Regarding the Frank Leeming post on July 17th
I have great respect for Frank and we have talked many times over the past several years. His input surrounding particular situations and/or issues has always been of value. With that said, I do not intend to go back and forth online with Frank or anyone else regarding comments from the July 17th Board meeting and my vote on several of the motions. I feel I explained it adequately at the Board meeting. Frank is passionate about the things he believes, as he should be, but that doesn’t mean we will always agree.
My beliefs still align with my campaign platform
During the campaign, I ran on a particular platform which I still believe is the best near/long term interest of the Village. I never stated that I believed everything in the Village was going downhill, then or now. There are many areas that need attention and I will do my utmost to address them over my term in office. Likewise, I never stated that I would vote in lockstep with those who were elected at the same time. I will look at every situation and/or issue on its own merit and make what I believe is the best decision for the near/long term interests of our Village. The last thing we need is to have an elected Board that operates like the US Congress where one party cannot support any position of the other and vice versa.
Positivity is needed

While campaigning I made a concerted effort to run a positive campaign by not trying to throw individuals under the bus. Now is not the time to start. Much needs to be accomplished and it will take time. Disagreements need to be handled in positive ways. Again as I have stated above, I have valued Frank‘s input in the past and will continue to in the future.
by Tormey Campagna, July 19, 2019
Edited and Formatted by Cheryl Dowden
Photography by Joe Dowden
Nancy Burleson
07/19/2019 — 7:29 am
Tormey, I certainly can agree with most of what you just wrote… however, when I wanted to hear your reasons for voting as you did on those issues, I didn’t want to hear you defend yourself. I simply wanted to know the reasons you voted as you did. I was not at the meeting so I didn’t hear your reasoning then. Simple as that, still waiting to hear… Thanks, Nancy Burleson
Mike Fleming
07/19/2019 — 7:36 am
Mr. Campagna, you have just made a statement that in my mind is a contradiction in terms. You said “the last thing we need is an elected board that operates like the U. S. Congress where one party cannot support the opposing party position”
I submit to you that our GM is Pelosi. Who are you?
07/19/2019 — 8:10 am
My old Kentucky home where the grass is blue and the palms are greased.
07/19/2019 — 12:45 pm
I guess the back room dealing is alive even in our rural community
Vicky Didion
07/19/2019 — 7:48 am
Now you sound just like the board Chairman who we know sounds just like our CEO/GM!
The best interest of the Village is NOT turning it into an urban environment. You saw the vote. I believe you voted the same way.
The NO movement is NOT 20 people strong, it’s the majority. Our CEO is pushing her agenda thru come hell or high water with no regards to what the majority want. I just want to know her end game and now yours and what have they promised you to bring you over to their side.
You have disappointed many people.
07/19/2019 — 12:37 pm
John Dethardt
07/19/2019 — 7:51 am
Just tell us your reason why your voted the way you did. That all the people want. A lot of people are surprised with your decision .Take Care
07/19/2019 — 12:38 pm
Steve Rust
07/19/2019 — 8:29 am
Tormey, I stated to you at the June meeting that to have a governance committee made up of board members to evaluate and advise board members is the most ridiculous thing that we could have. I already stated that I would oppose anyone that changes a higher ranking document (by-laws) so that lower ranking charters is not out of compliance. No amount of explanation will make what you did right. BTW what you did is not best for the village. My wife and I regret casting our vote for you.
Susan Posner
07/19/2019 — 8:58 am
Mike Fleming
07/19/2019 — 8:43 am
So….Now I’m just intrigued. How the heck, Tormey, you went from almost hysterically opposed to the GM to another bobble head. (And you say you’re crossing the aisle, so to speak) ha ha. Your rants were well noted before the election. I, for one thought you were one angry son of a gun. Too angry to make decisions that would be level headed. But I voted for you because I knew you would never give in. NEVER. Your white paper was scathingly rich with anger. Now you are a voice of reason, even when it’s documented that this woman is illegally carrying on her business. I am intrigued by the power, the mesmerizing abilities she has. Is it her beauty? Is it the eyes? Gosh, What a wonderful leader DT found. She is amazing and I am indeed very intrigued. I guess we are not paying her enough with the talent she doth possess. Even the judge can’t make her do anything. Let’s all go over to the “dark side” and just enjoy all the amenities. No more fighting. It may cost us but according to Arkansans I have talked to they think we are rich in the village. People south of the border thinks Americans are rich. I love everything about sharing our community with all who call at the gates. I want everyone to see how good we have it here. We are “livin the good life” Let’s just have open borders, so to speak. We’re rich! So I hereby invite everyone who wants to use HSV as their playground to come on in as my guest. Just tell them Mike and Tormey sent ya.
07/19/2019 — 9:28 am
while I might not agree on how you voted I respect your vote I believe you voted
in the best interest of the village
Linda. Van Scotter
07/19/2019 — 9:39 am
I feel violated. I feel scammed. I feel robbed. You did not answer it question about why you voted for the bylaws.
07/19/2019 — 10:12 am
So now we have yet ANOTHER person who doesn’t answer questions! How disappointing.
07/19/2019 — 11:51 am
Steve Rust
07/19/2019 — 11:07 am
Why Did Tormey Vote As He Did?
