being overstated, so were costs by about $3 million, so at the bottom line, we will miss the net by $500K. Hopefully, next year’s budget will result in more accurate accounting.

Now while much remains to be done to get the Village back to where it is working for the property owners (members), and although we have been somewhat disappointed in the accomplishments this year, let’s focus on a couple of things that will be addressed in the upcoming meeting. First, the issue of election integrity is going to be discussed as new business. There were way too many questions last year about the process and many asked that this process be revised. You can look at what will be proposed here:
HSVPOA Proposed Voting Procedures
10Memo-Proposed-Chapter-8-Article-8-Voting-ProceduresWe have also been requesting a Finance Committee for a couple of years now and that now appears to be in sight. You can review the topic here:
HSVPOA Proposed Finance Committee Charter
11Memo-Proposed-Finance-Committee-Charter-1Now both of these are in the new business category and there is a month lapse between presentation and voting so one cannot assume these are in their final form, but they are a good start and I would encourage those with input to provide the board your constructive input.
So, while we know much is yet to be done, let’s also take the good into the New Year and hope for a brighter and better 2020. Happy Holidays.

By Lloyd Sherman, December 18, 2019
Tom Blakeman
12/16/2019 — 9:20 pm
Thanks Lloyd. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
12/16/2019 — 9:46 pm
Happy Holidays to all Board Directors and Staff, this is the season that we can all be thankful for.
Al Lipson
12/17/2019 — 11:18 am
Anonymous…grow a pair and identify yourself as anyone else would. Your comments are worth as much as you are.
12/17/2019 — 8:30 pm
Thanks, that’s a compliment coming from you, happy days.
12/17/2019 — 9:57 am
As always, Lloyd, you are aware of what’s going on and what needs to be done! You WILL become a most important new board member … VOTE FOR LLOYD! My very best Christmas wishes to you and your lovely wife, Linda! And a Happy New Year to everyone in The Village!
12/17/2019 — 12:06 pm
Tucker – Dick – Lloyd for BOD in 2020! They’ve got my vote!
They are our only hope for recovery from the mess that Lesley Nalley, (the cancer of HSV), the legacy BOD members and turncoat Tormey has caused.
And remember —- NOT ONE DIME will We Property Owners grant to any administration until Lesley is GONE! NOT ONE DIME!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Voting for Lloyd Sherman BOD
12/17/2019 — 6:35 pm
Thank you, Future Director Lloyd Sherman, for all the hard work you do for the HSV community to keep us informed. Happy Holidays to you and your family’
12/17/2019 — 9:20 pm
I’d like to echo that. Lloyd is a dedicated HSV Citizen. We are so fortunate to have him working to get that “ceo” to hell and gone. Dick and Tucker too for the board in 2020. Happy holidays and a great New Year.
12/18/2019 — 8:36 am
Thx Lloyd for the information about the Finance Committee Charter. I do believe that we need a finance committee, but I also believe it should report directly to the Board. As I read the proposed charter it seems to me that the CEO and her staff will in fact be in control of the committee through its composition, reporting lines, etc. I’m not an expert in finance, finance committees or the requirements of our by-laws, but I think a careful analysis of the charter is called for. Who better than you and others with a better understanding of these matters. Just as the Ad-hoc finance committee’s dedicated hard work has seemingly been ignored by the Board, I fear that this very important committee will prove just as ineffectual.
12/18/2019 — 8:39 am
Thx Lloyd for the information about the Finance Committee Charter. I do believe that we need a finance committee, but I also believe it should report directly to the Board. As I read the proposed charter it seems to me that the CEO and her staff will in fact be in control of the committee through its composition, reporting lines, etc. I’m not an expert in finance, finance committees or the requirements of our by-laws, but I think a careful analysis of the charter is called for. Who better than you and others with a better understanding of these matters. Just as the Ad-hoc finance committee’s dedicated hard work has seemingly been ignored by the Board, I fear that this very important committee will prove just as ineffectual.
12/18/2019 — 9:17 am
Lloyd thanks for your note. Just a couple of thoughts. On the Charter the word accountable is used to describe reporting relationship to the Board. “Accountable” and “Reporting” to the Board may have different interpretations.
Also I reviewed the following Committee Charters: ACC, CMP, Golf Committee, Governmental Affairs, Lakes Committee, Public Service, Recreation, Trails and Appeals and the Chair of those committees are all elected by the committee members, not appointed by the Board. In fact the Chair for the Ad Hoc Finance Committee was elected by the members.
I believe that especially in our community where our financial position seems to be so misunderstood it is important to build trust and integrity with our members and by having a property owner chair that committee we can begin that process.
To be clear I believe to continue to survive and keep all the wonderful amenities in our community we must at some point consider raising POA Fees or having Special Assessments. However before we can consider that the members need to feel comfortable that we are spending their dollars prudently and in a fiscally responsible manner. A Finance Committee, with a Chair elected by the committee members, can be a true asset in getting that message across to our homeowners.