1. You state you voted for what is in the best interest of the village. That statement infers that Dick and Diana did not vote for what is in the best interest of the village.
2. I watched you storm out, cursing as you left the May, “Let’s Talk” forum when Cindi Erickson wouldn’t let you speak. Then I watched you in the July BOD meeting turn and smile at Cindi Erickson at the fact there was a unanimous vote (not amusing to me). What happened between May and July, you were allowed by the New ruler (Cindi Erickson) to sit on the June “Let’s Talk” forum.
3. I’ve watched the comments about you after the July BOD meeting, and guess who is speaking in favor of Tormey, those that did not vote for you because even they felt you were going to represent the majority that votes for you.
07/19/2019 — 12:40 pm
07/19/2019 — 11:46 am
Tormey may have now shown his true colors. He could be just another self-serving POA politician. He may have garnered our votes using his honed sales skills and once we voted him into office he may be turning on us like every other morally degenerate power seeker.
He may have simply lied to us all about his intentions to champion the voices of property owners.
However, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.
Let’s be clear Mr. Campagna – We The People want you in lock-step with Diana and Dick. That’s why we put you in office. Realign yourself with the voice of property owners or you’ll be dealing with a legacy that will not be complimentary for years to come.
We The People are giving you a second chance to get back on track and represent property owners. Do what’s right. Do it now!
07/19/2019 — 11:52 am
Frank Shears aka Bubba
07/19/2019 — 12:02 pm
We (the wife and I) attended the board meeting but had to sit in almost the back row where the acoustics were horrible.
When I heard the by-laws motion pass by 4 to 2, I was shocked and wondered who voted for and who against. It was not possible to see the board members from where we sat.
After the meeting I stopped by and thanked you, thinking that yours was one of the 2 “against” votes. Had I known you were one of the 4 yes votes I would have asked you why right then.
There are a LOT of people who voted for you expecting you to stick with what we thought were your campaign promises. Please, let us know why you voted the way you did.
07/19/2019 — 12:43 pm
Thank you.
Linda Anderson
07/19/2019 — 12:29 pm
Tormey, I thought you were passionate about the future of HSV. To always make the best positive changes for the Board and Property Owners.
Now, I feel deceived by your vote to change the the Corporations By-Laws. You did not have to do this.
Cindy Erickson had stated that any motions to change any governing document must go thru the Governance Committee. The Governance Committee was not in compliance ( Illegal ) dead in the water with no authority when the By-Laws were red lined and restated. This was breaking the law.
All Board members who voted for these changes harmed future Board members chances to change By-Laws that need to be changed. To force them to go to thru this Illegal Governance Committee.
The Board is “The Governing Body “. Why would the Board want a governing committee to oversee a Board members determinations? Why would you allow any CEO ( An Employee hired by the Board ) that is governed by the Board to oversee and vote on your determinations? How many corporations allow this?
Your high regard for ” Committees ” now keeps the Illegal Committees going on. After all this was about retying the legal rope. Committees will replace the Board as only a figure head. To become a “Ghost” when your decisions have been made for you.
The deed is done. Great disappointment and faith shattered by those of us who voted for you.
07/19/2019 — 12:41 pm
Marc Bayer
07/19/2019 — 12:48 pm
A replay in this section demanding that a Director marches in lock step with We the People, I find to be very disturbing and is more of a danger to Hot Springs Village than anything our elected leaders or POA management could ever propose
07/19/2019 — 1:21 pm
“We The People”, Mr Bayer – are the Property Owners. We demand that the Directors “listen” to our voices. Tormey said he would absolutely do so. He did not. He chose another path. He is demonstrating the same old school behavior as the other legacy Directors – having blind eyes and deaf ears for those who put him in office. He’s choosing the path of the old regime – the path that has lead us to this divisive chapter in our Village history. Property Owners have once again been duped. I really don’t know how this man can look at himself in a mirror. I suspect that his behavior is not new. I suspect he’s had a lifetime to perfect his deceit. Good for him. Bad for We The People. Shame on Tormey Campagna – but I’m sure he could care less what We The People think of him as now, he’s got what HE wants and is leaving the rest of us in the lurch! Despicable!
Sam Taylor
07/19/2019 — 1:36 pm
What is more concerning to me is that with one exception, the other 4 members have voted as a block on every vote. What are the odds on that?
George Sorrell
07/19/2019 — 2:07 pm
Clearly Lorri Street was the correct candidate for this position. She would never have voted in favor of an illegal motion.
07/19/2019 — 2:33 pm
Lorri Street or Lloyd Sherman would never have let this happen.
Lorri Street
07/19/2019 — 3:14 pm
To All,
Indeed I would not been a turncoat however; that’s water under the bridge. I recall distinctly a conversation I had in CCI’s office with John Cooper III, Tormey and I sitting at a table together. I had brought in an email someone had forwarded to me in which–in my humble opinion–clearly indicated Tormey was a shill from the word go! When I showed Tormey the email he became quite indignant and said to me (paraphrasing) ‘do you think I’m on the side of Lesley’? I responded by saying the email I had in hand gave me GREAT pause about his intentions. Tormey didn’t take kindly to my questioning him and thus…gulped down the last bit of his coffee and made toward the exit. Tormey is the master of disguise…he fooled many Property Owners with his beguiling charm.